Foundation Engineering MCQs

Solved MCQs on Foundation Engineering

MCQs on Permeability of Stratified Soil Deposits

The soil deposit has three layers of a soil. Permeability of the second layer is 1/2 to first layer and the permeability of the third layer is 1/3 to first layer and Thickness of each layer is equal, then its average permeability parallel to the bedding plane is______
(A). 11k
(B). 18k
(C). 1118k
(D). 1811k
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

Ever layer of the stratified soil deposit has its own coefficient of the permeability.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What would be the value of average permeability parallel to bedding planes, if the coefficient of permeability of the two soil layers 1 and 2 in soil deposit is 9*10-7 cm/s and 4*10-7 cm/s respectively and thickness of the layers is equal?
(A). 4.5*10-7 cm/s
(B). 5.5*10-7 cm/s
(C). 6.5*10-7 cm/s
(D). 7.5*10-7 cm/s
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

Soil deposit has three layers of the soil. Permeability of the second layer is twice to the first layer and the permeability of the third layer is thrice to the first layer and Thickness of each layer is 5m, then its average permeability parallel to the bedding plane is____
(A). k
(B). 2k
(C). 3k
(D). 4k
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

if a soil deposit has three layers of soil. The permeability of the second layer is twice to first layer and the permeability of the third layer is thrice to first layer and Thickness of each layer is 5m, then its average permeability perpendicular to the bedding plane is______
(A). 11k
(B). 18k
(C). 1118k
(D). 1811k
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

On what the average coefficient of the permeability of the whole deposit depends?
(A). on the direction of flow with respect to the bedding plane
(B). on the direction of flow but not with respect to the bedding plane
(C). on the length of bedding plane
(D). width of bedding plane
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

A soil deposit has three layers of soil? The permeability of the second layer is 1/2 to first layer and the permeability of the third layer is 1/3 to first layer and thickness of each layer is equal, then its average permeability perpendicular to the bedding plane is_______
(A). k
(B). 1/2k
(C). 1/3k
(D). 1/4k
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What would be the value of average permeability perpendicular to bedding planes, if the coefficient of permeability of the two soil layers 1 and 2 in the soil deposit is 9*10-7 cm/s and 4*10-7 cm/s respectively and thickness of the layers is equal?
(A). 4.5*10-7 cm/s
(B). 5.5*10-7 cm/s
(C). 6.5*10-7 cm/s
(D). 7.5*10-7 cm/s
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

Seepage Analysis – Head, Gradient and Potential MCQs

Elevation head is considered as negative if a point is situated above the datum and is positive if below the datum.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What is the total head at any point may be regarded, with respect to the datum?
(A). potential energy measure
(B). the potential energy per unit weight of the water measure
(C). unit weight of water measure
(D). volume of water measure
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

When the water flows by a saturated soil mass, the piezometric head is the sum of velocity head and the position head.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What is the piezometric surface in the line joining?
(A). water level in piezometers
(B). soil stratum
(C). equal voids ratio in soil mass
(D). equal velocity of flow
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What is a piezometric head called?
(A). position head
(B). elevation head
(C). velocity head
(D). pressure head
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

What is the hydraulic potential at any point?
(A). h=hw±Z
(B). h=hw*Z
(C). h=hw/Z
(D). h=Z/hw
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

The total head is the sum of what?
(A). piezometric head and velocity head
(B). piezometric head and position head
(C). position head and velocity head
(D). velocity head and pressure head
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What is the difference between the elevation of water surfaces in piezometers?
(A). hydraulic gradient
(B). velocity
(C). head loss
(D). depth or length of the sample
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

What is the hydraulic gradient equal to?
(A). hydraulic head
(B). velocity head
(C). hydraulic head per unit distance
(D). pressure head
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

When the flow occurs between two points?
(A). only if there is difference in total heads
(B). only if there is no difference in total heads
(C). only if the total heads are equal
(D). only if the total heads are equal to zero
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What is a position head called?
(A). total head
(B). elevation head
(C). velocity head
(D). pressure head
(E). None of these
Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

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