Constable, Lady Constable Past Papers Punjab Police, Pakistan – Held on 26-04-2024

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: January 27, 2025

1. The founder of ‘Zamindar’ (newspaper) was ______?
A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
B) Allama Iqbal
C) Muhammad Ali Johar
D) Sir Syed Ahmed
E) None of these
Answer: A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

List of Newspapers before independece of pak:

  1. The largest ocean of the world is ______?
    A) Atlantic
    B) Pacific
    C) Indian
    D) Arctic
    Answer: B) Pacific

List of important oceans of the World

  1. What was the first written constitution of the world?
    A) The Treaty of Hudaibiya
    B) Meesaq-e-Madina
    C) The Khutaba-e-Hajja-tul-widah
    D) None of these
    Answer: B) Meesaq-e-Madina

List of Important Constitution of Pakistan and islam

  1. Which companion of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is mentioned in the Holy Quran?
    A) Hazrat Abu Bakar
    B) Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris
    C) Hazrat Umer
    D) Hazrat Usman
    Answer: B) Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris

Important Companion of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH

  1. Which surah starts without Bismillah?
    A) Younas
    B) Fatiha
    C) Naml
    D) Tauba
    Answer: D) Tauba

Important information about 114 Surah of Quran

  1. Who is the Current DG ISPR of Pakistan Army?
    A) Babar Iftikhar
    B)  Asif Ghafoor
    C) Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry
    D) Asim Saleem Bajwa
    Answer: C) Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry

  1. The first general elections in Pakistan were held on ________?
    A) Dec 7, 1970
    B) Dec 6, 1970
    C) Dec 5, 1970
    D) None of these
    Answer: A) Dec 7, 1970
Election YearDate of ElectionPolitical Party that WonPrime Minister ElectedKey Facts
1970December 7, 1970Awami LeagueZulfikar Ali BhuttoFirst general election after independence; Awami League led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman won a landslide in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), but political instability led to the creation of Bangladesh.
1977March 7, 1977Pakistan National Alliance (PNA)Zulfikar Ali Bhuttomartial law was declared after allegations of election rigging.
1985February 25, 1985Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)Benazir BhuttoIndirect elections, military government of General Zia-ul-Haq, first election after Zia’s coup.
1988November 16, 1988Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)Benazir BhuttoFollowing the death of General Zia-ul-Haq, first direct elections after military rule.
1990October 24, 1990Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N)Nawaz SharifElections marked by political instability and military interference.
1993October 6, 1993Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)Benazir BhuttoTensions between the president and prime minister led to a political crisis and eventual elections.
1997February 3, 1997Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N)Nawaz SharifPML-N won a majority, leading to Nawaz Sharif’s second term as Prime Minister.
2002October 10, 2002Pakistan Muslim League (PML-Q)Zafarullah Khan JamaliHeld under military rule of General Pervez Musharraf, a controversial election.
2008February 18, 2008Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP)Yousaf Raza GillaniPost-Musharraf elections, PPP won after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
2013May 11, 2013Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N)Nawaz SharifPML-N led by Nawaz Sharif won after a long period of political instability.
2018July 25, 2018Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)Imran KhanPTI led by Imran Khan won a landslide victory, with allegations of military support during elections.

  1. When was the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) inaugurated?
    A) 1st July 1947
    B) 1st August 1947
    C) 1st July 1948
    D) 1st August 1948
    Answer: C) 1st July 1948


EstablishedJuly 1, 1948
HeadquartersKarachi, Pakistan
GovernorJameel Ahmad (As of January 2025)
Currency IssuedPakistani Rupee (PKR)
FunctionCentral banking authority for Pakistan
Ownership100% owned by the Government of Pakistan

