Which of the following is the first Indian life insurance company established in India?


Question: Which of the following is the first Indian life insurance company established in India?


A   Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

B   Oriental Life Insurance Company

C  National Insurance Company

D  New India Assurance Company

Answer:  Oriental Life Insurance Company


Aspect    Description
Name Oriental Life Insurance Company
Year of Establishment 1818
Significance First life insurance company on Indian soil.

Oriental Life Insurance Company introduced the concept of life insurance to India during the British colonial period.

Historical Impact Paved the way for the growth of the insurance industry in India, fostering a culture of financial security and savings through life insurance policies.
Current Status Not operational today.
Legacy A precursor to the modern insurance sector in India, with numerous public and private insurance companies offering various insurance products.
Operations Operated as a pioneer in life insurance, providing individuals with the opportunity to secure the financial future of their families.