13 in Urdu Counting

Thirteen in Urdu Counting is called تیرہ (tērah).

تیرہ (tērah)

Number 13
Binary Palindrome No (1101 is not the same forwards and backwards)
Binary Representation 1101
Cube 13 * 13 * 13 = 2197
Cultural Significance Some cultures associate 13 with bad luck or superstitions
Decimal Equivalent of D in Hex 13
Divisibility Rules 13 is divisible by 1 and 13
Divisors 1, 13
Factors 1, 13
Hexadecimal Representation D
Ordinal Thirteenth
Palindromic No (not read the same forwards and backwards)
Prime Factorization 13 (itself is a prime number)
Product of Digits 1 * 3 = 3
Roman Numeral XIII
Square 13 * 13 = 169
Sum of Digits 1 + 3 = 4
Superstitions Often considered unlucky in Western cultures
Symmetrical No (rotational symmetry of 180 degrees)


  1. Eleven in Urdu Counting
  2. Twelve in Urdu Counting
  3. Twelve in Urdu Counting
  4. Thirteen in Urdu Counting
  5. Fourteen in Urdu Counting
  6. Fifteen in Urdu Counting
  7. Sixteen in Urdu Counting
  8. Seventeen in Urdu Counting
  9. Eighteen in Urdu Counting
  10. Nineteen in Urdu Counting
  11. Twenty in Urdu Counting
  12. Twenty one in Urdu Counting
  13. Twenty Two in Urdu Counting
  14. Twenty Three in Urdu Counting