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Past Papers Law of Torts and Easement

Paper #1

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. Write in detail defences available in a suit for defamation.

Q#2. Explain vicarious liability and why does it exist?

Q#3. What are the general defences in an action for tort?

Q#4. Explain

(a) Legal remedy

(b) Legal damage

(c) Legal injury

Q#5. What does the claimant have to prove in order to succeed in an action for negligence?

Q#6. Besides malice what else needs to be proved in a suit for malicious prosecution. Give relevant case law.

Q#7. What is trespass to person? Write a comprehensive note on False imprisonment.

Q#8. What remedies are generally available in the law of tort?


Q#9. What are the different modes of acquisition of an easement?

Q#10. How is an easement extinguished and revived?

Paper #2

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. Can the following sue and be sued in tort:

(a) Corporations.

(b) Minors

(c) Husband and Wife

Q#2. What are the defences available in an action for defamation.

Q#3. Discuss the tort of private nuisance along with remedies available to the aggrieved party.

Q#4. What are the ingredients of tortuous liability?

Q#5. An employer is only held vicariously liable for the torts of his employee. Explain

Q#6. The main remedies in tort are either judicial or extra judicial. Write them in detail.

Q#7. Give a detailed note of malicious prosecution and its essentials.

Q#8. Write short notes on:

(a) Contributory negligence

(b) Actio personalis moritur cum persona

(c) Injuria Sine Damnum


Q#1. Define Easement and give its characteristics.

Q#2. How can an easement be acquired through prescription or long usage.

Paper #3

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. Can the following sue and be sued in tort:

(a) Minor

(b) Corporation

(c) Husband and Wife

(d) Alien Enemy

Q#2. When is an employer liable for the torts of his employee. Answer with reference to different tests applied by courts in order to determine liability.

Q#3. According to Salmond’s definition Tort law is *…Not exclusively the breach of a contract…” Compare the two.

Q#4. Explain how liability is established in respect of malicious prosecution?

Q#5. Explain various methods of discharge of a vested right to action for tort.

Q#6. What kinds of remedies, Judicial and extra judicial, are available in tort

Q#7. Define and explain the defences in an action of torts.

Q#8. what are the elements that need to be established in a suit for negligence.


Q#1. What is an easement and how are they classified?

Q#2. How can an easement be acquired through necessity and prescription

Paper #4

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. Explain the following:

(a) civil wrong

(b) Difference between Damnum sine Injuria and Injuria sine Damnum

(c) Relevance of motive in tort

Q#2. What do you understand by false imprisonment and what are its defences?

Q#3. Actio moritur cum persona. Explain this principle and its exception.

Q#4. when defendant cannot be liable for defamatory statement published against plaintiff. Explain those circumstances.

Q#5. Elaborate private nuisance and public nuisance along its remedies. What is the difference between nuisance and negligence?

Q#6. Write a detailed note on contributory negligence and how far children are liable for contributory negligence.

Q#7. Who has capacity to sue and be sued in tort law.

Q#8. what is the principle behind damages in tort law. Write a detailed note on damages and injunctions.


Q#1. Define Easement. What are its essentials?

Q#2. List the different ways of extinction of an easement and explain any four in detail.

Paper #5

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. Tart is a civil wrong but not all civil wrongs are torts. What are the ingredients needed to establish liability in tort

Q#2. Explain the rule in Ryland v. Fletcher and its exception.

Q#3. What are the modes of discharge «f torts?

Q#4. White short notes on

(a) Contributory negligence

(b) Judicial remedy

(c) Extra-judicial remedy

Q#5. Define Negligence and give its elements in detail.

Q#6. How the defendant can defend himself in an action for defamation .Discuss in detail?

Q#7. How does the court determine unreasonable interference in nuisance? Give examples.

Q#8. Who cannot sue in tort?


Q#1. Narrate the essential characteristics of an Easementary right.

Q#2. Who can acquire an easement and impose easement?


Paper #6

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. When and how does vicarious liability of an employer arise for the acts of his employee? Should one person be responsible for the acts of another?

Q#2. What is the function of defamation in tort law and what are the difference between libel and slander.

