Semester Wise Courses Of BS Food Technology

Semester Wise Courses Of BS Food Technology

This list of courses (Subjects) Semester Wise Courses of BS Food Technology is just a sample. Different universities offer courses according to their own choice.

Semester I

  1. Reading Comprehension &  Written/Critical  Reading &  Writing(English)
  2. Mathematics/Biology
  3. Introduction to Food Technology
  4. Introduction to Dairy Technology

Semester II

  1. Verbal Communication/ Spoken  English (English II)
  2. Statistics
  3. Islamic Studies
  4. Computer Application Skills/IT
  5. Food Chemistry

Semester III

  1. Statistics-II
  2. Introductory Biochemistry
  3. Basic Agriculture
  4. Food Processing and  Preservation
  5.  Food Characterization
  6. Life and Learning

Semester IV

  1. Fermentation Technology
  2. Food Engineering
  3. Food Toxicology and Safety
  4. Nutrition and Dietetics
  5. Cereal Technology

Semester V

  1. Fruits and Vegetable Processing 
  2. Food Biotechnology
  3. Sugar Technology
  4. Fats and Oil Technology
  5. Food Analysis and Instrumentation

Semester VI

Beverage Technology

Meat Technology

Baking Technology


Baking Technology


Post-Harvest Management

Food Product Development

 Semester VII

  1. EnzymeTechnology
  2. Ice-cream and Frozen Desserts
  3. Unit Operationsatin
  4. Sea Food
  5. Food  Processing

 Semester VIII

  1. Food Safety Standards
  2. Research Projects and Scientific Writing
  3. Food Quality Management
  4. Research Project/Internship
  5. Research Project/Internship

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