The sound of y at the end of word is represented by light dot – Shorthand

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 8, 2025

The sound of y at the end of word is represented by light dot - Shorthand
The sound of y at the end of word is represented by light dot – Shorthand

Money shorthand

shorthand for bachelor of science
shorthand for bachelor of science
  1. M is represented by a downward curved stroke starting from left to right.
  2. O is represented by a light dash.
  3. N is represented by a light upward curve starting from left to right.
  4. Y is represented by a light dot below the ‘N’ stroke.

Guilty shorthand

steno shorthand writing
steno shorthand writing
  1. G is represented by a light slanting stroke from top left to bottom right.
  2. I is represented by a light dot above “L” stroke.
  3. L is represented by a curved stroke from bottom to top, curving from right to left.
  4. T is represented by a straight vertical downward stroke.
  5. Y is represented by a light dot at the end of “T” stroke.

Lady shorthand

translating shorthand
translating shorthand
  1. L is represented by a curved stroke, curving from left bottom to right.
  2. A is represented by a heavy dot to the right of the “L” stroke.
  3. D is represented by a heavy vertical downward stroke.
  4. Y is represented by a light dot at the end of the “D” stroke.

Baby shorthand

write short hand
write short hand
  1. B is represented by a heavy downward slanting stroke, Slanting from left to right.
  2. A is represented by a heavy dot to the right of the “B” stroke.
  3. B is represented by a heavy downward slanting stroke.
  4. Y is represented by a light dot at the end of the “B” stroke, “B” stroke

Chilly shorthand

learn shorthand online
learn shorthand online
  1. CH is represented by a light  slanting stroke, slanting from top right to bottom left.
  2. I is represented by a light dot placed above the “CH” stroke.
  3. L is represented by a curved stroke, curving from bottom to top.
  4. Y is represented by a light dot at the end of the “L” stroke.

Funny shorthand

learn stenography
learn stenography
  1. F is represented by a light half curve, curving from left to right.
  2. U is represented by a light dash to the right of the “F” stroke.
  3. N is represented by a light upward curve.
  4. Y is represented by a light dot at the end of the “N” stroke.