Web Engineering Past Papers 

Web Engineering  Past (Old ) Papers

Web Engineering Past Paper 1

Course Title: Web Engineering Course Code: Confidential
Discipline /Program : MCS 4th  Semester Total Marks: 40
Time allowed: 2 Hour Instructor’s Name: Confidential

Question #1:                                                                                                               8 marks

  1. Write the jQuery code to slide elements up and down.

Use HTML, CSS, and jQuery

  1. Write the jQuery code to fade the elements in and out of visibility.

Use HTML, CSS, and jQuery

Question #2:                                                                                                               8 marks

What are the common factors affecting the productivity of web application?

Question #3:                                                                                                               8 marks

Write down the AJAX code to handle all browsers, including IE5 and IE6.

Question #3:                                                                                                               8 marks

  1. What is web cost estimation? Write down the web development pricing factors?
  2. Explain web cost estimation techniques in detail.

Question #5:                                                                                                               8 marks

Explain 3 tire system in web application architecture.

Web Engineering Past Papers
Web Engineering Past Papers

Web Engineering Past Paper 2

Course Title: Web Engineering Course Code: Confidential
Discipline /Program : MCS 4th  Semester Total Marks: 24
Time allowed: 1 Hour Instructor’s Name: Confidential


All questions are compulsory and they carry equal marks.

Question No. 1:                                                                                                        (8 marks)

Suppose you need to test a web-based form and form contains following marks as inputs;

Web Engineering marks…

Programming marks…

The range of Web engineering marks is: 10 to 40

The range of programming marks is: 50 to 80

Perform the robust boundary value testing on these form inputs and generate the test cases.

Question No. 2:                                                                                                        (8 marks)

Write the source code to view an uploaded file on a web page. Also, design the database to view the file from the database.

Question No. 3:                                                                                                        (8 marks)

How SEO improves your website traffic? Explain with proper reasons and coding examples.

Web Engineering Past Paper 3

Course Title: Web Engineering Course Code: Confidential
Discipline /Program : BSCS 4th  Semester Total Marks: 24
Time allowed: 1 Hour Instructor’s Name: Confidential


All questions are compulsory and they carry equal marks.

 Question No. 1:                                                                                                        (8 marks)

Suppose your web team is going to make a contract with the customer and you need to estimate the cost of  application development. What pricing factors you consider to estimate the cost?

Question No. 2:                                                                                                        (8 marks)

What is SEO? Explain different SEO techniques to write the source code of a web base application.

Question No. 3:                                                                                                        (8 marks)

Write the source code to upload a file on a web page. Also, design the database to upload the file.


Subject: Web Engineering

Time Allowed: 10 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the correct option, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10)

1. Cascading Style Sheets stands for _______.
c. CSS
2. if contents of a website does not change along with the user input then such a website is known as ________.
a. Static Website
b. Oynamic Website
c. No such website exists
d. None of these
3. On pressing OK button, prompt box returns ______ value.
a. message written in text box
b. null
c. Both a and b
d. Either a or b
e. Neither a nor b
4. AJAX stands for______.
a. Asynchronous Java And XML
b. Autonomous JavaScript And XML
c. Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
d. None of these
5. ______ function of a serviet will be called only 1 time in a life cycle of serviet.
b. Service
c. Destroy
d. Both a and b
e. Both a and c
f. Both b and c
g. None of the above
6. In N-Tier architecture, which layer is present at the bottom?
a. Presentation / View Layer :
b. Business Logic Layer
c. Data Access Layer
d. None of these
7. How many layers are present in N-Tier Architecture?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. It can be any number
8. If we use ________ method technique, then the data will be sent through the URL of the request.
a. get
b. post
c. Both a and b
d. Either a or b
e. Neither anorb
9. Sessions are storedon ______ side/s.
a. Client
b. Server
c. Both a & b
d. None of these
10. In a JSP page, all code other than service method is written in_____ tag.
a, JSP Declaration
b. JSP Srciptlet
c. JSP Expression
d. None of these


Subject: Web Engineering

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 50



Part-II Give short details of each of them, each answer carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: What is the difference between WWW and internet?

Q#2: What is meant by Send Redirection?

Q#3: What is a difference between static and dynamic website?

Q#4: Write down a life cycle of java servlets.

Q#5: In CSS, how can we apply style to the components?

Q#6: What does HTML and JSP stands for?

Q#7: What is meant by Client-side scripting language?

Q#8: What is meant by AJAX?

Q#9: What are the components of a HTTTP Response?

Q#10: What is the difference between N-Tier Architecture and MVC?.


Part-III Give brief answers, each answer carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: a) what are the advantages of cookies and session handling? Also explain that which technique is more preferable according to different scenarios.

  1. b) Write down the differences between get and post methods for sending a request to server.

Q#2: Write a serviet class which will dynamically create an ordered list with name and capita! city of the countries stored in the database.

Table contains two columns (Country Name, Country Capital City).

DB Nome: Database

Table name: Country{name(varChar{50)), capital_City (varChar(50)))

Q#3: Write a JSP page, which will dynamically create a drop down list with all smartphones along with their company saved in data base.

DB Name: Database

Table name: Smartphone(model (varChar{15)), company(varChar(15)))

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