Guess Paper 1: Auditory Training
University Name – Confidential
NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Examination: Final, Fall – 2020
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q.1 Choose the correct option (10)
1. Auditory training refers to methods designed to
a. Improve auditory perception and performance
b. Improve speech out put
c. Develop intelligence
2. Tympanometry is the test procedure to
a. Evaluate complete ear function
b. Evaluate middle ear function
c. Evaluate inner ear function
3. Cochlear implant is
a. Surgically implanted hearing aid
b. Implanted to children who can’t get benefit with hearing aid
c. Both are correct
4. A child can lip read
a. A language that he is trained to lip read
b. Any language
c. Two languages
5. Consonants are
a. Sounds that are produced by obstructing out flowing air at different levels in the mouth
b. Produced without any obstruction to out flowing air
c. None of above
6. Frequency is the physical measure of
a. The pitch of sound
b. The loudness of sound
c. The quality of the sound
7. A child with Hearing loss more than 90dB
a. Can have auditory training for environmental sound reception without hearing aid
b. Can develop hearing ability with cochlear implant
c. Can never hear
8. First step of auditory training is
a. To experience the sound
b. To localize the sound
c. To discriminate sounds
9. A child with mild to moderate degree of hearing loss will have
a. Difficulty hearing all speech sounds
b. Difficulty comprehends distant speech
c. Ability to hear all sounds without hearing aid
10. Audiogram
a. Is the graphical representation of an individual’s hearing ability
b. Shows intensity and frequency of speech sounds.
c. Both are correct
Q.2 Describe an audiogram. Describe the role of the audiologist in the rehabilitation of hearing-impaired children.(15)
a. Define the terms communication, speech, and language. (7)
b. Describe the speech chain in detail. (8)
a. What is the importance of neonatal screening? (5)
b. What is some newborn hearing evaluation procedure, describe in detail? (10)
a. What are the different types of hearing aids? (8)
b. What is a cochlear implant and describe the candidacy criteria for cochlear implantation? (7)
a. Define auditory training (5)
b. Differentiate between the individual and group auditory training (5)
c. Highlight some benefits of group auditory training (5)
Q.7 Suggest some strategies for teachers to develop listening and speech of hearing-impaired children in the classroom. (15)
a. What is the team approach? (7)
b. Describe the role of different professionals in rehabilitation and mainstreaming of hearing-impaired children. (8)
Guess Paper 2: Auditory Training
University Name – Confidential
NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Examination: Final, Fall – 2020
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q. No. 1 Tick “T” for true statement and “F” for false statement.
i. A basic mistrust of people who can hear is common among some people who are deaf. (T/F)t
ii. People who are deaf can obtain a license to drive a car. (T/F)t
iii. People who are deaf are natural lip-readers. (T/F)f
iv. Many people who are deaf have speech that is difficult to understand. (T/F)t
v. People who are deaf are considered “mute.” (T/F)f
vi. People who are deaf are sometimes called “deaf and dumb.” This is an inappropriate term to use. “Deaf mute” is an appropriate term to use. (T/F)f
vii. Hearing aids correct hearing problems like glasses correct visual problems. (T/F)f
Q. No. 2 Define auditory Training? What are the goals and benefits of auditory approach? 5+9
Q. No. 3 What are the devices and procedures used for auditory training? 6+8
Q. No. 4 Explain in detail how auditory training improves child’s hearing? 14
Q. No. 5 Discuss the changing needs of developing child in auditory training? 14
Q. No. 6 Explain clinical techniques for developing auditory awareness and its processing? 14
Q. No. 7 How auditory learning is integrating at Pre-school level in special schools? 14
Q. No. 8 Answer any two short questions: 7+7
a) Language development in children with hearing loss
b) Strategies to facilitate speech development
c) Developmental levels of listening
Guess Paper 3: Auditory Training
University Name – Confidential
NOTE: Q.1 is compulsory, attempt any four questions from the remaining. All questions carry equal marks. Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Examination: Final, Fall – 2020
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q. No. 1 Tick “T” for true statement and “F” for false statement.
i. A basic mistrust of people who can hear is common among some people who are deaf. (T/F)t
ii. People who are deaf can obtain a license to drive a car. (T/F)t
iii. People who are deaf are natural lip-readers. (T/F)f
iv. Many people who are deaf have speech that is difficult to understand. (T/F)t
v. People who are deaf are considered “mute.” (T/F)f
vi. People who are deaf are sometimes called “deaf and dumb.” This is an inappropriate term to use. “Deaf mute” is an appropriate term to use. (T/F)f
vii. Hearing aids correct hearing problems like glasses correct visual problems. (T/F)f
Q. No. 2 Define auditory Training? What are the goals and benefits of the auditory approach? 5+9
Q. No. 3 What are the devices and procedures used for auditory training? 6+8
Q. No. 4 Explain in detail how auditory training improves a child’s hearing? 14
Q. No. 5 Discuss the changing needs of developing children in auditory training? 14
Q. No. 6 Explain clinical techniques for developing auditory awareness and its processing? 14
Q. No. 7 How auditory learning is integrating at Pre-school level in special schools? 14
Q. No. 8 Answer any two short questions: 7+7
a) Language development in children with hearing loss
b) Strategies to facilitate speech development
c) Developmental levels of listening