Effective Communication Past Papers Exam Questions
Guess Paper 1: Effective Communication Fall – 2020 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q.1 Briefly Explain the 7’C of effective communication?
Q.2 Explain the process of preparing effective business messages?
Q.3 What is a short report? Explain its different parts.
Q.4 Define leadership? Also explain its kinds.
Q.5 What methods are used in problems solving in group meeting?
Q.6 For what specific purpose proposals are used. Discuss its different parts.
Q.7 Explain the different steps involved in successful interpersonal communication?
Q.8 Explain any ONE of the following.
a) National cultural variables.
b) Individual cultural variables.
c) Kinds of persuasive Speaking.
Guess Paper 2: Effective Communication Spring – 2020 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q1. Attempt any four of the following short questions:
a) List down the major parts of business or research proposal (4 marks)
b) Define communication and effective communication (4 marks)
c) List the types of communication within and outside organization (4 marks)
d) What is successful interpersonal communication? (4 marks)
e) What are “salutation” and “letter head” in a formal business message? (4 marks)
Q2. Explain the five steps of effective communication with a diagram. Also label the diagram and describe it (12.5 marks)
Q3. Attempt the following:
a) Describe the five steps of preparing effective business messages (6.5 marks)
b) Apply the five steps of preparing effective business messages on a real example. (3 marks)
c) What is the purpose of report writing? (3 marks)
Q4. Attempt the following:
a) What is Persuasion? Explain positive and negative types of persuasion with examples (3 marks)
b) What is persuasive speaking? How can you persuasive someone? (3 marks)
c) Explain successful persuasion and different strategies towards successful persuasion (6.5 marks)
Q5. a) Explain the group formation stages for a successful business along with a diagram. Also write the different kinds or types of group meetings (6.5 marks)
b) Who are group leaders? What is the role of group leaders in the group meetings (6 marks)
Q6. Explain and describe the following 7C’s of effective communication (12.5 marks)
Q7. Write short report/notes on the following:
a) Business Communication and Global Context (6 marks)
b) Business Communication & Legal Issues (6.5 marks)
Guess Paper 3: Effective Communication Spring – 2019 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q1. Attempt the following MCQs:
1. Completeness, Conciseness and Consideration are three components of the:
a. Effective Communication b. Successful Communication
c. 7Cs of Effective Communication d. None of the above
2. Communicationis a two way process of transmitting and receiving _______________
a. Sender & Receiver b. Receptive skills & Productive skills c. Verbal and non-verbal messages
3. Effective Communication employs the use of words in either __________ forms to communicate
a. Oralform b. Written Form c. Oral or written
4. Type of Internal Communication that exist inside an organization, are:
a. Upward communication b. Downward communication
c. Horizontal communication d. All of the above
Flow of communication Top
The above representation shows the channel of:
a. Horizontal communication b. Upward communication c. Downward communication
6. Long messages are complex and are difficult to deal with inside organization. Therefore, it is preferred
that long and complex messages should be:
a. Oral b. Written c. Both oral and written
7. Short messages are not complex and are not difficult to deal with inside organization. Therefore, it is
preferred that short and precise messages should be:
a. Oral b. Written c. Both oral and written
8. Communication within two people is known:
a. Intrapersonal Communication b. Interpersonal communication c. Intergroup communication
9. The main purpose of a report writing is:
a. To inform important business or any core purpose b. To clear the issues
c. Both above options d. None of the above
10. Choose the correct five planning sequence for writing effective business messages:
a. Identify your purpose, Organize your message, Choose your ideas, Analyze your audience, Collect your data
b. Identify your purpose, Collect your data, Choose your ideas, Analyze your audience, Organize your message
c. Identify your purpose,Analyze your audience, Choose your ideas, Collect your data, Organize your message
d. Identify your purpose, Choose your ideas, Organize your message, Collect your data, Analyze your audience
11. When your reader or listener might react negatively to your message, you will follow an indirect approach, this is a step followed in:
a. Business telephone calls b. Business written messages
c. Both phone calls and written messages d. None of the above
12. When your reader or listener will have a favorable or neutral reaction to your message, you will:
a. Follow indirect Approach b. Follow direct Approach
c. Write business messages d. Makes telephone calls
13. Salutation is a part of business letter. And it is ______________:
a. The content of letter b. The body of letter c. The formal greetings of letter d. The closing of letter
14. Business Letter head has:
a. The company information of sender b. The company information of receiver
c. Both sender and receiver d. No information about company
15. Who receives the business report:
a. Internal b. External c. Overseas d. Government e. All of the above
Q2. Define communication with all of its types? What are the five steps of communication define and describe them. Also draw a diagram of an effective communication process(12.5 marks), Effective Communication in Business-Ancient Heritage)
Q3. Attempt the following:
• Describe the five steps of preparing effective business messages (6.5 marks) The Process of preparing Effective Business Messages)
• Write a real business message and focus a real purpose. (3 marks)
• What is a successful interpersonal communication? (3 marks), Successful interpersonal Communication)
Q4. Attempt the following:, Strategies for successful informative and persuasive speaking)
• What is Persuasion? Explain positive and negative types of persuasion with examples (3marks)
• What is persuasive speaking? How can you persuasive someone? (3 marks)
• Explain successful persuasion and different strategies towards successful persuasion (6.5 marks)
Q5. Explain the group formation stages for a successful business along with a diagram. Also write the
different kinds or types of group meetings (6.5 marks)
• Who are group leaders? What is the role of group leaders in the group meetings (6 marks), Successful Business & Group Meeting)
Q6. Explain and describe the following7C’s of effective communication (12.5 marks), The Seven
C’s of Effective Communication)
Q7. Make a list of all the major parts or headings in research or business proposal. Explain the major parts of
a research or business proposal. You can also attempt this question by writing a real proposal(12.5
Q8. Write short report/notes on the following:
A. Business Communication and Global Context (6 marks)
B. Business Communication & Legal Issues (6.5 marks)
Guess Paper 4: Effective Communication Fall- 2019 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q1. Write an essay on any one of the following:-
i) My favourite personality
ii) Visit to a historical place
iii) Advantages and disadvantages of internet
Q2. Write a note on Individual Cultural Variables.
Q3. Write a note on the basic principles of Effective communication. Commonly known as the 7C’s.
Q4. Write a detail note on the components of Communication.
Q5. What is a short report? Also state its different parts.
Q6. Write in detail about the process of preparing an effective message.
Q7. Write the purposes of Informative and Persuasive speaking. Also state the kinds of informative and persuasive speaking.
Q8. What are the responsibilities of leadership in group meetings?