Past Papers of Antenna Wave Propagation and important Questions
Antenna Wave Propagation Past Papers
Paper: Antenna Wave Propagation
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q.1 Fill right word in the blanks. [14]
- In transverse electromagnetic waves, electric and magnetic fields are……………… to each others.
- Impedance matching are performed in antennas for ……………. Power transfer.
- Antennas are use for ……………… communication.
- Isotropic antenna radiate ……………… power in all directions.
- For TV ………………… antennas are use.
- When the frequency of signal increases, the size of antenna ……………..
- LNB stand for…………………..
Q.2 What is transverse electromagnetic wave, explain in detail with the help of diagram and electric, magnetic field relation. [14]
a.What is polarization, for which purpose polarization is performed
b.Explain the vertical polarization of waves with the help of diagram. [07, 07]
Q.4 What is radiation pattern, explain the radiation pattern of directional antenna with the help of diagram. [14]
Q.5 a.What is directivity of an antenna, explain with its mathematical equation.
b.What are the advantages and disadvantages of antenna field patterns multiplication? [07, 07]
Q.6 a.What are parasitic arrays, explain with the help of diagrams.
b.In which situation and places loop antennas are use, give at least five examples [07, 07]
Q.7 Write short notes on any two of the following: [07, 07]
- Quality factor and bandwidth of an antenna.
- Field strength measurement of an antenna.
- Turnstile antenna