Subject: Theories of Communication-I
Time Allowed: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 10
NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10)
1. ________ are the nets we cast to understand social world.
a. Models
b. Mass Media
c. Paradigm
d. Theories
2. The _________ theory suggests the government control over press
a. Authoritarian Theory
b. Libertarian Theory
c. Social Responsibility Theory
d. Media Development Theory
3. Communication with others is known as
a. Inter personal Communication
b. Intra personal Communication
c. Extra personal Communication
d. None of above
4. theory allows free press without any censorship but at the same time the content of the press should be discussed in public panel and media should accept any obligation from public interference or professional self-regulations or both.
a. Soviet Communist
b. Totalitarian
c. Social Responsibility
d. Libertarian
5. ________ is the major models on which scholars of a particular discipline have consensus on a certain time
a. Paradigm
b. Theory
c. Hypothesis
d. None of above
6. The __________ theory suggests the opinion formation process.
a. Agenda Setting Theory
b. Cultivation Theory
c. Spiral of Silence Theory
d. Media Development Theory
7. _________ depends on social worms and shapes the mass media institutions-based on social philosophy
a. Normative Theory
b. Operational Theory
c. Everyday Theory
d. Cultural Theory
8. Selective Retention assumes that
a. People remember best messages related to their attitudes and belief’s
b. People remember already existing messages near to their attitudes and beliefs
c. People retention of messages level is very poor
d. None of above
9. The two-step flow of communication hypothesis was first introduced by _______.
a. Leon Festinger
b. Albert Bandura
c. Paul Lazarsfeld
d. None of above
10. The Magic Bullet Theory of mass communication is known as:
a. Cultivation
b. Limited effect theory
c. Ilypodermic needle
d. None of above –
Subject: Theories of Communication-I
Time Allowed: 2 Hour and 45 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 50
Part-II Give Short answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)
Q#1: What is meant by theory and how it is interrelated to research?
Q#2: Define the term “Selective Exposure”.
Q#3: What are media centered theories?
Q#4: Describe briefly the magic bullet theory.
Q#5: Differentiate between perception and retention.
Part-III Give detailed answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)
Q#1: What is your understanding about Gate keeping theory?
Q#2: What is the importance of message in communication? Describe it attributes.
Q#3: Describe the salient features of social learning theory?
Subject: Theories of Communication-II
Time Allowed: 15 Minutes
Maximum Marks: 10
NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting are not allowed. (10)
1. Three researchers; Phillip J. Tichenor, George A. Donohue, and Clarice N. Olien of Minnesota University – first proposed the ______________ in 1970.
a) Priming
b) knowledge Gap Hypotheses
c) Agenda setting
d) None of these
2. Everett Rogers, a professor of communication studies, popularized the theory
a) Framing
b) Diffusion of innovations
c) Cultivation theory
d) Magic Bullet theory
3. Mc. Comb & Shaw presented theory.
a) Framing
b) Agenda Setting
c) Magic Bullet
d) Priming
4. Most of the media images are purposely used to capture our attention and develop .
a) Mediated realities
b) Social realities
c) Natural realities
d) One of them
5. Cultivation effects hypothesis was presented by .
a) George Gerbner
b) Mc Comb & Shaw
c) Laswell
6. Agenda Setting was presented in ___________.
a) 1972
b) 1970
c) 1971
d) 1975
7. When the group or public realizes that the individual has a divergent opinion from the status quo: this is the basic concept of ____________.
a) Agenda setting
b) Diffusion of innovation
c) Cultivation effects hypothesis
d) Spiral of silence
8. Selective Retention approves that
a) People recall best messages associated to their attitudes and views
b) People evoke already prevailing messages near to their attitudes and views
c) People retention of messages level is very poor
d) None of above.
9. Which of the following is not one of the primary functions of mass communication?
a) Surveillance
b) Cultural Transmission
c) Entertainment
d) Immunization
10. The media exercises a selective influence over how people view reality
a) Diffusion of innovation
b) Framing
c) Cultivation effects hypothesis
d) Opinion formation
1. Three researchers; Phillip J. Tichenor, George A. Donohue, and Clarice N. Olien of Minnesota University – first proposed the ______________ in 1970.
a) Priming
b) knowledge Gap Hypotheses
c) Agenda setting
d) None of these
2. Everett Rogers, a professor of communication studies, popularized the theory
a) Framing
b) Diffusion of innovations
c) Cultivation theory
d) Magic Bullet theory
3. Mc. Comb & Shaw presented theory.
a) Framing
b) Agenda Setting
c) Magic Bullet
d) Priming
4. Most of the media images are purposely used to capture our attention and develop .
a) Mediated realities
b) Social realities
c) Natural realities
d) One of them
5. Cultivation effects hypothesis was presented by .
a) George Gerbner
b) Mc Comb & Shaw
c) Laswell
6. Agenda Setting was presented in ___________.
a) 1972
b) 1970
c) 1971
d) 1975
7. When the group or public realizes that the individual has a divergent opinion from the status quo: this is the basic concept of ____________.
a) Agenda setting
b) Diffusion of innovation
c) Cultivation effects hypothesis
d) Spiral of silence
8. Selective Retention approves that
a) People recall best messages associated to their attitudes and views
b) People evoke already prevailing messages near to their attitudes and views
c) People retention of messages level is very poor
d) None of above.
9. Which of the following is not one of the primary functions of mass communication?
a) Surveillance
b) Cultural Transmission
c) Entertainment
d) Immunization
10. The media exercises a selective influence over how people view reality
a) Diffusion of innovation
b) Framing
c) Cultivation effects hypothesis
d) Opinion formation