  1. He died ______ corona.
    A) Of
    B) From
    C) To
    D) None of these
    Answer: A) Of
OfPossession, composition, quantity, or characteristicsA book of poems.
FromOrigin, source, separation, or distanceShe is from Paris.
ToDirection, recipient, or limitI am going to the store.
AtSpecific location, time, or pointHe is at the door.
InInside, time period, or locationThe keys are in the drawer.
OnSurface, specific days, or a position on somethingThe book is on the table.
WithAccompaniment, instrument, or connectionI went with my friend.
ByMeans of doing something, proximity, or authorThe letter was written by John.
ForPurpose, recipient, duration, or exchangeThis gift is for you.
AboutTopic or subjectWe are talking about the movie.
UnderBelow or beneathThe book is under the table.
OverAbove or higher than, across, or coveringThe lamp hangs over the table.
BetweenIn the middle of two points or thingsThe ball is between the chairs.
AmongIn the midst of multiple things or groupsShe was standing among the crowd.
BehindAt the back of or followingThe car is parked behind the house.
BeforeEarlier in time, in front ofWe met before the movie started.
AfterLater in time or followingLet’s talk after the meeting.
AboveHigher than somethingThe picture is above the bed.
BelowLower than somethingThe temperature is below freezing.
AlongMoving in a line or directionThey walked along the beach.
AcrossFrom one side to the otherHe ran across the street.
ThroughMoving within or by the means of somethingWe drove through the tunnel.
DuringIn the course of an event or periodWe talked during the break.
LikeSimilarity or comparisonShe sings like a professional.
AsRole, function, or comparisonHe worked as a teacher.
ExceptExcluding or leaving outEveryone came except John.
ByAuthor, means, or proximityThe book was written by Jane Austen.


  1. He is knocking ______ the door.
    A) And
    B) At
    C) For
    D) That
    E) With
    Answer: B) At


  1. حضرت خدیجہ کا نکاح حضرت محمد سے کس نے پڑھایا؟
    A) حضرت ابو طالب
    B) حضرت عثمان
    C) حضرت عمر
    D) ان مٰیں سے کوئی نہیں
    Answer: A) حضرت ابو طالب

List of Wives of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH


Full NameAbu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib
Relation to Prophet MuhammadUncle (father’s brother) of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
Father’s NameAbd al-Muttalib, the chief of the Banu Hashim clan in Makkah.
Mother’s NameFatimah bint Amr
Support to Prophet MuhammadPlayed a crucial role in supporting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during the early years of prophethood.
Role in Early IslamWas the guardian of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after the death of his parents and gave him protection against the Quraysh’s persecution.
Position in MakkahA respected leader of the Banu Hashim clan and a key figure in Makkah’s society.
MarriageMarried Fatimah bint Asad, and they had several children, including Ali ibn Abi Talib (the 4th Caliph).
Support during the BoycottAbu Talib protected Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers during the boycott imposed by the Quraysh in Makkah.
DeathDied around 619 CE, shortly before the Prophet’s migration to Medina.
Religious BeliefsAlthough he was a protector of the Prophet, Abu Talib did not embrace Islam, remaining a believer in the traditions of his forefathers.
LegacyRemembered as a man of great dignity and a protector of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his early years.
TombHis grave is located in Makkah, although its exact location is not clearly defined.

  1. یورپ کا سب سے بلند پہاڑی سلسلہ ہے؟
    A) بلکن
    B) اٹنا
    C) کے ٹو
    D) البرس
    Answer: D) البرس
1Tallest mountain in the worldMount Everest (8,848.86 m)
2Tallest mountain in South AmericaAconcagua (6,959 m)
3Tallest mountain in AfricaMount Kilimanjaro (5,895 m)
4Tallest mountain in North AmericaDenali (6,190 m)
5Longest mountain range above waterAndes (7,000 km)
6Longest mountain range underwaterMid-Atlantic Ridge (40,000 km)
7Oldest mountain rangeBarberton Greenstone Belt (~3.6 billion years)
8Fastest-growing mountainMount St. Helens (after 1980 eruption)

  1. پاکستان کے سب سے پہلے وزیرِاعظم کا نام کیا تھا؟
    A) لیاقت علی خان
    B) قائد اعظم
    C) نور محمد
    D) احمد خان
    Answer: A) لیاقت علی خان
1The first Prime Minister of PakistanLiaquat Ali Khan
2The first President of PakistanMajor General Iskander Mirza
3The first Governor-General of PakistanQuaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
4The first Chief Justice of PakistanJustice Abdul Rashid
5The first Army Chief of PakistanGeneral Frank Messervy
6National animal of PakistanMarkhor
7National flower of PakistanJasmine

