Auditory Training Important Questions – Past Papers
Paper 1: Auditory Training – Past Papers.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q 1: Fill in the blanks
- AIT stands for ——————————-
- The goal is of formal listening activities to optimize the activity of ———————
- The aim of auditory training is to help individuals with hearing loss use their——
- the appropriate age of cochlear implant is ———————
- The most outer part of the ear is called—————–
- Sensory neural hearing loss occurs in —————-part of the ear
- Language is a mode of ————————
- The range of normal hearing is————————
- Sound is invisible ———————
- Normal conversation is carried out at an average of ————۔
Q 2: Define auditory training. Write down the steps of auditory training ۔
Q 3: Discuss in detail formal and informal auditory training Methods ۔
Q 4: How auditory training is important for children with moderate and severe Hearing loss ۔
Q 5: Discuss the role of speech and language therapist in developing listening skills among HIC
Q 6: Being a teacher of Hearing impaired child how you can enhance the auditory attention of your students.۔
Q 7: Enlist the tools/devices needed for auditory training. ۔
Q 8: write down a short note on any two of the following
a. Imitation
b.Auditory detection Tasks
c.Audio verbal therapy
Paper 2: Auditory Training – Past Papers.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q.1 Explain Audiogram?
Q.2 Describe an audiogram. Describe the role of the audiologist in the rehabilitation of hearing-impaired children.(15)
- Define the terms communication, speech, and language. (7)
- Describe the speech chain in detail. (8)
- What is the importance of neonatal screening? (5)
- What is some newborn hearing evaluation procedure, describe in detail? (10)
- What are different types of hearing aids? (8)
- What is a cochlear implant and describe the candidacy criteria for cochlear implantation? (7)
- Define auditory training (5)
- Differentiate between the individual and group auditory training (5)
- Highlight some benefits of group auditory training (5)
Q.7 Suggest some strategies for teachers to develop the listening and speech of hearing-impaired children in the
classroom. (15)
- What is a team approach? (7)
- Describe the role of different professionals in the rehabilitation and mainstreaming of hearing-impaired children. (8)
Paper 3: Auditory Training – Past Papers.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q. No. 1 Tick “T” for true statement and “F” for false statement.
- A basic mistrust of people who can hear is common among some people who are deaf. (T/F)t
- People who are deaf can obtain a license to drive a car. (T/F)t
- People who are deaf are natural lip-readers. (T/F)f
- Many people who are deaf have speech that is difficult to understand. (T/F)t
- People who are deaf are considered “mute.” (T/F)f
- People who are deaf are sometimes called “deaf and dumb.” This is an inappropriate term to use. “Deaf-mute” is an appropriate term to use. (T/F)f
- Hearing aids correct hearing problems like glasses correct visual problems. (T/F)f
Q. No. 2 Define auditory Training? What are the goals and benefits of the auditory approach? 5+9
Q. No. 3 What are the devices and procedures used for auditory training? 6+8
Q. No. 4 Explain in detail how auditory training improves a child’s hearing? 14
Q. No. 5 Discuss the changing needs of developing child in auditory training? 14
Q. No. 6 Explain clinical techniques for developing auditory awareness and its processing? 14
Q. No. 7 How auditory learning is integrating at the Pre-school level in special schools? 14
Q. No. 8 Answer any two short questions: 7+7
- Language development in children with hearing loss
- Strategies to facilitate speech development
- Developmental levels of listening