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Social Networks Research Topics Ideas

List of Research Topics and Ideas of Social Networks for MS and Ph.D. Thesis.

  1. Germs, Social Networks, and Growth
  2. Exacerbating inequalities: social networks, racial/ethnic disparities, and the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States
  3. Game on: Social networks and markets
  4. Measure of influences in social networks
  5. Positive opinion maximization in signed social networks
  6. Reducing cumulative errors of incremental cp decomposition in dynamic online social networks
  7. Multiple features based approach for automatic fake news detection on social networks using deep learning
  8. Social networks predict the life and death of honey bees
  9. The role of business and social networks in the effectual internationalization: Insights from emerging market SMEs
  10. Behavior prediction based on interest characteristic and user communication in opportunistic social networks
  11. Estimating heritability of social phenotypes from social networks
  12. How to deal with corruption? Examining the roles of e-government maturity, government administrative effectiveness, and virtual social networks diffusion
  13. Estimation of peer effects in endogenous social networks: Control function approach
  14. Students’ social networks are diverse, dynamic and deliberate when transitioning to clinical training
  15. Social networks, trust, and disaster-risk perceptions of rural residents in a multi-disaster environment: evidence from Sichuan, China
  16. On solidarity and volunteering during the COVID-19 crisis in Denmark: the impact of social networks and social media groups on the distribution of support
  17. A leverage points perspective on social networks to understand sustainability transformations: evidence from Southern Transylvania
  18. Why do high-status people have larger social networks? Belief in status-quality coupling as a driver of network-broadening behavior and social network size
  19. Beyond Distance Decay: Discover Homophily in Spatially Embedded Social Networks
  20. Channels for influence or maps of behavior? a field experiment on social networks and cooperation
  21. The Relationship between Ethno-Linguistic Composition of Social Networks and Activity Space: A Study Using Mobile Phone Data
  22. Social networks and member participation in cooperative governance
  23. An efficient path-based approach for influence maximization in social networks
  24. STGSN—A Spatial–Temporal Graph Neural Network framework for time-evolving social networks
  25. Cyberbullying detection in social networks using Bi-gru with self-attention mechanism
  26. Social networks and depressive symptoms among Chinese older immigrants: Does quantity, quality, and composition of social networks matter?
  27. Social Networks and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  28. You’ve got a friend in me: How social networks and mobile phones facilitate healthcare access among marginalised groups in rural Thailand and Lao PDR
  29. Corporate communication through social networks: the identification of the key dimensions for dialogic communication
  30. Social networks influence farming practices and agrarian sustainability
  31. An MCDM integrated adaptive simulated annealing approach for influence maximization in social networks
  32. Social Networks with Unobserved Links
  33. The functions of language mixing in the social networks of Singapore students
  34. A framework for analyzing influencer marketing in social networks: selection and scheduling of influencers
  35. Users’ mobility enhances information diffusion in online social networks
  36. The Co-evolution of online social networks and syphilis incidence among young black men who have sex with men
  37. A multi-method exploration into the social networks of young teenagers and their physical activity behavior
  38. Development of theory of mind on online social networks: Evidence from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat
  39. The effect of social distancing on the reach of an epidemic in social networks
  40. Premium private label strategies: Social networks and traditional perspectives
  41. Local ties in the social networks of older adults
  42. LIDDE: A differential evolution algorithm based on local-influence-descending search strategy for influence maximization in social networks
  43. Role of Social Networks and Social Norms in Future PrEP Use in a Racially Diverse Sample of At-Risk Women and Members of Their Social Networks
  44. Structural trade-offs can predict rewiring in shrinking social networks
  45. Animal social networks: Towards an integrative framework embedding social interactions, space and time
  46. Recommendation of users in social networks: A semantic and social based classification approach
  47. Association between social networks and subjective well-being in adolescents: A systematic review
  48. Social networks in patients hospitalized with preventable conditions for heart disease and diabetes in Hawai ‘i by health literacy