14. روزنامہ جنگ کے بانی کا نام کیا ہے؟
A) کوئی بھی نہیں
B) میر شکیل الرحمان
C) میر خلیل الرحمان
D) میر جاوید الرحمٰن
Answer: C) میر خلیل الرحمان

1Founder of Daily JangMir Khalil-ur-Rahman
2Establishment year of Daily Jang1941
3First office of Daily JangDelhi, British India
4Start of publication in Pakistan1947
5Other notable publications by Jang GroupThe News International, Akhbar-e-Jahan
6Headquarters of Jang GroupKarachi, Pakistan
7Language of Daily JangUrdu

15.   پاکستان نے سب سے پہلی بار سلیطان ازلان شاہ ہاکی کپ کب جیتا؟
A) 2003
B) 1999
C) 2001
D) 2000
E) None of these
Answer: B) 1999

List of Sultan Azlan Shah Cup winners 

17. مٹھی گرم کرنا
A) رشوت دینا
B) ہکا بکا رہنا
C) خوش آمد کرنا
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
Answer: A) رشوت دینا

1To “warm one’s hands”To do something to gain favor or prepare for a future task
2To “beat around the bush”To avoid directly addressing an issue or topic
3To “get cold feet”To feel nervous or unsure, especially before a big decision
4To “hit the nail on the head”To be exactly right about something
5To “raise the stakes”To increase the intensity or risks involved in a situation
6To “burn bridges”To permanently damage a relationship or opportunity
7To “open a can of worms”To create a situation that causes complicated problems
8To “throw in the towel”To give up or admit defeat
9To “let the cat out of the bag”To reveal a secret or surprise unintentionally
10To “turn the tables”To reverse a situation, especially to one’s advantage

18.  What is the smallest country in the world?
B) Nepal
C) Vatican City
D) None
Answer: C) Vatican City

1Country NameVatican City
2LocationEnclave in Rome, Italy
3Area44 hectares (110 acres)
4PopulationApproximately 800 people
5Official LanguageItalian, Latin
6Head of StatePope (Currently Pope Francis)
7Government TypeEcclesiastical, Absolute Monarchy
8Established1929 (Lateran Treaty)
9CurrencyEuro (EUR)
10Famous LandmarkSt. Peter’s Basilica and St. Peter’s Square


1What is the largest country in the world?Russia (17.1 million square km)
2What is the most populous country in the world?China (over 1.4 billion people)
3What is the longest river in the world?Nile River (6,650 km)
4What is the tallest mountain in the world?Mount Everest (8,848.86 meters)
5What is the coldest country in the world?Antarctica (average temperature -49°C)
6What is the hottest country in the world?Kuwait (record temperature of 54°C)
7What is the smallest continent in the world?Australia
8What is the oldest country in the world?San Marino (founded in 301 AD)
9What is the largest desert in the world?Sahara Desert (9.2 million square km)
10What is the deepest ocean in the world?Pacific Ocean (Challenger Deep – 10,984 meters)

19. اقبال کی تصنیف زبور عجم کس زبان میں ہے؟
A) اردو
B) فارسی
C) دونوں
D) پنجابی
Answer: B) فارسی

1AuthorAllama Muhammad Iqbal
4TypeA collection of Persian poetry
5Main ThemeSpiritual awakening and intellectual rejuvenation
6Meaning of Title“The Psalms of the East”
7Literary SignificanceRecognized as a masterpiece of Persian literature
8FocusPhilosophical reflections on religion, culture, and society


#Book TitleYear of PublicationLanguageDescription
1Bang-e-Dra1924UrduA collection of poems that reflect Iqbal’s thoughts on spirituality and philosophy.
2Bāl-e-Jibrīl1935UrduA poetic work where Iqbal reflects on topics such as selfhood, spirituality, and freedom.
3Zarb-e-Kalim1936UrduContains philosophical poems exploring social and political themes.
4Asrar-e-Khudi1915PersianA philosophical work discussing the concept of “Khudi” (selfhood) and individual empowerment.
5Rumuz-i-Bekhudi1918PersianA philosophical work focusing on the relationship between the self and the divine.
6Payam-e-Mashriq1923PersianA collection of poems with a focus on the East, unity, and spiritual awakening.
7Javid Nama1932PersianA spiritual and philosophical poem about a journey through various realms of existence.
8The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam1930-1932EnglishA series of lectures in English where Iqbal explores the role of reason in Islam and its modern applications.
9Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa1909UrduA famous poetic work where Iqbal expresses the grievances of the Muslim community and their responses.
10Māzī, Shanāsī, Aur Fardā1930UrduIqbal’s exploration of past, present, and future in relation to the growth of the Muslim world.


