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Which of the following is not an open source software?

(A). Linux
(B). Android
(C). Mozilla Firefox
(D). Microsoft Office
Answer: ​Microsoft Office

Which of the following is open-source software?

(A). Joomla
(B). Android
(C). Drupal
(D). All of these
Answer: ​Microsoft Office

Difference  between Open Source Software and Closed Source Software

OSS  stands for Open Source Software. OSS  stands for Closed Source Software.
The source code is public in Open Source Software. The source code is protected in closed-source software.
All end users can access and use the source code of Open source software. The general public or End users can’t access and use the source code of closed-source software.
There is a more chance of failure of Open source software. There is less chance of failure of Closed source software.
Open Closed software can be installed by anyone on any computer. The end user required a license before installation of Closed source software into any computer.
The price is very less. The price is high.
Open Source Software can be purchased with its source code. Closed Source Software can’t be purchased with its source code.
Anyone can modify the code of  Open Source Software. Only programmers or allowed persons can only modify the code of closed-source software.
No one is responsible if anything happened to Open source software. The Software house is responsible if anything happened to closed-source software.
There are no so many limitations on users based on usability and modification of software. There are so many limitations on users based on usability and modification of software.

Examples of Open Source Software and Closed Source Software

Open-source Software Closed Source Software
Taiga Adobe Reader
TurboCASH Adobe Flash
OpenCart Adobe Flash Player
Datawrapper Microsoft Windows
OpenCms Java
Thunderbird Skype Virtual Box
Apache OpenOffice Google earth
WooCommerce WinRAR
SugarCRM Community Edition Microsoft office
GanttProject mac OS
ADempiere Google Chrome
Claws Mail DB2 Express-C
OroCRM VMwareServer
Kimai Intel Fortran Compiler PE
Geary Java
Redmine JBuilder 2008 Turbo
xTuple Adobe Reader
Fat Free CRM Google Desktop
PrestaShop Google Earth
WordPress Picasa
phpList Skype
WSDesk – ELEX WordPress HelpDesk & Customer Ticketing System Google Docs & Spreadsheets
Clockify Lotus Symphony
Calligra Opera
Charted WebSphere Application Server
Magestore Quasar Accounting
TiddlyMap Intel C++ Compiler PE
NeoOffice AVG Anti-Virus
Odoo Rainlendar Lite
Highcharts VirtualBox
GIMP Adobe Flash
Inkscape Avast!
eM Clients  
Zen Cart  
Brave Browser  
Pale Moon  

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