Auditory Training Important Questions – Past Papers

Paper 1: Auditory Training – Past Papers.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q 1:     Fill in the blanks

  1. AIT stands for ——————————-
  2. The goal is of formal listening activities to optimize the activity of ———————
  • The aim of auditory training is to help individuals with hearing loss use their——
  1. the appropriate age of cochlear implant is ———————
  2. The most outer part of the ear is called—————–
  3. Sensory neural hearing loss occurs in —————-part of the ear
  • Language is a mode of ————————
  • The range of normal hearing is————————
  1. Sound is invisible ———————
  2. Normal conversation is carried out at an average of ————۔

Q 2:     Define auditory training. Write down the steps of auditory training ۔

Q 3:     Discuss in detail formal and informal auditory training Methods ۔

Q 4:     How auditory training is important for children with moderate and severe Hearing loss ۔

Q 5:     Discuss the role of speech and language therapist in developing listening skills among HIC

Q 6:     Being a teacher of Hearing impaired child how you can enhance the auditory attention of your students.۔

Q 7:     Enlist the tools/devices needed for auditory training. ۔

Q 8:     write down a short note on any two of the following

a. Imitation

b.Auditory detection Tasks

c.Audio verbal therapy

Paper 2: Auditory Training – Past Papers.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1  Explain Audiogram?

Q.2      Describe an audiogram. Describe the role of the audiologist in the rehabilitation of hearing-impaired children.(15)


  1. Define the terms communication, speech, and language. (7)
  2. Describe the speech chain in detail. (8)


  1. What is the importance of neonatal screening? (5)
  2. What is some newborn hearing evaluation procedure, describe in detail? (10)


  1. What are different types of hearing aids? (8)
  2. What is a cochlear implant and describe the candidacy criteria for cochlear implantation? (7)


  1. Define auditory training (5)
  2. Differentiate between the individual and group auditory training (5)
  3. Highlight some benefits of group auditory training (5)

Q.7      Suggest some strategies for teachers to develop the listening and speech of hearing-impaired children in the

classroom. (15)


  1. What is a team approach? (7)
  2. Describe the role of different professionals in the rehabilitation and mainstreaming of hearing-impaired children. (8)

Paper 3: Auditory Training – Past Papers.

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q. No. 1 Tick “T” for true statement and “F” for false statement.

  1. A basic mistrust of people who can hear is common among some people who are deaf. (T/F)t
  2. People who are deaf can obtain a license to drive a car. (T/F)t
  3. People who are deaf are natural lip-readers. (T/F)f
  4. Many people who are deaf have speech that is difficult to understand. (T/F)t
  5. People who are deaf are considered “mute.” (T/F)f
  6. People who are deaf are sometimes called “deaf and dumb.” This is an inappropriate term to use. “Deaf-mute” is an appropriate term to use. (T/F)f
  7. Hearing aids correct hearing problems like glasses correct visual problems. (T/F)f

Q. No. 2 Define auditory Training? What are the goals and benefits of the auditory approach? 5+9
Q. No. 3 What are the devices and procedures used for auditory training? 6+8
Q. No. 4 Explain in detail how auditory training improves a child’s hearing? 14
Q. No. 5 Discuss the changing needs of developing child in auditory training? 14
Q. No. 6 Explain clinical techniques for developing auditory awareness and its processing? 14
Q. No. 7 How auditory learning is integrating at the Pre-school level in special schools? 14
Q. No. 8 Answer any two short questions: 7+7

  1. Language development in children with hearing loss
  2. Strategies to facilitate speech development
  3. Developmental levels of listening

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