20 .خالق کا متضاد کیا ہے؟
A) کامل
B) ماہر
C) تخلیق
D) مخلوق
E) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
Answer: D) مخلوق

The mutradif (synonym) and mutazad (antonym) of the word “خالق” are:

  • Mutradif (Synonyms):
    • صانع (Sāni‘) – Creator
    • آفرینش کرنے والا (Āfrīnish karne wālā) – The one who creates
    • موجد (Mujid) – Originator
  • Mutazad (Antonyms):
    • مخلوق (Makhluq) – Created, Creature
    • موجود (Mojood) – Existing, Present
    • مشتق (Mushtaq) – Derived, Created from something else

21.  پاکستان کے سب سے بڑے شہر کا نام کیا ہے؟
A) لاہور
B) کراچی
C) اسلام آباد
D) پشاور
Answer: B) کراچی

1capital city of PakistanIslamabad
2 smallest province of Pakistan?Balochistan
3national animal of PakistanMarkhor
4national language of PakistanUrdu
5What is the national flower of Pakistan?Jasmine
6What is the highest mountain in Pakistan?K2 (Mount Godwin-Austen)
7What is the longest river in Pakistan?Indus River
8What is the oldest city in Pakistan?Taxila

24 . The first Islamic hospital in the world was established in which city?
A) Damascus
B) Kufa
C) Baghdad
D) Medina
Answer: A) Damascus

1Name of the HospitalBimaristan
2LocationDamascus, Syria (established in 705 CE)
3FounderCaliph Al-Walid I
4PurposeTo provide medical care, education, and hospital services to the public.
5FacilitiesThe hospital had separate wards for men and women, a pharmacy, and surgical rooms.
6SignificanceThe first hospital to provide free medical services and pioneered the concept of “teaching hospitals.”
7ContributionsBimaristan introduced the concept of specialized medical care, including ophthalmology and mental health treatment.
8InfluenceSet a model for Islamic medical institutions that spread across the Muslim world.


25.  Where did the first Islamic Summit Conference take place?
A) Morocco
B) Saudi Arabia
C) Pakistan
D) None of these
Answer: B) Saudi Arabia

1Event NameFirst Islamic Summit Conference
2Date22nd to 24th September 1969
3LocationRabat, Morocco
4OrganizerThe Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
5PurposeTo promote solidarity among Islamic nations and address issues affecting the Muslim world.
6Key Issue DiscussedThe Palestinian cause and the protection of Islamic holy sites.
7Number of Participating Countries25 member countries
8Significant ResolutionThe resolution to establish a collective defense strategy for Muslim countries.
9Key OutcomeThe creation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to coordinate efforts in political, economic, and cultural areas.
10Host CountryMorocco

26. Who arranged the first marriage of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with Hazrat Khadijah?
A) Abu Lahab
B) Zahir
C) Umar
D) Abu Talib
Answer: D) Abu Talib

1Marriage DateMarried at age 25 (Prophet) and 40 (Hazrat Khadijah).
2DurationMarried for 25 years (595-620 CE).
3First WifeHazrat Khadijah was Prophet’s first and only wife during his lifetime.
4Supporter of IslamHazrat Khadijah was the first to accept Islam and supported Prophet (PBUH) emotionally and financially.
5ChildrenThey had two sons and four daughters, including Fatimah (RA).
6DeathHazrat Khadijah passed away in 620 CE.

27.  Where did the false prophet Musaylimah claim prophethood?
A) Yamama
B) Tehama
C) Medina
D) Yaman
Answer: A) Yamama

1Full NameMusaylimah ibn Habib, also known as Musaylimah al-Kadhdhab (the liar).
2Claim of ProphethoodMusaylimah claimed prophethood during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
3Area of ClaimHe claimed prophethood in the region of Yamama, in present-day Saudi Arabia.
4Opposition to IslamMusaylimah opposed the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and gained followers, leading a rebellion.
5DeathMusaylimah was defeated and killed in the Battle of Yamama in 632 CE by the forces of Abu Bakr (RA).