  49. Beyond the Core: Who Has Larger Social Networks?
  50. The content posting practices of young people on social networks
  51. Maximizing positive influence in competitive social networks: A trust-based solution
  52. Opinion leaders’ detection in dynamic social networks
  53. SG-PAC: A stochastic game approach to generate personal privacy paradox access-control policies in social networks
  54. Multi-attributed Community Search in Road-social Networks
  55. A new irregular cellular learning automata-based evolutionary computation for time series link prediction in social networks
  56. Joint Promotion Partner Recommendation Systems Using Data from Location-Based Social Networks
  57. Faith, family, and social networks: Effective strategies for recruiting Brazilian immigrants in maternal and child health research
  58. Competition for attention in online social networks: Implications for seeding strategies
  59. Inequality’s Economic and Social Roots: The Role of Social Networks and Homophily
  60. Multidimensional community discovering in heterogeneous social networks
  61. # stayhome to contain Covid-19: Neuro-SIR–Neurodynamical epidemic modeling of infection patterns in social networks
  62. Identifying influential nodes in social networks via community structure and influence distribution difference
  63. Multidimensional observational learning in social networks: Theory and experimental evidence
  64. Participation in social networks by secondary school students
  65. Modeling the protection of personal data from trust and the amount of information on social networks
  66. SSDBA: the stretch shrink distance based algorithm for link prediction in social networks
  67. PP-OCQ: A distributed privacy-preserving optimal closeness query scheme for social networks
  68. Machine Learning in Social Networks: Embedding Nodes, Edges, Communities, and Graphs
  69. Online social networks security: principles, algorithm, applications, and perspectives
  70. Cross-site prediction on social influence for cold-start users in online social networks
  71. Diagnostic Agreement Between Telemedicine on Social Networks and Teledermatology Centers
  72. Probabilistic reasoning system for social influence analysis in online social networks
  73. Node Trust: an effective method to detect non-overlapping community in social networks
  74. ‘It’s most of my life–going to the pub or the group’: the social networks of involuntarily childless older men
  75. Multi-contextual spammer detection for online social networks
  76. Impact of confirmation bias on competitive information spread in social networks
  77. Social Networks Uses and Motivations: Proposition and Test of an Integrative Model
  78. The influence of social networks within sports teams on athletes’ eating and exercise psychopathology: A longitudinal study
  79. The Role of Social Networks in Mobile Phone Use among Pedestrians: A Pilot Study in China
  80. Non-submodular model for group profit maximization problem in social networks
  81. Algebraic Analysis of Social Networks: Models, Methods and Applications Using R
  82. Local Event Detection Scheme by Analyzing Relevant Documents in Social Networks
  83. An Effective Data Sharing Scheme Based on Blockchain in Vehicular Social Networks
  84. A three-stage algorithm for local community detection based on the high node importance ranking in social networks
  85. Steganography in Social Networks Based on Behavioral Correlation
  86. Health level classification by fusing medical evaluation from multiple social networks
  87. Non-Technical Skills in Social Networks: The Spread of Safety Communication and Teamwork in a Warehouse
  88. The Effects of Social Networks of the Older Adults with Limited Instrumental Activities of Daily Living on Unmet Medical Needs
  89. A Bio-Inspired Defensive Rumor Confinement Strategy in Online Social Networks
  90. The strength of structural diversity in online social networks
  91. Energy cost bounded estimates for controlling complex social networks with conformity behavior
  92. Efficient presolving methods for influence maximization problem in social networks
  93. Markets, Social Networks, and Internally Displaced Persons: Gaining and Maintaining Market Access in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  94. Repercussions of Social Networks on Their Users’ Body Image: Integrative Review
  95. Sequential dynamic event recommendation in event-based social networks: An upper confidence bound approach
  96. Community discovery and behavior prediction in online social networks employing node centrality
  97. Key node selection based on a genetic algorithm for fast patching in social networks
  98. Authority updating: An expert authority evaluation algorithm considering post-evaluation and power indices in social networks
  99. The comparison study on employees’ adoption of public and enterprise social networks
  100. Identification of Author Profiles Through Social Networks
  101. Donut visualizations for network-level and regional-level overview of Spatial Social Networks
  102. Effect of Segregation on Opinion Formation in Scale-Free Social Networks: An Agent-based Approach
  103. Social networks as an apparatus for managing of information security in the digital economy
  104. Social Networks as a Phenomenon of the Information Society
  105. Trajectory clustering method based on spatial-temporal properties for mobile social networks
  106. Factors that determine advertising evasion in social networks
  107. Schemes of Propagation Models and Source Estimators for Rumor Source Detection in Online Social Networks: A Short Survey of a Decade of Research
  108. FAIMCS: A fast and accurate influence maximization algorithm in social networks based on community structures
  109. Privacy Preserving Information Hub Identification in Social Networks
  110. The impact of Social Networks on Promotion of Perspolis FC’s Special Value of Brand
