Gen Microbiology Past Papers Exam Questions

Guess Paper 1: Gen Microbiology Fall – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q. No. 1:Mark the following statements either as True or False. (14 Marks)
a. Opportunistic infections develop during a stay at a hospital or any other clinical facility(True / False)
b. Endotoxins are soluble, heat liable proteins that usually are released into surroundings as pathogen grows (True / False)
c. Streptolysin O (SLO) is produced by streptococcus pyogenes and is a hemolysin (True / False)
d. Lock jaw is a characteristic symptom of tetanus caused by corny bacterium tetani (True / False)
e. Cervicofacial lumpy jaw is characteristic symptom of Erysipelas (True / False)
f. Bacteria are diploid and limit genetic interactions (True / False)
g. Rickettsia are small obligate intracellular bacteria that are cocobacilli (True / False)
h. Brill Zeinseer Disease is a delayed relapse of endemic typhus fever (True / False)
i. Mycobacteria lacks endotoxins and exotoxins (True / False)
j. Smallpox is caused by Variola (True / False)
k. HSV 2 causes lesions above the waist (True / False)
l. Chlymadia is classified as bacteria but differ by replicating within cells & lacking cell wall (True / False)
m. Beta lactamses is produced by bacteria that opens up beta lactam ring (True / False)
n. Antibiotic resistance can be intrinsically accquired by transposons (True / False)
Q. No. 2: What do you know about Rickettsia and Rickettsial diseases?

Q. No. 3: Write note on Bacillus and explain its clinically significant specie with the help of following
headings. Causative Agent, Natural source, Transmission Pathogenesis & Treatment.

Q. No. 4: Write note on Helicobacter and explain its clinically significant specie with the help of following
headings. Causative Agent, Natural source, Transmission Pathogenesis & Treatment

Q. No. 5: What is Toxoplasmosis and how it is caused? Explain its pathogenesis in detail.

Q. No. 6: Define mycotic infections. What do you know about mycetoma?

Guess Paper 2: Gen Microbiology Spring – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q .1 ¬(Marks: 14)
(a): Mark the following statements either as True or False. (6 Marks)
i. Cell wall of gram-negative bacteria produces endotoxins. (True / False)
ii. An endemic infection has worldwide distribution. (True / False)
iii. Viruses contain both DNA and RNA at the same time. (True / False)
iv. The genus Pseudomonas belongs to Gram positive rods. (True / False)
v. Mycoses is caused by fungi. (True / False)
vi. Mycoplasmas are a group of very small, wall-less organisms. (True / False)
(b): Choose the correct option. (4 Marks)
1.S.aureus causes all of the below mentioned diseases except __________ ?
a. Abscess b.Toxic shock syndrome c.Food poisoning d.Plague
2.Rickettasia is _______________.
a. Non-motile f.Spore forming g.Gram negative h.All of above.
3.HIV is spread by__________ .
a. Blood transfusion b.From mother to child c.Hypodermic needles d.All of above
4.Ingestion of contaminated milk products causes which of the following zoonotic infection________?
a. Brucellosisc b.Cellulitis c. Tularemia d. Tuberculosis
(c): Fill in the blanks. (4 Marks)
i. ___________ is a quantitative measure of pathogenicity and is measured by the number of organisms required to cause disease.
ii. Fungi are ________________ organisms.
iii. Streptococci are catalase ______________.
iv. Bacillus anthraciscauses ______________.
Q. 2: Differentiate between epidemic and endemic disease? Write a detailed note on AIDS? (14 Marks)
Q. 3: What are Protozoans? Write Toxoplasmosis? (14 Marks)
Q. 4: Define mycoses? Write a note on mycetoma? (14 Marks)
Q. 5: Write a detailed note on mechanism of pathogenesis of Staphylococcus aureus? (14 Marks)
Q. 6: Write a detailed note on Hepatitis? (14 Marks)
Q. 7: Explain pathogenesis of Clostridium and Mycobacterium? (14 Marks)
Q. 8: Differentiate between viruses and bacteria? Write note on mechanism of pathogenesis of Herpes viruses?
14 Marks)