Comparison between Sensory Neuron and Motor neuron


Let me share with you a comparison between Sensory Neuron and Motor neuron.


Aspect Sensory Neurons Motor Neurons
Direction of Signal Transmit signals from peripheral receptors e.g., skin, eyes, ears to the CNS Transmit signals from the CNS to peripheral effectors e.g., muscles, glands


·        Nociceptors (pain)

·        Photoreceptors (vision)

·        Somatic motor neurons (voluntary muscles)

·        Autonomic motor neurons (involuntary muscles and glands)

Location of cell body Typically located in ganglia outside the CNS Located in the CNS  e.g., spinal cord
Dendrites Receive sensory stimuli from the environment or body Receive signals from other neurons, including interneurons
Axon Transmits signals toward the CNS Transmits signals away from the CNS
Myelination Some are myelinated Many are myelinated
Response to Stimuli Respond to external and internal stimuli e.g., touch, temperature, pain Do not respond to external stimuli; they transmit signals for muscle and gland activity
Examples Afferent neurons involved in touch, taste, vision, hearing, etc. Efferent neurons responsible for muscle movement and gland secretion