  111. Modeling and analysis of social networks based on Petri net theory
  112. The Role of Social Networks in Mobile Phone Use among Pedestrians: A Pilot Study in China. Sustainability 2021, 13, 420
  113. Analyzing the Academic Social Networks of Open Innovation Field
  114. Viral Marketing for Public Health Campaigns in Social Networks
  115. The Role of Social Networks in the Adaptation of People with Disabilities
  116. Social networks and farming resilience
  117. An Effective Data Sharing Scheme Based on Blockchain in Vehicular Social Networks. Electronics 2021, 10, 114
  118. Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm for Community Detection in Complex Social Networks
  119. ‘Facebook Is My Guerrilla’: On Ways in Which Social Networks Co-create Illness Experiences of Persons with Rare/Atypical Symptoms
  120. Better Together? Social Networks in Truancy and the Targeting of Treatment
  121. The Role of Experiences and Social Networks in the Construction of Narratives in Business
  122. Economic development of the sports industry with the use of social networks with a combined design approach and ISM modeling (Interpretive structural modeling)
  123. Investigate sales growth through the expansion of marketing strategies on sports social networks
  124. Communication across maternal social networks during the UK’s national lockdown and its association with postnatal depressive symptoms
  125. A Novel Mechanism for Fraud Rank Detection in Social Networks
  126. Dynamic network analysis of contact diaries
  127. Identifying individuals associated with organized criminal networks: a social network analysis
  128. Exponential random graph models for little networks
  129. A Review of the Research Progress of Social Network Structure
  130. Social network and family business: Uncovering hybrid family firms
  131. People, Places, and Ties: Landscape of social places and their social network structures
  132. Informal academic networks and the value of significant social interactions in supporting quality assessment practices
  133. Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topology
  134. Neighbourhoods, networks and unemployment: The role of neighbourhood disadvantage and local networks in taking up work
  135. Information spreading with relative attributes on signed networks
  136. Constructing and analysing time-aggregated networks: The role of bootstrapping, permutation and simulation
  137. Social network analysis and domestic and international retailers: An investigation of social media networks of cosmetic brands
  138. Network structure influence on simulated network interventions for behaviour change
  139. Social capital and leaving the nest: Channels and housing tenures
  140. Collecting large personal networks in a representative sample of Dutch women
  141. An improved limited random walk approach for identification of overlapping communities in complex networks
  142. Comparing the roles of social context, networks, and perceived social functioning with health-related quality of life among self-reported rural female cancer survivors
  143. Building a structural typology of personal networks: Individual differences in the cohesion of interpersonal environment
  144. Network integration within a prison-based therapeutic community
  145. Spatial effects on individual social capital: Differentiating the constraints of local occupational structures
  146. Crowdfunding digital platforms: Backer networks and their impact on project outcomes
  147. Network recall among older adults with cognitive impairments
  148. Avoidance, antipathy, and aggression: A three-wave longitudinal network study on negative networks, status, and heteromisos
  149. Predictors of Willingness to Diffuse PrEP Information within Ego-Centric Networks of Women Who Inject Drugs
  150. Social environment: Trait, context and agent for selection in a meta-population
  151. Coworkers, Networks, and Job-Search Outcomes among Displaced Workers
  152. Innovation capability: A sociometric approach
  153. The ties that belong: Tie formation in preservice teacher identification networks
  154. Using a novel genetic algorithm to assess peer influence on willingness to use pre-exposure prophylaxis in networks of Black men who have sex with men
  155. Hubs and Authorities in the Koch Brothers Network
  156. An efficient approach to identify social disseminators for timely information diffusion
  157. Network brokerage and the perception of leadership
  158. True scale-free networks hidden by finite size effects
  159. Positive and negative tie perceptual accuracy: Pollyanna principle vs. negative asymmetry explanations
  160. Positive Emotions, Instrumental Resources, and Organizational Network Evolution: Theorizing via Simulation Research
  161. Staying connected under fire: Effects of individual roles and organizational specialization on the robustness of emergency-phase communication networks
  162. Morally Homogeneous Networks and Radicalism
  163. Novel binary-addition tree algorithm for reliability evaluation of acyclic multistate information networks
  164. Bias decomposition and estimator performance in respondent-driven sampling
  165. Barriers and Facilitators to Social Participation in Older Adults: A Systematic Literature Review
  166. Development projects and economic networks: Lessons from rural gambia
  167. Disliking friends of friends in schools: How positive and negative ties can co-occur in large numbers
  168. Representations of Networks
  169. Solvable epidemic model on degree-correlated networks
  170. Social Capital and Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Immigrants in Japan
  171. Ant colony nest networks adapt to resource disruption
  172. Persistent political engagement: Social interactions and the dynamics of protest movements
  173. An Extended Epidemic Model on Interconnected Networks for COVID-19 to Explore the Epidemic Dynamics