Q#3. Explain negligence and elaborate duty of care since it is not mere carelessness but only carelessness where there is a duty to care.

Q#4. Law discourages the abuse of the legal process. What are the requirements of a suit for malicious prosecution and who takes the burden of proof in such cases?

Q#5. Write notes on the following:

(a) volenti fit injuria

(b) Act of God

(c) Private defence of person and property

Q#6. Define the nuisance and elaborate the difference between the negligence and nuisance.

Q#7. Discuss the concept of death as extinguishing and creating liability.

Q#8. Discuss the law regarding Damnum sine injuria and injuria sine damnum?


Q#1. Discuss the concept of prescriptive easement? On what grounds it is denied.

Q#2. What are the different kinds of easement giving statutory reference where applicable?


Paper #7

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. Write a note on damun sine injuria and injuria sine damnum.

Q#2. Explain the doctrine of contributory negligence. What is rule of contributory negligence of children? Support the answer with relevant case law

Q#3. Who cannot sue under law of torts?

Q#4. Define malicious prosecution with reference to case law .Explain the difference between malicious prosecution and abuse of legal process.

Q#5. What are various kinds of damages? .

Q#6. What is public and private nuisance? Also explain the differences between nuisance and negligence.

Q#7. Explain justification/defenses as enunciated in law of torts

Q#8. Write a note on the following

  1. a) Waiver by election
  2. b) Extra-judicial remedies
  3. c) Malice, motive and intention

Part II

Q#9. How easement is disturbed. What are the remedies that can be availed by the claimant?

Q#10. What is relevant law regarding acquisition by prescription. Which rights cannot be acquired by prescription?

Paper #8

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. What is tort as defined by Winfield and salmond?

  1. A) Differentiate between the tort & crime
  2. B) Tort and contract.

Q#2. What are various ways for discharge of torts? Explain Actio moritur cum persona.

Q#3. Elaborate various torts against person. Support your answer with the relevant case law.

Q#4. A. Filed suits for defamation against B. What defenses are available to B in an action for defamation? Elaborate.

Q#5. Explain the relation of master and servant in the perspective of vicarious liability.

Q#6. Write a short note on the following

  1. A) Leave and license
  2. B) Necessity
  3. C) Act of God

Q#7. What are judicial remedies? what is relevancy of causation and foreseeability in perspective of damages?

Part II

Q#8. Write a detailed note on easement .Differentiate between easement and license.

Q#9. How easement is extinct and revived?

Paper #9

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.


Part I

Q#1. What is vicarious liability How master can be liable for servant’s wrongful act. Illustrate with case law.

Q#2 Enumerate various ways of remedies under law of torts.

Q#3 what are various torts to person. Explain with case law.

Q#4 Are there any defenses to defamation under law of torts. Explain.

Q#5 Differentiate between crime and tort.

Q#6 Tortious liability can be discharged through various ways under law of torts. Explain it.

Q#7. Who cannot sue under law of torts.

Q#8. What is meant by term negligence and also explain the concept of duty and standard of care.

Part ll

Q#9. What is easement and its essential elements?

Q#10. Who may impose and acquire easement?

Paper #10

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.



Q#1. What is false imprisonment? Explain the defences and remedies of false imprisonment.

Q#2. Nuisance is something that worked hurt, inconvenience or damage. Analyze.

Q#3. What is contributory negligence? Elaborate it with help of case law.

Q#4. Enumerate the law regarding malicious prosecution. Differentiate between malicious legal process and abuse of legal process.

Q#5. What are wrong affecting reputation? What are the differences between libel and slander?

Q#6. What is torts and its essential constituent?

Q#7. Explain any four defences/justifications in an action of torts.

Q#8. Write a note on

a. Damnum sine injuria

b. Act of God

c. Intention, motive, malice


Q#9. What are various kinds of easements?

Q#10. What is prescriptive easement? When prescriptive easement cannot be imposed?

Paper #11

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.



Q#1. When and how does vicarious liability of an employer arise for the acts of his employee? Should one person be responsible for the acts of another?

Q#2. What is the difference between (a) tort and crime (b) tort and contract?

Q#3. Explain the law regarding the false imprisonment?

