Statistical Mechanics Past Papers


Subject: Statistical Mechanics

Time Allowed: 15 Min

Total Marks: 10

NOTE: ATTEMPT THIS PAPER ON THIS QUESTION SHEET ONLY. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the correct option, each question carries equal marks. (05)

1. The probability cf finding a system in one of its micro statesis
(a) zero
(b) equal
(c) unequal
(d) negative
2. In Bose-Einstein condensate the number of particles in ground state is
(a) zero
(b) verylarge
(c) half of that of first excited state
(d) very small but non zero
3. Bose Einstein condensate is formed at
(a) very high temperature
(b) room temperature
(c) very low temperature
(d) alt temperatures.
4. The chemical potential of photon is
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) undefined
(d) negative
5. The number of particles and energy both are exchanged in
(a) microcanonical ensemble
(b) grand canonical ensemble
(c) canonical enesemble
(d) both a and b
6. In canonical ensemble, the fluctuation occurs in
(a) Energy
(b) temperature
(c) concentration
(d) All of these
7. U-PV equals to
(a) enthalpy
(b) Helmholiz free energy
(c) entropy
(d) None of these
8. Electrons in a metal obey
(a) Maxwell-Boltzmann Stalistics
(b) Bose-Einstein Statistics
(c) Fermi-Dirac Statistics
(d) None of these
9. The particles with integral spin are described by
(a) Fermi-Dirac Statistics
(b) Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics
(c) Bose-Einstein Statistics
(d) All of these
10. The orbit in phase space for harmonic oscillator is
(a) acircle
(b) an ellipse
(c) a straight line
(d) a hyperbola