Health Awareness Strategies Past Papers Questions
Guess Paper 1: Health Awareness Strategies Fall – 2020 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q: 1. Complete the following: (20)
1. Change comes from two sources. One source is random or unique factors such as climate, weather, or the presence of specific groups of people. Another source is ———— factors
2. ___________refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, racial, educational, gender or economic strength of individuals and communities. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities.
3. Following is a form of counseling , complete the following;
a. G__
b. A_____
c. T_______
d. H_____
e. E_______
f. R_______
4. A pamphlet is an unbound _________ (that is, without a hard cover or binding). It may consist of a single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in fourths (called a leaflet), or it may consist of a few pages that are folded in half and saddle stapled at the crease to make a simple book.
5. A newsletter is a regularly distributed publication generally about one main topic that is of __________to its subscribers.
Q. 2: You are medical officer of a BHU, and there is an outbreak of measles in the nearby areas of the health
facility. How will your design a public health campaign in an attempt to prevent its spread.
Q. 3: What are different actions for intervention in primary health care? Discus briefly any one of them in
detail with practical examples
Q. 4: Discuss briefly the role of various types of media in promoting the polio campaigns in Pakistan
particularly in FATA region.
Q. 5: Define self esteem. What factors increase the level of self esteem working in an organization.
Q. 6: Write short notes on the following;
A. Didactics group methods. B. Focus group discussions.
Q. 7: Family planning users are not up to the mark in Pakistan, which health awareness strategy you would
recommend as a public specialist to increase contraceptive prevalence rate in certain area.
Q. 8: Environmental factors are directly proportional to the physical and social environment. Explain in detail
with practical real life examples.
Guess Paper 2: Health Awareness Strategies Spring – 2020 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q 1: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs); (10)
1. Which of the following behavior change theories focuses on individuals;
a.The Health Belief Model (HBM) b.The Tans Theoretical Model (TTM)
c.Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) d.All above e.None above
2. Constructs of Health Belief Model (HBM) are;
a.________ b.___________ c.______________
d.__________ e.___________ f._________
3. Major constructs of Trans Theoretical Model (TTM) are;
a.___________ b._____________ c.____________
d._____________ e.___________
4. In the context of Health education, reinforcement means any action or event;
a.That increases the desired behavior b.Presents something positive
c.Presents something negative d.All above e.None above
5. Behavior change approach of Health Education focuses on;
¬a.____________ b._____________ c._____________
d.__________ e.__________
6. Fill in the blanks Selecting the most appropriate one from the list given below;
i. Theory
ii. Construct
iii. Model
iv. Health programs
v. Health education
vi. Health Promotion
i. _________are a set of planned and organized activities carriedout over time to accomplish specific health related goals.
ii. ________________ is defined as systematic organized knowledge applicable in a relatively widen verity of circumstances devised to analyse, predict or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of specified set of phenomena that could be used as the basis for actions.
iii. ________________ is the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and its determinants.
iv. ________________ is the milestone for any theory.
v. ________________ is the process of informing and motivating people to adopt healthy livings.
7. The five phases of MATCH model are;
a._______________________ b._______________________
c._______________________ d._______________________ e._______________________
8. The Nine phases of OTAWA charter of Health promotion are;
a._______________________ b._______________________ c._______________________
d._______________________ e._______________________ f._______________________
g._______________________ h._______________________ i._______________________
9. Fundamental conditions and recourses for Health promotion are;
a._______________________ b._______________________ c._______________________
d._______________________ e._______________________ f._______________________
g._______________________ h._______________________ i._______________________
10. What does the following abbreviations stand for;
a.HFA _____________________________ b.BMI _____________________________
b.MMR ____________________________ c.FR ______________________________
d.GDP ____________________________
Q2. a: What do you know about OTTAWA charter of Health Promotion.
b: Briefly explain its action areas?
Q3. a: What is the basic theme of PRECEDE – PROCEED Model of Health Promotion?
b: Write note on each phase?
Q4. a: Define Health education and Health Literacy?
b: Which mode of communication/media will you use for family health education?
Q5. a. Define health education.
b. Whatare the principles of health education?
c. Enlist the different approaches and practices to health education?
Q6. a. Define health promotion.
b. Write down key features of any two models of Health promotion.
1: Caplan and Holland Model
2: Beattie‘s Model
3: Tannahill’s Model
Q7. a. Define Health Behaviour.
b. What are the stages through which the complex behaviourchanges model process?
c. Enlist key health behavior on the basis of available studies which have examined the relationship between health behavior and health outcomes, which have demonstrated their role in both morbidity and mortality?