Q#4. What are the general remedies under law of torts? –

Q#5. Write notes on the following:

(a) volenti non fit injuria

(b) Act of God

{c) Private defence of person and property

Q#6. What are various defenses in an action of negligence? Explain the concept of primary and secondary victim.

Q#7. Discuss the concept of death as extinguishing and creating liability.

Q#8. Discuss the law regarding damnum sine injuria and injuria sine damnum?


Q#9. Discuss the concept of easement and its essential characteristics ?

Q#10. What are various incidents of easements?

Paper #12

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.



Q#1. Differentiate a tort from contract and criminal law.

Q#2. Define and explain negligence and its essentials. How is it different from contributory negligence?

Q#3. What is the difference between liquidated and un-liquidated damages? Explain the different kinds of un-liquidated damages with examples.

Q#4. Discuss the defences available in a suit for defamation.

Q#5. Elaborate legal injury, legal damage and legal remedy as essentials ingredients to establish liability in tort.

Q#6. Apply the requirements of malicious prosecution laid down in the case of Abrath v.North Easter railway company to its facts.

Q#7. Discuss the different kinds of liabilities in tort in detail.

Q#8. Can the following sue and be sued in tort:

(a) Corporations

(b) Minors

(c) Husband and Wife


Q#9. How can an easement be extinguished and in what circumstances can it be revived?

Q#10. What are the different kinds of easements? Support your answer with examples and relevant sections.

Paper# 13

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions in all by selecting FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE Question from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.



Q#1. What are the various kinds of General defences in tort? Give examples.

Q#2. How does Tort differ from Contract? Is the distinction between the two becoming blurred?

Q#3. What are the requirements for establishing liability in negligence? Do the Same apply in case of contributory negligence?

Q#4. Explain Trespass to Person and give a detailed account of False imprisonment.

Q#5. What is the taw on private nuisance? Who can sue and who can be sued in action for nuisance?

Q#6. Elaborate the concept of vicarious liability arising by relation with particular focus on various tests devised in this area.

Q#7. In the domain of tort law discuss defamation and its defences.

Q#8. Give an account of the judicial and extra judicial remedies available in torts.


Q#9. Define Easement and narrate its essential characteristics in detail. How is it related to Tort law?

Q#10. How is an easement extinguished?


Paper# 14

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions in all by selecting FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE Question from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.



Q#1. Define negligence and elaborate the current principle to establish the Duty of care.

Q#2. Discuss in detail the tort of trespass to person.

Q#3. Explain various methods of discharge of a vested right to action for tort.

Q#4. When and how does vicarious liability of an employer arise for the acts of his employee? Should one person be responsible for the acts of another?

Q#5. What is the function of defamation in tort law and what are the defences available in such a suit?

Q#6. Besides malice what else is required to be proved in a suit for malicious prosecution? Support your answer with case law.

Q#7. What are the different types of damages and injunctions that the court gives in tort? Give examples.

Q#8. How do Winfield and Salmond define Tort law and what are the ingredients necessary to establish liability in Tort?


Q#9. With reference to relevant statutory provisions explain the different kinds of easements.

Q#10. Explain how an easement can be acquired through Grant, Prescription and Custom.


Paper# 15

Subject: Law of Torts and Easement

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions in all by selecting FOUR questions from Part-I and ONE Question from Part-II. All questions carry equal marks.



Q#1. When and how does vicarious liability of an employer arise for the acts of his employee? Should one person be responsible for the acts of another?

Q#2. What is the difference between (a) tort and crime (b) tort and contract?

Q#3. Explain the law regarding the false imprisonment?

Q#4. What are the general remedies under law of torts? –

Q#5. Write notes on the following:

(a) volenti non-fit injuria

(b} Act of God

(c) private defence of person and property

Q#6. What are various defenses in an action of negligence? Explain the concept of primary and secondary victim.

Q#7. Discuss the concept of death as extinguishing and creating liability.

Q#8. Discuss the law regarding damnum sine injuria and injuria sine damnum?


Q#9. Discuss the concept of easement and its essential characteristics ?

Q#10. What are various incidents of easements?


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