Which of the following is the first callback method that is invoked by the system during an activity life-cycle?

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Question: Which of the following is the first callback method that is invoked by the system during an activity life-cycle?

A  onStart() method

B  onClick() method

C  onRestart() method

D  onCreate() method

Answer:   onCreate() method

Method                     Description
onCreate() ·        The onCreate() method is the first callback method that is invoked by the system during the creation of an activity.

·        It is used for performing one-time initialization, such as setting up the user interface and binding data.

onStart() ·        The onStart() method is part of the Android activity lifecycle.

·        It is often used for initialization and preparing the UI.

 onClick() ·        The onClick() method is not a standard Android activity lifecycle method.

·        It is a method used for handling user interactions, such as button clicks.

·        It’s typically associated with event handling for UI components like buttons.

onRestart() ·        The onRestart() method is called when an activity is restarted after being stopped but not destroyed.

·        It’s part of the activity lifecycle and is used for reinitializing resources that were released during the onStop() method.

onDestroy() ·        The onDestroy() method is called before the activity is destroyed by the system.

·        It’s the last method in the activity lifecycle

·        It is used for final cleanup, such as releasing resources and unregistering listeners or receivers.