Commutative Algebra – MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 14, 2025

Question 1:

\text{Which of the following is an integral domain but not a field?}
\text{(a) } \mathbb{Z}, \quad \text{(b) } \mathbb{Q}, \quad \text{(c) } \mathbb{R}, \quad \text{(d) } \mathbb{C}
Answer: A

Question 2:

\text{Let } R \text{ be a commutative ring with unity. If } R \text{ has no zero divisors, what is } R \text{ called?}
\text{(a) } A field, \quad \text{(b) } A division ring, \quad \text{(c) } An integral domain, \quad \text{(d) } A group
Answer: C

Question 3:

\text{Which of the following is NOT a property of an ideal in a commutative ring?}
\text{(a) } Closure under addition, \quad \text{(b) } Closure under multiplication by ring elements, \quad \text{(c) } Containing the multiplicative identity, \quad \text{(d) } Closure under additive inverses
Answer: C

Question 4:

\text{What is the characteristic of the ring } \mathbb{Z}/7\mathbb{Z} \text{?}
\text{(a) } 0, \quad \text{(b) } 1, \quad \text{(c) } 7, \quad \text{(d) } None of these
Answer: C

Question 5:

\text{Which of the following rings is a principal ideal domain (PID)?}
\text{(a) } \mathbb{Z}, \quad \text{(b) } \mathbb{Z}[x], \quad \text{(c) } \mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{2}], \quad \text{(d) } \mathbb{Q}[x]
Answer: A

Question 6:

\text{The nilradical of a commutative ring consists of:}
\text{(a) } Units, \quad \text{(b) } Zero divisors, \quad \text{(c) } Nilpotent elements, \quad \text{(d) } Prime elements
Answer: C

Question 7:

\text{Which of the following is NOT an example of a Noetherian ring?}
\text{(a) } \mathbb{Z}, \quad \text{(b) } \mathbb{Q}[x], \quad \text{(c) } \mathbb{R}[x_1, x_2, \dots], \quad \text{(d) } \mathbb{C}[x]
Answer: C

Question 8:

\text{A maximal ideal in a commutative ring is always:}
\text{(a) } A prime ideal, \quad \text{(b) } A principal ideal, \quad \text{(c) } A zero ideal, \quad \text{(d) } A unit
Answer: A

Question 9:

\text{If } R \text{ is a commutative ring with unity, the set of all units in } R \text{ is called:}
\text{(a) } An ideal, \quad \text{(b) } A group, \quad \text{(c) } A subring, \quad \text{(d) } A field
Answer: B

Question 10:

\text{Which of the following rings is a unique factorization domain (UFD)?}
\text{(a) } \mathbb{Z}, \quad \text{(b) } \mathbb{Z}[x], \quad \text{(c) } \mathbb{Q}[x], \quad \text{(d) } All of these
Answer: D

Question 11:

\text{A ring } R \text{ is called a local ring if it has exactly one:}
\text{(a) } Ideal, \quad \text{(b) } Maximal ideal, \quad \text{(c) } Prime ideal, \quad \text{(d) } Nilradical
Answer: B

Question 12:

\text{The ring } \mathbb{Z}/4\mathbb{Z} \text{ is:}
\text{(a) } A field, \quad \text{(b) } An integral domain, \quad \text{(c) } A ring with zero divisors, \quad \text{(d) } A Noetherian ring
Answer: C

Question 13:

\text{Which of the following statements is true?}
\text{(a) } Every PID is a UFD, \quad \text{(b) } Every UFD is a PID, \quad \text{(c) } Every integral domain is a PID, \quad \text{(d) } Every field is a UFD
Answer: A

Question 14:

\text{An ideal } I \text{ of a commutative ring } R \text{ is prime if:}
\text{(a) } ab \in I \Rightarrow a \in I \text{ or } b \in I, \quad \text{(b) } I = R, \quad \text{(c) } I \text{ is maximal}, \quad \text{(d) } I \text{ contains units}
Answer: A

Question 15:

\text{If } I \text{ is an ideal of } R, \text{ then } R/I \text{ is a field if and only if } I \text{ is:}
\text{(a) } A maximal ideal, \quad \text{(b) } A prime ideal, \quad \text{(c) } A principal ideal, \quad \text{(d) } A radical ideal
Answer: A

Question 16:

\text{The polynomial ring } \mathbb{Q}[x] \text{ is:}
\text{(a) } A PID, \quad \text{(b) } A UFD, \quad \text{(c) } A field, \quad \text{(d) } None of these
Answer: B

Question 17:

\text{Which of the following rings is NOT a domain?}
\text{(a) } \mathbb{Z}, \quad \text{(b) } \mathbb{Q}, \quad \text{(c) } \mathbb{Z}/6\mathbb{Z}, \quad \text{(d) } \mathbb{Q}[x]
Answer: C

Question 18:

\text{A Noetherian ring is one in which:}
\text{(a) } Every ideal is finitely generated, \quad \text{(b) } Every prime ideal is maximal, \quad \text{(c) } The ring is a UFD, \quad \text{(d) } None of these
Answer: A

Question 19:

\text{Which of the following is an example of an Artinian ring?}
\text{(a) } A field, \quad \text{(b) } \mathbb{Z}, \quad \text{(c) } \mathbb{Q}[x], \quad \text{(d) } None of these
Answer: A

Question 20:

\text{The radical of an ideal } I \text{ in } R \text{ consists of:}
\text{(a) } Nilpotent elements, \quad \text{(b) } Prime elements, \quad \text{(c) } Units, \quad \text{(d) } None of these
Answer: A

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