  174. SAG Cluster: An unsupervised graph clustering based on collaborative similarity for community detection in complex networks
  175. The echo chamber effect on social media
  176. Study on Information Diffusion in Online Social Network
  177. Social media marketing
  178. The role social diversity plays in enhancing mental health literacy among the elderly
  179. The rise of global policy networks in education: analyzing Twitter debates on inclusive education using social network analysis
  180. An adaptive multiple spray-and-wait routing algorithm based on social circles in delay tolerant networks
  181. Profile Information Analysis of Twitter Social Network
  182. A comparative study of social interaction frequencies among social network members in five countries
  183. Do social network crowds help fundraising campaigns? Effects of social influence on crowdfunding performance
  184. Analysing the Social Network Ideals of an Online Dating Network
  185. How cancer patients benefit from support networks offline and online: Extending the model of structural-to-functional support
  186. Harnessing social interaction and intellectual capital in intergovernmental networks
  187. Superstar Museums and global media exposure: mapping the positioning of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao through networks
  188. Core Tech Support Networks and Digital Inequalities in American Disadvantaged Urban Communities
  189. COVID-19 outbreak, social response, and early economic effects: a global VAR analysis of cross-country interdependencies
  190. Cooperation in Social Dilemmas: A Group Game Model with Double-Layer Networks
  191. Trees and their seed networks: The social dynamics of urban fruit trees and implications for genetic diversity
  192. Political interaction beyond party lines: Communication ties and party polarization in parliamentary twitter networks
  193. Power to the Network: The Concept of Social Business and Its Relevance for IC
  194. Classed Pathways to Marriage: Hometown Ties, College Networks, and Life after Graduation
  195. Inferring pattern generators on networks
  196. The role of social support networks in helping low income families through uncertain times
  197. Information diffusion modeling and analysis for socially interacting networks
  198. Analytical Modeling of Real-World Social Network Parameters
  199. Improving the Utilization of ICT, Social Networking In the Academic Community of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  200. Local topological moves determine global diffusion properties of hyperbolic higher-order networks
  201. CMRnet: An r package to derive networks of social interactions and movement from mark–recapture data
  202. Religious networks and small businesses in Senegal
  203. Social media semantic perceptions on Madrid Metro system: Using Twitter data to link complaints to space
  204. Head-to-Head Comparison of Social Network Assessments in Stroke Survivors
  205. TEDIC: Neural Modeling of Behavioral Patterns in Dynamic Social Interaction Networks
  206. Exploring the linkage between offline collaboration networks and online representational network diversity on social media
  207. An examination of objective social disconnectedness and perceived social isolation among persons with spinal cord injury/dysfunction: A descriptive cross-sectional …
  208. The influence of investor sentiment on the green bond market
  209. Nurturing collaborative networks of mobile learning researchers and practitioners
  210. A novel framework for detecting social bots with deep neural networks and active learning
  211. Correlations among Game of Thieves and other centrality measures in complex networks
  212. An energy-saving routing algorithm for opportunity networks based on asynchronous sleeping mode
  213. Bursty exposure on higher-order networks leads to nonlinear infection kernels
  214. An application of social network mining to scientific data: identifying networks structures and detecting partnerships in metrics and citation patterns
  215. Rumor Detection Based on SAGNN: Simplified Aggregation Graph Neural Networks
  216. An equivalent exchange based data forwarding incentive scheme for socially aware networks
  217. Micro dynamics and macro stability in inventor networks
  218. Evolving social capital and networks in the post-disaster rebuilding process: The case of Typhoon Yolanda
  219. Social Capital and Subjective Wellbeing in Small States
  220. Initial examination of social compensation and honing frameworks for sexual minority social life and well-being
  221. A generalized gravity model for influential spreaders identification in complex networks
  222. Social matching algorithms and dynamics of polarization in online social networks
  223. Multilayer network analyses as a toolkit for measuring social structure
  224. Leveraging node neighborhoods and egograph topology for better bot detection in social graphs
  225. Global social networks ranked by number of users 2021
  226. Social Network Predicts Exposure to Respiratory Infection in a Wild Chimpanzee Group
  227. Public Policy and Experiences of Aging: Social Relationships and Social Integration in Chilean Policy on Aging
  228. Cooperative coinfection dynamics on clustered networks
  229. Multilayer representation of collaboration networks with higher-order interactions
  230. Optimization of coupling and global collapse in diffusively coupled socio-ecological resource exploitation networks
  231. Networks, creativity, and time: staying creative through brokerage and network rejuvenation
  232. Contract Based Edge Caching in Vehicular Networks
  233. A semi-supervised learning approach for complex information networks
  234. Making Livonia: actors and networks in the medieval and early modern Baltic Sea region: edited by Anu Mänd and Marek Tamm, Abingdon, Routledge, 2020, 344 pp …
  235. The impact of sheltering in place during the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults’ social and mental well-being
