Guidance and Counseling Past Papers Exam Questions

Guess Paper 1: Guidance and Counseling Fall – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1. Define following terms:
a) Empathy
b) Violence
c) Imbecile child
d) Depression
e) Temper Tantrum
f) Adaptation
g) Phobia
Q2. Define Guidance and discuss its scope and functions.

Q3. What are the effects of culture on guidance movements?

Q4. What is the need of guidance in secondary schools and how it could be helpful for solving their

Q5. Define Counseling and discuss its different principles.

Q6. Write a detailed description of Person/Client-Centered counseling.

Q7. What do you know about Career information? Also discuss Group Counseling.

Q8. Write short notes on any TWO:
a) Trends of Counseling
b) Attitudes of teachers for guidance
c) Gestalt therapy

Guess Paper 2: Guidance and Counseling Spring – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1. Define following:
i. Anxiety
ii. Self-esteem
iii. Cumulative record
iv. Empathy
v. Summative Evaluation
vi. Counseling
vii. Stress
Q2. Explain in detail the historical perspectives of guidance.
Q3. . What is the role of guidance in secondary schools and what are problems faced by these students.
Q4. How we can explain counseling, also discuss its different techniques.
Q5. What do you mean by career information? Discuss briefly.
Q6. Describe in detail different approaches of group counseling.
Q7. Write Short Notes on any two of the following:
i. Role of guidance in education
ii. Client-centered counseling
iii. Process of evaluation

Guess Paper 3: Guidance and Counseling Fall – 2019 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1. Differentiate between following:
a) Anxiety and Depression
b) Vocational Guidance and Educational Guidance
c) Attitude and Aptitude
d) Individual and Group tests

Q2. Discuss the role of Guidance services in educational setup.

Q3. Give an ample account of Origin of guidance services.

Q4. Describe the role of guidance in elementary school levels.

Q5. Differentiate between Gestalt and Decision –making counseling.

Q6. Elucidate the important steps in Group counseling.

Q7. Discuss in detail Individual and Group program for career information.

Q8. Write short notes on any TWO:
a. Effects of culture on guidance
b. Attitudes of parents towards guidance
c. Techniques of counseling

Guess Paper 4: Guidance and Counseling Spring – 2019 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q1. Differentiate between following:
a) Philosophy and Psychology
b) Proximity and Similarity
c) Educational Retardation and Social Retardation
d) Summative and Diagnostic Evaluation
Q2. Explain the philosophy of guidance.

Q3. Give an account of problems of secondary school students and also suggest how they could be resolve
with the help of effective guidance?

Q4. What are the effects of culture on guidance and counseling, argue with special reference to Pakistan.

Q5. Elucidate the main features of Decision making counseling.

Q6. Describe the important steps in Group counseling.

Q7. Discuss in detail the evaluation of guidance and counseling in a typical elementary school.

Q8. Write short notes on any TWO:

a. The Nature of Career Information
b. Attitudes of teachers towards guidance
c. Functions of guidance