Past Papers Labor and Taxation Laws
Paper# 1
Subject: Labor and Taxation Laws
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Max Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I. TWO questions from Part-II and ONE question from Part-III. Questions from Part-I and Part-II carry 16 marks whereas Part-III carry 20 marks each.
PART- (Labor Laws)
Q#1. Discuss the law relating to establishment, composition, powers and functions of labor Appellate Tribunal under the Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010,
Q#2. What do you understand by the term Collective Bargaining Agent’? Analyze the legal provisions relating to its determination in an establishment, group of establishments or the industry
Q#3. Analyze various Provisions of the Punjab industrial Relations Act, 2010 which Pertain to the settlement of an industrial dispute through non-judicial.
Q#4. Define the term Strike and lock out. Discuss the circumstances under which strike or lockout becomes illegal and what Procedure is to be adopted in case of an illegal strike or lockout in an establishment.
Q#5. Analyze various provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 which relate to the commissioner of Compensation.
Q#6. What is the law relating to eviction from residential accommodation under Industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1963?
Part-II (Income Tax Ordinance. 2001)
Q#7. Define the term income and discuss the principles of taxation in case of income from Salary,
Q#8. Discuss in detail the law relating to appeal to the Commissioner (Appeals)
Q#9. What do you understand by the term deduction of tax at source? Analyze the Provisions relating to deduction of tax at source on ‘exports’,
Q#10. Define and explain the following terms: (a) Non-profit Organization. (b) Tax payer.
(c) Tax Year. (d) Royalty
Part-III (Sales Tax Act)
Q#11. Discuss in detail the procedure of making reference to the High Court under the Provisions of the Sales Tax Act.
Q#12. Define and explain the following terms: (a) Cottage Industry. (b) Banking Company, (c) Manufacturer, (d) Supply
Paper# 2
Subject: Labor and Taxation Laws
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Max Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt SIX questions in all, selecting THREE questions from Part-I. TWO questions from Part-II and ONE question from Part-III. Questions from Part-I and Part-II carry 16 marks whereas Part-III carry 20 marks each.
Part-I (Labor Laws)
Q#1. Discuss the law relating to establishment, composition, powers and functions of Labor Appellate Tribunal under the Punjab Industrial Relations Act, 2010.
Q#2. What do you understand by the term ‘Collective Bargaining Agent’? Analyze the legal provisions relating to its determination in an establishment, group of establishments or the industry.
Q#3. Analyze various provisions of the Punjab industrial Relations Act, 2010 which pertain to the settlement of an industrial dispute through non-judicial
Q#4. Define the term strike and lock oat. Discuss the circumstances under which strike or lockout becomes illegal and what Procedure is to be adapted in case of an illegal strikeout lockout in an establishment.
Q#5. Analyze various provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 which relate to the commissioner of compensation.
Q#6. What is the law relating to eviction from residential accommodation under the industrial and Commercial Employment (Standing Orders) Ordinance, 1968?
Part-II (lncome Tax Ordinance, 2001)
Q#7. Define the term income and discuss the principles of taxation in case of income from salary.
Q#8. Discuss in detail the law relating to appeal to the Commissioner (Appeals)
Q#9. What do you understand by the term deduction of tax at source? Analyze the Provisions relating to deduction of tax al source on ‘exports’.
Q#10. Define and explain the following terms:
(a) Non-profit Organization.
(b) Taxpayer.
(c) Tax Year.
(d) Royalty.