28.   Which uncle did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say the words: “By God, if they bring the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand and demand that I stop, I would not”?
A) Abu Talib
B) Abbas
C) Zubair
D) Abu Lahab
Answer: A) Abu Talib

1RelationshipAbu Talib was the uncle and guardian of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
2SupportAbu Talib protected and supported Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his early prophethood.
3Role in IslamHe didn’t embrace Islam but defended Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the Quraysh opposition.
4DeathAbu Talib passed away in 620 CE, a year before Hazrat Khadijah.
5LegacyAbu Talib’s support earned him respect in Islamic history, despite not accepting Islam.

29. Was the Muslim League leader Jogendra Nath from the untouchable community?
A) Correct
B) Incorrect
C) None of these
Answer: A) Correct

  1. If 15 men can do a work in 12 days, how many men will do the same work in 6 days?
    A) 20
    B) 24
    C) 25
    D) 30
    Answer: D) 30

  1. At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?
    A) -40 degrees
    B) 40 degrees
    C) -10 degrees
    D) 10 degrees
    Answer: A) -40 degrees

  1. Navid saves 5% of his weekly salary. If Navid earns Rs. 380 per week, how much does he save each week?
    A) 20
    B) 21
    C) 19
    D) 25
    Answer: C) 19

  1. How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132? 264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336
    A) 5
    B) 6
    C) 7
    D) 4
    Answer: B) 6

  1. Arrange into proper sequence:

A. Milky way
B. Sun
C. Moon
D. Earth
E. Stars

Answer: D, C, B, E, A

  • Earth (D) comes first because it’s the planet we live on and is the starting point for the sequence.
  • Moon (C) follows Earth, as the Moon orbits around Earth.
  • Sun (B) comes next, as the Sun is the star around which Earth and other planets orbit.
  • Stars (E) are next in line because they are beyond our solar system, and the Sun itself is a star.
  • Milky Way (A) is the galaxy that contains our solar system, including the Sun, Earth, Moon, and other stars.

  1. Who is the founder of India’s Aam Aadmi Party?
    A) Gandhi
    B) Nehru
    C) Arvind Kejriwal
    D) None of these
    Answer: C) Arvind Kejriwal

  1. How many political parties are there in China?
    A) 2
    B) 6
    C) 4
    D) 8
    Answer: D) 8

  1. Who is the leader of the opposition in Gilgit Baltistan Assembly?
    A) Capt (R) Muhammad Shafi
    B) Haji Jahanzeb
    C) Capt (R) Sikandar Ali
    D) Muhammad Kazim Maisam
    Answer: B) Haji Jahanzeb

  1. What is the highest mountain in Europe?
    A) Himalaya
    B) Andes
    C) Mont Blanc
    D) Mount Elbrus
    Answer: D) Mount Elbrus

    1. In which country are the most cars manufactured?
      A) Korea
      B) Japan
      C) Germany
      D) China
      Answer: D) China

45. What currency is used in San Marino?

      1. Euro
      2. Rial
      3. Pound
      4. Lira
        Answer: Euro

46. What is the currency of Kyrgyzstan?

      1. Watu
      2. Som KGS
      3. List
      4. None of these
        Answer: Som KGS

47. What is the currency of Gabon?

      1. Gabon Dollar
      2. Franc
      3. Dinar
      4. Kwacha
        Answer: Franc

48. The promotion of elegy happened in the city of Delhi.

      1. True
      2. False
      3. None of these
        Answer: True

49. What is the synonym of Akbar?

      1. Great
      2. Prominent
      3. Powerful
      4. None of these
        Answer: Great

50. Who was the first Governor of Punjab from August 1947 to August 1949?

      1. Abdur Rab Nishtar
      2. Francis Moody
      3. Amir-Muhammad Khan
      4. Mumtaz Daultana
        Answer: Amir-Muhammad Khan

