Each modification done in a database transaction is first recorded into which of the following?


Question: Each modification done in a database transaction is first recorded into which of the following?

A      Harddrive

B       Log

C        Disk

D      Datamart

Answer:   Log


Database transaction modification Location of Initial Recording Purpose
Data insertion Transaction Log Records new data entries added to the database.
Data update Transaction Log Logs changes made to existing data in the database.
Data deletion Transaction Log Keeps a record of data that has been removed.
Transaction begin Transaction Log Marks the start of a transaction for recovery.
Transaction commit Transaction Log Signals the successful completion of a transaction.
Transaction rollback Transaction Log Records the reversal of a failed transaction.
Metadata changes Transaction Log and System Catalog Tracks changes to the database schema and structure.
Data access (read operations) Typically not recorded in the log Reading operations are not recorded in the log.