Surveying MCQs [Basic, Compass, Chain, Plane Table]

Surveying MCQs covers the MCQs on the following topics for Surveyor.

  1. Basic Surveying
  2. Compass Surveying
  3. Chain Surveying
  4. Plane Table Surveying

Based on _____ plane and geodetic surveying are classifications of surveying.
(A). Methodology
(B). Earth’s curvature
(C). Object of survey
(D). Instrument
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

The errors which are small unavoidable fluctuation are _______
(A). Mistake
(B). Gross
(C). Systematic
(D). Random
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

A representation of a large area is a plan which is small-scale.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

There are _____ types of cross-staff.
(A). 3
(B). 5
(C). 2
(D). 4
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a

On the ground using a _____ survey stations may be marked.
(A). Pole
(B). Peg
(C). Pointer
(D). Rod
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

To sight to an object ______ instrument is used.
(A). Compass
(B). Alidade
(C). Plumbing fork
(D). U-frame
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

There are _____ methods of plane table surveying.
(A). 2
(B). 4
(C). 1
(D). 3
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

PT (Plane table) surveying is a ______ method.
(A). Circular
(B). Linear
(C). Graphical
(D). Angular
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: c

From ____ the plane table is made.
(A). Metal
(B). Rubber
(C). Plastic
(D). Wood
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

______ is used for levelling a plane table.
(A). Plumb bob
(B). Spirit level
(C). Compass
(D). U-frame
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

_____ is not an advantage of the PT survey.
(A). Rapid method
(B). Less costly
(C). Field book is not required
(D). Used for accurate works
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

There are ____ ways to orient a plane table.
(A). 1
(B). 3
(C). 2
(D). 4
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: c

The methodology of _______ is used by plan table surveying.
(A). Traversing
(B). Contouring
(C). Ranging
(D). Triangulation
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a

To____ the plane table, a plumbing fork is used.
(A). Centre
(B). Focus
(C). Orient
(D). Level
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a

There are ___ types of the benchmark.
(A). 3
(B). 4
(C). 5
(D). 2
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

_____ is the difference between geographic north and magnetic north.
(A). Dip
(B). Strike
(C). Declination
(D). Bearing
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: c

The whole area is divided into ______ in the triangulation method.
(A). Well-conditioned triangles
(B). Triangles
(C). Obtuse triangles
(D). Scale triangles
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a

____ is known as a stone that marks the boundary.
(A). Metestone
(B). Milestone
(C). Merestone
(D). Linestone
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

_____ is not a classification of surveying.
(A). Marine
(B). Basement
(C). Astronomical
(D). Land
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

______ is known as the book in which chain measurements are entered.
(A). Study book
(B). Record book
(C). Field book
(D). Chain book
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: c

The full form of EDM is:
(A). Electronic Distance Measurement
(B). Electronic Direct Measurement
(C). Errorless Distance Measurement
(D). Errorless Direct Measurement
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a
_______ is not a mean of linear surveying methods.
(A). Tape
(B). EDM
(C). Theodolite
(D). Chain
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: c

To indicate _______ the term Gore is used.
(A). Thin triangular land
(B). Perimeter of a land
(C). Rectangular land
(D). A measure of distance
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a

_____ is known as the direction of a line relative to a given meridian.
(A). Angle
(B). Declination
(C). Bearing
(D). Dip
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: c

_____ types of a compass are used in surveying.
(A). 4
(B). 2
(C). 3
(D). 5
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

In the direction of survey ________ bearing is measured.
(A). Primary
(B). Fore
(C). First
(D). Front
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

Bearing is measured from _______ in a reduced bearing system.
(A). North
(B). South
(C). West
(D). Nearest one (North or South)
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

The base of Prismatic Compass is the reduced bearing system.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

There are ______ meridians used in surveying.
(A). 6
(B). 8
(C). 3
(D). 5
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: c

There are ______ types of variations in declination.
(A). 4
(B). 5
(C). 2
(D). 3
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a

Measured from the survey line an offset is a _________ distance of an object.
(A). Inclined
(B). Horizontal
(C). Normal
(D). Lateral
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

To set right angles______ is not an instrument used.
(A). Optical staff
(B). Site square
(C). Cross staff
(D). Prism square
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a

In chain surveying_____ types of chains are used.
(A). 4
(B). 8
(C). 6
(D). 5
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

_____ links are there in Gunter’s chain.
(A). 500
(B). 50
(C). 1000
(D). 100
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

______ is a process for the location of intermediate points on a survey line.
(A). Ranging
(B). Extending
(C). Aligning
(D). Offsetting
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a

The line drawn through points of the same declination is ______

(A). Polygonic
(B). Agonic
(C). Syngonic
(D). Isogonic
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: d

_____ is not a temporary adjustment of the prismatic compass.
(A). Centring
(B). Adjusting sight vane
(C). Focussing prism
(D). Levelling
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b

_____ is known as the biggest of the survey line.
(A). First line
(B). Tie line
(C). Baseline
(D). Main survey line
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: c

The principle of _____ is used by chain surveying.
(A). Traversing
(B). Triangulation
(C). Ranging
(D). Chaining
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: b
In _____ ways ranging can be carried out.
(A). 2
(B). 3
(C). 4
(D). 5
(E). None of these

The Answer  of Question: a