Psycho-Pathology Past Papers

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024


Subject: Psycho-Pathology

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10)

1. GABA inactivity is one of the important factor in
a) Eating disorders
b) Depression
c) Anxiety
d) Both B and C
2. Cognitive therapy was given by?
a) John Locke
b) Watson
c) Arron Beck
d) None of them
3. Equal prevalence in men and women is found for
a) OCD
b) Anorexia
c) GAD
d) None of above
4. Serotonin level is most important for the normal function of
a) Limbic system
b) Occipital Lobe
c) Cerebellum
d) Frontal Lobe
5. Ellis’s rational-emotive therapy (RET) describe
a) Point out irrational assumptions
b) Suggest more appropriate assumptions
c) Assign related home work
d) All above
6. The term schizophrenia can be interpreted to mean
a) A split between thought and emotion
b) Having more than one personality
c) The same thing as a dissociative reaction.
d) That a person is insane.
7. When a person’s sexual identity does not match his or her physical gender, the diagnosis is
a) Paraphilia.
b) Sexual dysfunction.
c) Gender identity disorder.
d) Androgyny.
8. It has been discovered that all major anti-psychotic drugs
a) Block the action of dopamine.
b) Facilitate the action of dopamine.
c) Increase levels of dopamine.
d) Decrease levels of dopamine.
9. A researcher seeking an organic basis for schizophrenia would be well-advised to investigate the role of
a) Amphetamines and amphetamine receptors.
b) Adrenaline and noradrenaline.
c) Histamine and antihistamine.
d) Popamine and dopamine receptors.
10. Which of the following is characteristic of a dissociative disorder?
a) phobic disorder
b) amnesia
c) paranoia
d) depression


Subject: Psycho-Pathology

Time Allowed: 2 Hour and 45 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 50



Part-II Give Short answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: Define Panic disorder briefly.

Q#2: What is the difference between bipolar | and bipolar [1?

Q#3: Define four D’s for explaining abnormal behavior.

Q#4: Explain eating disorder and name the types of eating disorder.


Part-III Give detailed answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: Define the most common etiological factors of Schizophrenia.

Q#2: Write down a detail note on the symptoms of the three types of dissociative disorders.

Q#3: How can you differentiate between histrionic and borderline personality disorder?