Animal Behavior Past Papers
Subject: Animal Behavior
Time Allowed: 15 Min
Total Marks: 10
NOTE: ATTEMPT THIS PAPER ON THIS QUESTION SHEET ONLY. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Part-I Encircle the correct option, each question carries equal marks. (10)
1. The color which insects cannot differentiate is
(a) blue
(b) white
(c) red
(d) green
2. A snake that uses trails to lead to its main prey- ants is called
(a) Viper
(b) Gryllotalpa
(c) Leptotyphlops
(d) Cobra
3. Kleptoparasitism mean
(a) Food searching
(b) food stealing
(c) food accumulation
(d) food sharing
4. Lacerta agilis is the scientific name of
(a) Sand Lizard
(b) Tree lizard
(c) wall Lizard
(d) Ground Lizard
5. The onset of migration is controlled by
(a) weather
(b) Temperature
(c) Biological clock
(d) Rainfall
6. Any animal that eat plant is known as
(a) carnivore
(b) omnivore
(c) Herbivore
(d) scavenger
7. Any stimulus that is associated with some unpleasant event is called
(a) Appetitive stimulus
(b) Aversive stimulus
(c) conditional stimulus
(d) unconditional stimulus
8. Scientists who study behavior are called
(a) Economist
(b) Entomologist
(c) Ethologist
(d) Psychologist
9. Blue eyes are because of ____________.
(a) Presence of blue pigment
(b) Presence of brown pigment
(c) absence of blue pigment
(d) absence of brown pigment
10. When a male mates with more than one female in one breeding season this condition is called as
(a) monogamy
(b) polyandry
(c) polygamy
(d) polygynandry
Subject: Animal Behavior
Time Allowed: 2 Hour 45 Min
Total Marks: 50
Part-II Give short answers, each question carries equal marks. (20)
Q#1: Polyandry
Q#2: Synaptic facilitation
Q#3: Lek
Q#4: Bubble cloud feeding
Q#5: Pleiotropic effect
Q#6: Alarm calls
Q#7: Differentiate innate learning from social learning
Q#8: Foraging behavior
Q#9: Habitat selection
Q#10: Circannual rhythms
Part-III Give detailed answers, each question carries equal marks. (30)
Q#1: Discuss Migration? What is the genetics of migration?
Q#2: Write a detailed note on sexual reproduction and parental care?
Q#3: Write a detailed note on learning? Discuss associative learning and memory in aplysia?