  236. How Privacy Is Threatened From Social Media Communication?
  237. User Recommendation for Data Sharing in Social Internet of Things
  238. Functional Evaluation of Change Order and Invoice Management Processes under Different Procurement Strategies: Social Network Analysis Approach
  239. Economic development of the sports industry with the use of social networks with a combined design approach and ISM modeling (Interpretive structural …
  240. The effect of social media on firm performance
  241. SDGNN: Learning Node Representation for Signed Directed Networks
  242. Membership inference attack on graph neural networks
  243. Social currency is a personal entity in the social media platform domain: sharing and caring phenomenon in e-commerce platform
  244. Task assignment for social-oriented crowdsourcing
  245. Abolitionist Networks: Modeling Language Change in Nineteenth-Century Activist Newspapers
  246. The impact of Social Networks on Promotion of Perspolis FC’s Special Value of Brand
  247. Using social media to explore the consequences of domestic violence on mental health
  248. Public Perception towards fifth generation of cellular networks (5G) on social media
  249. Social Network Analysis in Russian Literary Studies
  250. Emergence of scaling in random networks. science. 1999
  251. Healthcare and education networks interaction as an indicator of social services stability following natural disasters
  252. “Who Are Our Support Networks?” A Qualitative Study of Informal Support for Carers
  253. Trade-offs with telemetry-derived contact networks for infectious disease studies in wildlife
  254. Author classification using transfer learning and predicting stars in co-author networks
  255. Routing Protocol Based on NSGA-II for Social Opportunistic Networks
  256. Link weights recovery in heterogeneous information networks
  257. Social innovation in alternative food networks. The role of co-producers in Campi Aperti
  258. Identifying government’s and farmers’ roles in soil erosion management in a rural area of southern China with social network analysis
  259. Life Course Transitions, Personal Networks, and Social Support for LGBTQ+ Elders: Implications for Physical and Mental Health
  260. Invited review: The fractal dimension of complex networks: A review
  261. Symmetry breaking in the prisoner’s dilemma on two-layer dynamic multiplex networks
  262. Recognizing the Importance of Social Poverty
  263. LIME: low-cost incremental learning for dynamic heterogeneous information networks
  264. How opinion distortion appears in super-influencer dominated social network
  265. Differential privacy protection on weighted graph in wireless networks
  266. Link prediction in heterogeneous information networks: An improved deep graph convolution approach
  267. Identity and Social Networks: A Case of Chinese Graduate Students in the United States
  268. The effectiveness of backward contact tracing in networks
  269. Coupled propagation dynamics on multiplex activity-driven networks
  270. A classification method for social information of sellers on social network
  271. Social Connections and Displacement from South Sudan to Uganda: Towards a Relational Understanding of Survival during Conflict
  272. Rumor Detection and Tracing its Source to Prevent Cyber-Crimes on Social Media
  273. Machine learning, artificial neural networks and social research
  274. Participation in the Cardiovascular Health Awareness Program (CHAP) by older adults residing in social housing in Quebec: Social network analysis
  275. Improving insect conservation across heterogeneous landscapes using species–habitat networks
  276. The role of the social network during inpatient rehabilitation: A qualitative study exploring the views of older stroke survivors and their informal caregivers
  277. Modeling epidemic spread in transportation networks: A review
  278. Deep Wide Spatial-Temporal Based Transformer Networks Modeling for the Next Destination According to the Taxi Driver Behavior Prediction
  279. FPGAN: Face de-identification method with generative adversarial networks for social robots
  280. Advice seeking and loaning of money related to relapse in recovery homes
  281. Longitudinal Within-Person Associations Between Quality of Social Relations, Structure of Social Relations, and Cognitive Functioning in Older Age
  282. Estimating user influence ranking in independent cascade model
  283. Understanding the power of social media during COVID-19: Forming social norms for drinking among sexual minority gender expansive college women
  285. Defining and measuring probabilistic ego networks
  286. Everybody’s looking for something: Developmental networks as subjective career relationships
  287. Anthropogenic injuries disrupt social associations of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida
  288. Boundaries Crossed and Boundaries Made: The productive tension between learning and influence in transformative networks
  289. Innovation Networks from Inter-organizational Research Collaborations
  290. Big Data and Social Media Analytics-A Challenging Approach in Processing of Big Data
  291. … , Denver, USA, March 2020: Out-of-class peer interactions matter for second language acquisition during short-term overseas sojourns: The contributions of Social …
  292. Publishing Social Network Data with Privacy Guarantees
  293. Centrality measures in transportation networks for Unpad campus route
  294. Dynamic social network differential privacy protection based on B+ tree index
  295. Null models for animal social network analysis and data collected via focal sampling: Pre-network or node network permutation?
