Classical mechanics MCQ’s
1. Choose what happens inelastic collisions,
A. both of the momentum and total kinetic energy are conserved only the total kinetic energy is conserved.
B. only the total momentum of the colliding objects is conserved.
C. neither momentum of the colliding bodies nor the total kinetic energy is recoverable.
D. None of the above
2. What is the length of the Tensile strain is …
A. Force per unit area
B. Extension per unit length
C. Force per unit volume
D. Force per unit length
3. For streamline motion of an incompressible non-viscous fluid, is states by Bernoulli’s principle …
A. the pressure at any part + the kinetic energy per unit volume = constant
B. the kinetic energy per unit volume + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
C. the pressure at any part + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
D. the pressure at any part + the kinetic energy per unit volume + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
4. While bulk modulus ‘K’ relates to change in volume and Young’s modulus ‘E’ relates to change in length and, modulus of rigidity ‘G’ relates to change in:
A. shape
B. weight
C. density
D. temperature
5. Young’s modulus is defined as which of the following…
A. tensile stress/tensile strain
B. tensile strain/tensile stress
C. tensile stress × tensile strain
D. length/area
6. Hooke’s law states that…
A. the load is dependent on an extension
B. the extension is inversely proportional to the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded
C. the extension is independent of the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded
D. the extension is proportional to the load when the elastic limit is not exceeded
7. If simple harmonic variations of a pendulum die away after some time, Due to energy dissipation by viscous forces in the air, then oscillation is said to be…
A. undamped
B. damped
C. free
D. dependent
8. The yield point of a copper wire…
A. the load hasn’t exceeded the elastic limit yet; so, Hooke’s law applies
B. the load has already exceeded the elastic limit and the material has become plastic
C. even the plastic stage has passed and the wire has snapped already
D. none of above.
9. Stationary waves are said to be which type of wave…
A. static waves
B. progressive waves
C. standing waves
D. All of the above
10. Force in the field is said to be when we moving a particle around a closed loop in a field is zero,
A. Zero forces
B. Non-Conservative forces
C. Conservative forces
D. Viscous forces
11. the maximum frictional force has to be overcome, In order to slip one surface over another, this maximum frictional force between two surfaces is also known as
A. kinetic frictional force
B. maximal frictional force
C. limiting frictional force
D. none of above
12. What is the uniform density of the core, acceleration due to gravity below Earth’s surface is
A. inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the center of the Earth
B. inversely proportional to the distance from the center of the Earth
C. directly proportional to the square of the distance from the center of the Earth
D. directly proportional to the distance from the center of the Earth
13. At points in a moving fluid where potential energy change is very small, by Bernoulli’s principle is due to…
A. the pressure is low where the velocity is low and similarly, the pressure is high where the velocity is high
B. pressure remain independent of the speed of the stationary fluid
C. the pressure becomes independent of the velocity of the moving fluid
D. the pressure is low where the velocity is high and conversely, the pressure is high where the velocity is low