Biology Solved Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. What are the parts of “Brain”?

(a) Hind brain

(b) Fore Brain

(c) Mid Brain

(d) C and D

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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2. The Thermoreceptors respond to …..

(a) Light

(b) Cold

(c) Warmth

(d) B and C

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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3. The Principal Effectors are called ….

(a) Nerves

(b) Muscles

(c) Glands

(d) B and C

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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4. Which of the following includes in RNA virus?

(a) Pox virus

(b) HBV

(c) Herpes virus

(d) Influenza virus

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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5. Where the Temperate phage may exist?

(a) Viron

(b) Retro virus

(c) Prophage

(d) Capsid

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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6. The Kingdom Monera is also called ….

(a) Archae

(b) Protista

(c) Prokaryote

(d) D and A

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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7. Which of the following contains no preventive vaccine is available?

(a) HCV

(b) HAV

(c) HEV

(d) HBV

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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8. The Nicotine may induce ….

(a) Tetanus

(b) Diarrhea

(c) Vomting

(d) B and C

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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9. Which of the following is not a “Steriod”?

(a) Glucagon

(b) Coristione

(c) Oestrogens

(d) Testosterone

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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10. What the Prolactin stimultes?

(a) Excretion

(b) Digestion

(c) Milk production

(d) Urination

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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11. Which of the following one can be protected by vertebral column?

(a) Liver

(b) Brain

(c) Notochord

(d) Spinal cord

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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12. Where the DNA or RNA of viruses is enclosed in ——— coat?

(a) DNA

(b) Lipids

(c) Proteins

(d) Carbohydrates

(e) All of these

(f) None of these

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