Fuels Combustion Past Papers Exam Questions

Guess Paper 1: Functional Communication Fall – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Discuss in detail the different ranks of coal with their advantages, disadvantages and applications.

Q.2 Discuss refining and constituents of petroleum. Also write 5 uses of petroleum products.

Q.3 Explain the wood carbonization in detail. Also discuss composition of wood charcoal.

Q.4 A coal having 20% moisture content, 12% fixed carbon and 50% total carbon. Calculate volatile matter in coal. Also gives your views about this kind of coal.

Q.5 Briefly discuss various type of furnace with labeled diagram.

Q.6 Explain in detail any two theories about the existence of coal with pros and cons.

Q.7 Write note combustion, its general principle and fundamental reactions involved in combustion reaction.

Q.8 Define and explain
a) Producer gas
b) Wood gas
c) Synthetic fuels

Guess Paper 2: Functional Communication Spring – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Define the following:
i) Fuel
ii) Types of fuel on the basis of nature
iii) Composition of peat

Q.2 Explain carbonization of coal in detail.

Q.3 Discuss refining and constituents of petroleum. Also write 5 uses of petroleum products.

Q.4 Explain in detail any two theories about the petroleum existence.

Q.5 Write a note on different fuel testing methods.

Q.6 A coal having 13% volatile matter, 12% fixed carbon and 50% total carbon. Calculate moisture content in
coal. Also gives your views about this kind of coal.

Q.7 Briefly discuss drift theory. Also states its pros and cons.

Q.8 Define and explain
i) Merits and demerits of wood charcoal
ii) Ranks of Coal

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