Sum of n number of odd natural number using constructor and destructor in C++

Let’s see the Sum of n number of an odd natural number using constructor and destructor in C++. Constructor The constructor T4Tutorials_Sum() is a member function of the class T4Tutorials_Sum. The constructor T4Tutorials_Sum() has the same name as the name of its class T4Tutorials_Sum. When a new object uof the class T4Tutorails_Series is executed, the constructor T4Tutorials_Sum()also executed automatically. … Read more

Sum of the series Using an inline function in C++

Sum of the series Using an inline function in C++. The inline function T4Tutorials_SERIES(int num) helps to increase the execution time of a program. The programmer can make a request to the compiler to make the inline function as inline T4Tutorials_SERIES(int num). Making inline means that compiler can replace the function definitions of inline T4Tutorials_SERIES(int … Read more

Sum of the series Using friend function in C++

Sum of the series Using friend function in C++. If we declare a function int show(T4Tutorials_SERIES n) as a friend in a class T4Tutorials_SERIES; then this function show() can access the private and protected members of the class T4Tutorials_SERIES. You must know that a global function can also be declared as a  friend function of the … Read more

Sum of the series Using Constructor Overloading in C++

Sum of the series Using Constructor Overloading in C++. The concept of using more than one constructor with the same name is called constructor overloading. In this program, the constructor must obey one or both of the following rules. All constructors with the same name and having a different number of parameters. T4Tutorials_Constructor_Overloading(int n) and … Read more

Sum of the series Using Destructor in C++

Sum of the series Using Destructor in C++. The destructor ~T4Tutorials_Series() is a member function of the class T4Tutorials_Series. Destructor  ~T4Tutorials_Series() has the same name as the name of its class T4Tutorials_Series. The tild sign ∼ is used before the name of the destructor ~T4Tutorials_Series(). When the object obj(5) of the class T4Tutorials_Series destroyed, then … Read more

Sum of the series Using Constructor in C++

Sum of the series Using Constructor in C++. The constructor T4Tutorails_Series(int number) is a member function of the class T4Tutorails_Series. The constructor T4Tutorails_Series(int number) has the same name as the name of its class T4Tutorails_Series. When a new object obj(5) of the class T4Tutorails_Series is executed, the constructor T4Tutorails_Series(int number) also executed automatically. The constructor … Read more