  296. The Role of the Border Region in Sino-North Korean Trading Networks: A Focus on Dandong, China
  297. Assortativity Properties of Barabási-Albert Networks
  298. Stability of Imbalanced Triangles in Gene Regulatory Networks of Cancerous and Normal Cells
  299. Network spillovers and neighborhood crime: A computational statistics analysis of employment-based networks of neighborhoods
  300. An effective and scalable overlapping community detection approach: Integrating social identity model and game theory
  301. Implementation of an interprofessional collaboration in practice program: a feasibility study using social network analysis
  302. Deterministic blockmodelling of signed and two-mode networks: A tutorial with software and psychological examples
  303. Can altmetric mentions predict later citations? A test of validity on data from ResearchGate and three social media platforms
  304. Online Social Network Analysis for Cybersecurity Awareness
  305. Evolutionary dynamics of cooperation with the celebrity effect in complex networks
  306. School friendship networks, homophily and multiculturalism: evidence from European countries
  307. Opportunistic routing in wireless networks using bitmap-based weighted tree
  308. Information disorders during the COVID-19 infodemic: The case of Italian Facebook
  309. Exploring weather data to predict activity attendance in event-based social network: From the organizer’s view
  310. Professional Collaboration Networks as a Social Work Research Practice Innovation: Preparing DSW Students for Knowledge Dissemination Roles in a Digital Society
  311. Calculating effect sizes in animal social network analysis
  312. Exploring the impact of public transport including free and subsidised on the physical, mental and social well-being of older adults: a literature review
  313. Too much of a good thing? A systematic review about the conditions of learning in governance networks
  314. Asymptotic entropy of the Gibbs state of complex networks
  315. Predictors of social-zapping behavior: Dark Triad, impulsivity, and procrastination facets contribute to the tendency toward last-minute cancellations
  316. A review: preprocessing techniques and data augmentation for sentiment analysis
  317. Enhancing value creation in social purpose organizations: Business models that leverage networks
  318. Discovering communities from disjoint complex networks using Multi-Layer Ant Colony Optimization
  319. Workplace bullying: a social network perspective
  320. Events as platforms, networks, and communities
  321. Enhance the Transfer Capacity of Multiplex Networks
  322. Graph classification based on structural features of significant nodes and spatial convolutional neural networks
  323. Breaching Privacy in Encrypted Instant Messaging Networks
  324. The Effect of Social Capital and Family Support on Loneliness among Korean Adults: Intergenerational Differences
  325. Young adult cancer caregivers’ exposure to cancer misinformation on social media
  326. A limited mobility of minorities facilitates cooperation in social dilemmas
  327. A systematic mapping study of developer social network research
  328. Integrating location and textual information for detecting affected people in a crisis
  329. The role of farmers and organizational networks in climate information communication: the case of Ghana
  330. Predicting the Future With Social Media
  331. An optimized content delivery approach based on demand–supply theory in disruption-tolerant networks
  332. Interaction Networks within Student Teams Learning Building Information Modeling (BIM)
  333. Relationship Change, Network Change, and the Use of Single Name Generators in Longitudinal Research on Social Support
  334. Resilience during uncertainty? Greater social connectedness during COVID-19 lockdown is associated with reduced distress and fatigue
  335. Memory effects on link formation in temporal networks: A fractional calculus approach
  336. Social confinement and mesoscopic localization of epidemics on networks
  337. Random graphs with node and block effects: models, goodness-of-fit tests, and applications to biological networks
  338. Altered structural balance of resting-state networks in autism
  339. A novel method for discovering process based on the network analysis approach in the context of social commerce systems
