Which of the following is true for first and second meiotic divisions of oogonia?

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024


Question:  Which of the following is true for first and second meiotic divisions of oogonia?

A    1st meiotic division is completed at puberty, 2nd meiotic division is completed prior to sperm entry into the cytoplasm of ovum

B    Both 1st and 2nd meiotic divisions are completed after the entry of sperm into the cytoplasm of ovum

C     1st meiotic division is completed after the entry of sperm, 2nd meiotic division is completed during implantation

D    1st meiotic division is completed prior to ovulation, 2nd meiotic division is completed after the entry of sperm into the cytoplasm of ovum.

Answer:   1st meiotic division is completed prior to ovulation, 2nd meiotic division is completed after the entry of sperm into the cytoplasm of ovum.


Aspect Meiosis I       Meiosis II
IntroductionOccurs during fetal development and is usually completed prior to a female’s birth.Occurs after fertilization, during the process of oocyte activation and usually after the entry of sperm into the cytoplasm of the ovum.
Oocyte StagePrimary oocyteSecondary oocyte
ChromosomesDiploid (2n)Haploid (n)
ResultProduces one secondary oocyte and one polar body.Produces a mature ovum (egg) and another polar body.
CompletionPauses at prophase I, resumes at ovulation and halts again at metaphase II.Pauses at metaphase II until fertilization occurs, then completes if fertilization happens.
SignificanceReduces chromosome number by half, creating genetic diversity and preparing for fertilization.Facilitates the formation of a mature, haploid ovum capable of uniting with a sperm to form a diploid zygote.