Bolt of Uniform Strength Locking Device MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Bolt of Uniform Strength Locking Device MCQs.

If flattened or rounded to a circular arc, then Crests and roots of the threads may lead to Leakage in fluid-tight threads.

(A). False

(B). True

The Answer is: (A). False

The static load take capacity of fine threads is more than that of coarse threads.

(A). False

(B). True

The Answer is: (A). False

Coarse threads have helix angle _____ fine threads.

(A). Equal to

(B). Lesser than

(C). Greater than

(D). There is no relation

The Answer is: (B). Lesser than

Select the threads that have greater resistance to unscrewing?

(A). Coarse

(B). They have equal resistance

(C). Fine

(D). Cannot be determined

The Answer is: (C). Fine

Select the threads that are recommended for fluctuating loads?

(A). Either of fine or coarse

(B). Coarse Threads

(C). Fine threads

(D). None of the listed

The Answer is: (C). Fine threads

Resilience is specified as the property of a material to soak up energy when deformed _________ and to release this energy when unloaded.

(A). Plastically

(B). Elastically

(C). Up to fracture point

(D). None of the listed

The Answer is: (B). Elastically

The shock soaks up the capacity of the bolt can be increased by producing the shank diameter ________ the root diameter.

(A). Lesser than

(B). Greater than

(C). Equal to

(D). No effect

The Answer is: (C). Equal to

How the shock-absorbing capacity of bolts can be increased?

(A). Increasing the shank diameter

(B). Decreasing the length of the shank portion of the bolt

(C). Increase the shank diameter and decreasing the length of the shank

(D). None of the above

The Answer is: (D). None of the above

When the length of the shank is doubled, then strain energy soak up through shank

(A). Increases 4 time

(B). Remains the same

(C). Doubles

(D). Become half

The Answer is: (C). Doubles

Select that provides help in accomplishing the locking.

(A). Creating supplementary friction

(B). Using special locking devices like split pins

(C). By plastic deformation

(D). All of the above

The Answer is: (D). All of the above


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