51. Which country launched the first-ever direct attack on Israel in April 2024?

      1. Syria
      2. Jordan
      3. Iran
      4. Pakistan
      5. Iraq
        Answer: Syria

52. Who is the youngest Nobel Prize laureate in literature from 1901 until 2023?

      1. Rudyard Kipling
      2. Doris Lessing
      3. Nelly Sachs
      4. Toni Morrison
        Answer: Rudyard Kipling

53. The war between Ukraine and Russia started on which date?

      1. 29 February 2022
      2. 21 February 2022
      3. 28 February 2022
      4. 24 February 2022
        Answer: 24 February 2022

54. Who established the Mughal Empire?

      1. Sher Shah Suri
      2. Humayun
      3. Akbar
      4. Aurangzaib
      5. Babur
        Answer: Babur

55. Complete the series 2, 6, 11, 17, ____?

      1. 15
      2. 12
      3. 24
      4. 17
        Answer: 24

56. The idiom “a hard nut to crack” means:

      1. An easy question
      2. A foolish search
      3. A difficult problem
      4. Expensive thing
        Answer: A difficult problem

57. Who wrote “Armaghan-e-Hijaz”?

      1. Allama Iqbal
      2. Yunus Jayeed
      3. Amjad Islam Amjad
      4. Anwar Maqsood
        Answer: Allama Iqbal

58. Largest producer of wool in the world?

      1. Australia
      2. Brazil
      3. Pakistan
      4. India
        Answer: Australia

59. Where is the biggest airport in the world?

      1. USA
      2. China
      3. England
      4. Germany
      5. Saudi Arabia
        Answer: USA

60. Which is the second highest award after Nishan-e-Haider?

      1. Hilal-i-Jurat
      2. Nishan-i-Haider
      3. Sitara-i-Jurat
      4. None
        Answer: Hilal-i-Jurat

61. In March 1942, who came to the sub-continent with some proposals to solve constitutional problems?

      1. Lord Minto
      2. Stafford Crips
      3. Lord Ripon
      4. None
        Answer: Stafford Crips

62. The father of Allama Iqbal was _______?

      1. Noor Ali
      2. Sheikh Noor Muhammad
      3. Muhammad Noor
      4. None
        Answer: Sheikh Noor Muhammad

63. The smallest 4-digit number using 0, 3, 5, and 8, is

      1. 3508
      2. 3058
      3. 0358
      4. None of these
        Answer: 3058

64. The main demand of Shimla Deputation which was accepted in the Minto-Morley Reforms of 1909 was about?

A. Muslim University
B. Separate Muslim State
C. Separate Electorates
D. Separation of Sindh from Bombay
Answer: C. Separate Electorates

65. When the first wahi was revealed to the Holy Prophet ﷺ?

A. 630AD
B. 610AD
C. 600AD
D. 710AD
Answer: B. 610AD

66. Who is the current chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)?

A. Ramiz Raja
B. Ehsan Mani
C. Najam Sethi
D. Zaka Ashraf
Answer: D. Zaka Ashraf

67. The voter turnout was _______ percent in the 1993 general elections?

A. 63%
B. 43%
C. 45%
D. 40%
Answer: A. 63%

68. Jogendranath Mandal was born in?

A. 1904
B. 1905
C. 1906
D. 1907
Answer: A. 1904

69. Name the angels who are appointed to put questions to the deeds in their graves?

A. Munkar and Nakeer
B. Hazrat Jabreel
C. Hazrat Mikeel
D. None
Answer: A. Munkar and Nakeer

70. If a train runs 180 km per hour, how much distance will it travel in 8 hours?

A. 1430
B. 1420
C. 1450
D. 1440
Answer: D. 1440

71. A snowball effect means ___?

A. To get in control
B. To get out of control
C. To get in touch
D. Touch
Answer: B. To get out of control

72. Pakistan ranked ______ out of 180 in the international transparency index 2022.

A. 138th
B. 140th
C. 120th
D. 112th
Answer: B. 140th

73. اقبال کی فارسی نظم اسرار خودی کا انگریزی میں ترجمہ کس نے کیا؟

A. پروفیسر براون
B. پروفیسر نکلسن
C. پترس بخاری
D. پروفیسر آرنلڈ
Answer: B. پروفیسر نکلسن


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