Past Papers of Object oriented analysis and design OOAD

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Past Papers of Object oriented analysis and design (OOAD)

Course Title: Object oriented analysis and designCourse Code :    CS-553
Discipline /Program : BSCS Total Marks :  18
Time allowed :    1 HourInstructor’s Name(s): F. R. Shamil

Case Study:

The Workers Loan Management System will help an organization to manage a loan for its workers online in an efficient way. Workers can request loans, which will be reviewed by the HR department and then loans will be approved or rejected. In case, the loan is rejected, the worker will be informed of the reason for loan rejection.

However, in the case of loan approval, Loan approval terms and conditions, the loan repayment schedule will be provided to the worker. If the worker will agree with the loan offer, terms and condition, and repayment schedule, the loan will be granted to the worker and automatic deduction from worker salary will be made.

Functional Requirements:

User’s Requirements:

FR1.            The user can View Loan policies, loan limit, and other details according to worker rank and salary.

FR2.            The user can Apply for a loan using a loan application.

FR3.            The user can Receive acceptance or rejection

FR4.           The user can Receive loan acceptance terms and condition and installment plan in case loan is accepted

FR5.            The user can Provide scanned copies of required documents

FR6.            The user can View loan status and report of monthly paid and remaining installments.

Admin’s Requirements:

FR7.            The admin can Define loan policies and rules according to worker rank.

FR8.           The admin can Receive workers’ requests for loan

FR9.           The admin can Approve/Disapprove loan

FR10.         The admin can Calculate whether a loan can be fully or partially granted.


Question 01: Draw use case diagram for the given case study?           (6 Points)

Question 02:  Draw class  diagram for the given case study?                                                              (6 Points)


Question 03: what are space and usability requirements. Give examples.                                     (6 Points)


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