Physical Education Curriculum

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 23, 2024


1st Semester Courses

  1. English I
  2. Pakistan Studies
  3. Mathematics
  4. Fundamental Application of Physics
  5. The philosophical basis of Physical Education
  6. Games-I
  7. Athletics-I


2nd Semester Courses

  1. English II
  2. Islamic Studies / Ethics
  3. Mathematics II / Univ. Optional
  4. Biochemistry
  5. Sports Biomechanics
  6. Athletics-II
  7. Games-II
  8. Gymnastic-I


3rd Semester Courses

  1. English III
  2. Introduction to Computer
  3. Talent Identification in Sports
  4. Games-III
  5. Basics of Human Anatomy
  6. Athletics-III
  7. Gymnastics-II


4th Semester Courses

  1. English IV/ Univ. Optional
  2. Introduction to modern technologies
  3. Sociology
  4. Administration and Management in Sports
  5. Basics of Human Physiology
  6. Practical Athletics-IV
  7. Games-IV

5th Semester Courses

  1. Science of Sports Training
  2. Environmental Sciences
  3. Physical Education for Special population
  4. Sports Nutrition
  5. Introduction to Statistics

6th Semester Courses

  1. Specialization in one group of track and field
  2. Research Methodology in Physical Education
  3. Planning Sports Facilities
  4. Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Physical education & Sports
  5. Sports Psychology

Practical (Teaching Practice)

7th Semester Courses

  1. Common Sports Injuries, Treatment &
  2. Exercise Physiology
  3. Role of Media in Sports
  4. Scientific Sports Coaching
  5. Specialization in one game
  6. Research Proposal

8th Semester Courses

  1. Sports Medicine
  2. Curriculum Development in Physical Education
  3. Adapted Physical Education
  4. Research Thesis/Research Project

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  5. Mental Development in Physical Education
  6. History of Physical Education MCQs
  7. Principles and Foundations of Physical Education MCQs
  8. Physical Fitness and Wellness MCQs
  9. Anatomy and Physiology MCQs – Physical Education
  10. Exercise Physiology MCQs
  11. Kinesiology and Biomechanics MCQs
  12. Sports Psychology MCQs
  13. Sports Sociology MCQs
  14. Motor Learning and Control MCQs
  15. Sports Training and Coaching MCQs
  16. Health Education MCQs
  17. Sports Injuries and Prevention MCQs
  18. Rehabilitation and Therapy MCQs
  19. Nutrition in Sports MCQs
  20. Yoga and Physical Education MCQs
  21. Recreational Activities and Outdoor Games MCQs
  22. Sports Management and Administration MCQs
  23. Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education MCQs
  24. Teaching Methods in Physical Education MCQs
  25. Growth and Development in Physical Education MCQs
  26. Sports Medicine MCQs
  27. Adapted Physical Education MCQs
  28. Athletic Training and Performance Enhancement MCQs
  29. Fitness Testing and Assessment MCQs
  30. Leadership in Physical Education MCQs
  31. Olympic and International Sports MCQs
  32. Physical Education and Special Populations MCQs
  33. Ethics in Sports and Physical Education MCQs
  34. Technology in Physical Education and Sports MCQs