International Organizations Past Papers


Subject: International Organizations

Time Allowed: 15 Min

Total Marks: 10

NOTE: ATTEMPT THIS PAPER ON THIS QUESTION SHEET ONLY. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the correct option, each question carries equal marks. (10)

1. United Nations was established after war.
a) 1st world war
b) 2nd world war
c) Korean war
2. The Headquarter of UNO is in .
a) New York
b) The Heague
c) London
3. UNO has official languages.
a) 03
b) 06
c) 07
4. The preamble of UN charter was signed by countries.
a) 55
b) 51
c) 49
5. United Nations does not have permanent .
a) Army
b) Secretariat
c) Building
6. In General Assembly every member state has vote.
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
7. The annual session of General Assembly starts in .
a) Mid-August
b) Mid-September
c) Mid-November
8. Security Council has members.
a) 15
b) 16
c) 17
9. Each member of United Nations Social & Economic Council serves for.
a) 05 years
b) 04 years
c) 03 years
10. ICJ settles legal disputes between .
a) Individuais
b) States
c) Organizations


Subject: International Organizations

Time Allowed: 2 Hour 45 Min

Total Marks: 50



Part-II Give short answers, each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: Write down the objectives of United Nations?

Q#2: What is idealist’s perception about the development of international organizations?

Q#3: Highlight the differences between league of Nations and United Nations?

Q#4: Discuss the importance of Security Council?

Q#5: Discuss the Realistic Perspective about International Organizations?


Part-III Give detailed answers, each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: What is the concept of Collective Security, and how United Nation is working under this concept?

Q#2: According to the performance of UNO, analyze its future?

Q#3: What are the future challenges of the UN?