  340. Dynamic Graph Learning Convolutional Networks for Semi-supervised Classification
  341. Personalized Word Recommendation System Using Sentiment Analysis
  342. News Media Use, Talk Networks, and Anti-Elitism across Geographic Location: Evidence from Wisconsin
  343. Collaborative Networks in Chronic Disease Prevention: What Factors Inhibit Partnering for Funding?
  344. Social Work, Children and the Digital Knowledge Landscape: New Possibilities and Challenges
  345. Similarity preserving overlapping community detection in signed networks
  346. Social Pressure in Networks Induces Public Good Provision
  347. Social structure formation in a network of agents playing a hybrid of ultimatum and dictator games
  348. Cooperatives and Social Capital: A Narrative Literature Review and Directions for Future Research
  349. How Do Innovation Network Structures Affect Knowledge Sharing? A Simulation Analysis of Complex Networks
  350. Deep learning super-diffusion in multiplex networks
  351. Identify Influential Spreaders in Asymmetrically Interacting Multiplex Networks
  352. Determinants of physician networks: an ethnographic study examining the processes that inform patterns of collaboration and referral decision-making among …
  353. Restoring cultivated agrobiodiversity: The political ecology of knowledge networks between local peasant seed groups in France
  354. Modeling urban neighborhood violence: The systemic model and variable effects of social structure
  355. Adaptive topological coevolution of interdependent networks: Scientific collaboration-citation networks as an example
  356. Whether, How, and Why Networks Influence Men’s and Women’s Career Success: Review and Research Agenda
  357. Statistical inference for multilayer networks in political science
  358. Intelligent Agents in Co Evolving Knowledge Networks. Mathematics 2021, 9, 103
  359. Social media influence on diplomatic negotiation: Shifting the shape of the table
  360. Learning low-rank latent mesoscale structures in networks
  361. Communities Detection for Advertising by Futuristic Greedy Method with Clustering Approach
  362. Social power evolution in influence networks with stubborn individuals
  363. Fraud Detection in Networks
  364. Evaluating Energy Efficiency and Performance of Social-Based Routing Protocols in Delay-Tolerant Networks
  365. Measuring hub locations in time-evolving spatial interaction networks based on explicit spatiotemporal coupling and group centrality
  366. Influential performance of nodes identified by relative entropy in dynamic networks
  367. A Walk Through Various Paradigms for Fake News Detection on Social Media
  368. Personal networks and desistance from crime in young offenders
  369. Social media and# MedEd: Moving beyond descriptive research
  370. Do Informal Social Ties and Local Festival Participation Relate to Subjective Well-Being?
  371. Primary caregiver decision-making in hematopoietic cell transplantation and gene therapy for sickle cell disease
  372. When Business and Politics Mix: Local Networks and Socio-political Transformations in Ukraine
  373. Effects of dual networks on tax strategies: geography and transaction
  374. Sustaining Social Cohesion in Information and Knowledge Society: The Priceless Value of Privacy
  375. Connecting teacher collaboration to inclusive practices using a social network approach
  376. Information diffusion model using continuous time Markov chain on social media
  377. Graph cells: Top-k structural-textual aggregated query over information networks
  378. Routing in Multi hop Networks
  379. When and Where Global meets Local: A multilevel analysis of determinants of social trust in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
  380. Efficient methods for the distance-based critical node detection problem in complex networks
  381. Still a Small World? University Course Enrollment Networks Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  382. Negotiating female genital cutting in a transnational context
  383. ‘It’s our pleasure, we count cars here’: an exploration of the ‘neighbourhood-based connections’ for people living alone with dementia
  384. A Study on effects of social networking sites on adolescents social and emotional development
  385. Topology-aware graph pooling networks
  386. Organized farmers towards chickpea seed self-sufficiency in Bundelkhand region of India
  387. International Migration and Social Network Spillovers of Political Norms
  388. Above the influence of vaping: Peer leader influence and diffusion of a network-informed preventive intervention
  389. Social and Ethical Problems of Digital Technologies Application in Human Resource Management
  390. Comparative Narratives for Analyzing Job Career: From the Viewpoint of Social Capital
  391. Hyperbolic node embedding for signed networks
  392. Authorship identification of a russian-language text using support vector machine and deep neural networks
  393. Assortativity measures for weighted and directed networks
  394. Optimal Intervention in Economic Networks using Influence Maximization Methods
  395. Governance in Smart City: An Approach Based on Social Network
  396. Characterizing (Un) moderated Textual Data in Social Systems
  397. Biomolecular Clusters Identification in Linear Time Complexity for Biological Networks
  398. Opportunities for psychologists to enact community change through adverse childhood experiences, trauma, and resilience networks.
