Past Papers Introduction To information & Communication  Technologies

Web Engineering Past Paper 1

Course Title:  Introduction To Information & Communication  TechnologiesCourse Code: Confidential
Discipline /ProgramMCS 4th  SemesterTotal Marks: 40
Time allowed: 2 HourInstructor’s Name: Confidential

Q.1. If an operating system is not loaded into the system then what kind of program or instruction will remain loaded or executed in the system? Justify your answer.                                          (3)

Q2. Convert the following:                                                                                                            (3)

  1. Binary into decimal
  • (1100010010)2 = ()10
  • (1000101011)2 =()10
  1. Octal into Binary
  • (786)8 = ()2
  • (10341)8 = ()2
  1. Decimal into Octal
  • (9526)10 = ()8
  • (11605)10 = ()8

Q3. Differentiate between RAM and ROM? How static ram is much faster than dynamic RAM? Justify your answer.    (3)

Q.4. What is a computer? Explain the history of computers.                                                     (3)

500+ Past Papers – Computer Science