Sociology Past Papers

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024


Subject: Sociology-I (MAS)

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Max Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting are not allowed. (10)

Failure to conform to social rules is known as :

a) Crime b) Social control

c) Deviance d) Norm rejection

2. Society refers to the

a) Relationship of people b) Interrelationship of people

c) Customs of people d) None of above

The term socio-culture is used for

a) None of the above b) Culture change only

c) Social change only d) Both of these

The response of individuals to one another is

a) Culture b) Social interaction

c) Ethos d) None of above

Culture refers to.

a) Interrelationship of people b) Traditions of society

c) Interwoven pattern of behavior d) None of above




Subject: Sociology-I (MAS)

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Max Marks: 50



Part-II (a) Give Short Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (10)

Q#1: Social Structure.

Q#2: Social Stratification

Q#3: Social Groups

Q#4: Formal Sanctions


Part-II (a) Give Long Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: Define and explain all the components of culture.

Q#2: Define social interaction and explain with the example of the forms of social interaction?

Q#3: Define Sociology. Describe the scope and significance of sociology in different fields of life.


Subject: Sociology-I

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Max Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting are not allowed. (10)

Sociological perspective means

a) Understanding human behavior in broader context of society

b) Understanding human behavior in narrower context of society

c) Both a & b

d) None of these

Social Location is the group membership that people have because of their

a) Status in society b) Location in history and society

c) Location in a town d) None of these

Sociology is a

a) Social science b) Natural science

c) Behavioral science d) None of these

Which of the followings are included in primary goals of a social science?

a) Experimentation b) Generalization

c) Prediction d) All of these

Positivism was first proposed by

a) Augustus Comte b) Emily Durkheim

c) Herbert Spencer d) None of these above

Who is credited as founder of sociology?

a) Herbert Spencer b) Augustus Comte

c) Max Weber d) None of these