  399. Personal social capital and self-rated health among middle-aged and older adults: a cross-sectional study exploring the roles of leisure-time physical activity …
  400. Characteristics of social media ‘detoxification’in university students
  401. Artificial Intelligence, Intersectionality, and the Future of Public Health
  402. Ladies Selling Breakfast: COVID-19 Disruption of Intimate Socialities among Street-Engaged Food Traders in Ho Chi Minh City
  403. All-cause mortality and three aspects of social relationships: an eight-year follow-up of older adults from one entire Korean village
  404. The role of social commerce in online purchase intention: mediating role of social interactions, trust, and electronic word of mouth
  405. Understanding the Language of ISIS: An Empirical Approach to Detect Radical Content on Twitter Using Machine Learning
  406. Networked “bubbles”: study workgroups’ spatial adjacency preference using social network analysis methods
  407. Changes in social network structure in response to exposure to formal credit markets
  408. Social Biographies and Health Among Sexual and Gender Minority People
  409. Models of continuous-time networks with tie decay, diffusion, and convection
  410. The COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: a buzz of negativity with a silver lining of social connectedness
  411. DeepEmLAN: Deep embedding learning for attributed networks
  412. The relationships among self-efficacy, social support, resilience, and subjective well-being in persons with spinal cord injuries
  413. The need to increase the permeation of universities and higher education institutions with technological tools through digital platforms1
  414. The role of social media in spreading Plastic arts through designing and marketing printed fabrics and fashion for ladies
  415. The Use of Social Media in Intelligence and Its Impact on Police Work
  416. Sentiment analysis in textual, visual and multimodal inputs using recurrent neural networks
  417. The role of vulnerable environments in support for homegrown terrorism: Fieldwork using the 3N model
  418. The ties that bind: Knowledge-seeking networks and auditor job performance
  419. Bounded Religious Automation at Work: Communicating Human Authority in Artificial Intelligence Networks
  420. Unsupervised Pathogenic Social Media Accounts Detection Without Content or Network Structure
  421. Fake news agenda in the era of COVID-19: Identifying trends through fact-checking content
  422. Good Trouble: How Deviants, Criminals, Heretics, and Outsiders Have Changed the World for the Better
  423. Revenue Generating Logic of Social Network Sites: A Comparative Evaluation1
  424. Dynamics analysis of an online gambling spreading model on scale-free networks
  425. Alumni Networks Reimagined: Innovations Expanding Alumni Connections to Improve Postsecondary Pathways.
  426. Digital Art: A Sourcebook of Ideas for Conceptualizing New Practices, Networks and Modes of Self-Expression
  427. A variation of distance domination in composite networks
  428. Classification of academic events from their textual description
  429. Recurrence in the evolution of air transport networks
  430. k-core percolation on interdependent and interconnected multiplex networks
  431. An enhanced personality detection system through user’s digital footprints
  432. A cloud-aided privacy-preserving multi-dimensional data comparison protocol
  433. The Role of Relational Marketing in Specific Contexts of Tourism: A Luxury Hotel Management Perspective
  434. Digital footprint analysis to develop a personal digital competency-based profile
  435. Towards a Taxonomy for Design Options of Social Networking Technologies in Sustainable Business Models
  436. An Innovative Practice of Social Sustainability: The Fight for a New Housing Legal Framework in Spain
  437. Impact of environmental changes on the dynamics of temporal networks
  438. Cross-age networks, successful aging, and depression among Middle-aged South Koreans living in Seoul
  439. 10 Networks and Network Theory: Possible Directions for Unification
  440. Implementation of centrality measures in graph represented information spreads with hashtag# bersatulawancorona in Twitter
  441. Evolution of cooperation driven by collective interdependence on multilayer networks
  442. Ridology: An Ontology Model for Exploring Human Behavior Trajectories in Ridesharing Applications
  443. Simulation of interactive contagion between depositors’ panic and banking risk
  444. Knowledge Networks in Nursing
  445. Strangers in our midst: Immigration, social capital and segmented conflict
  446. The Brand-Generated Content Interaction of Instagram Stories and Publications: A Comparison between Retailers and Manufacturers
  447. Disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on perceived social support, mental health and somatic symptoms in sexual and gender minority populations
  448. Depolarization of echo chambers by random dynamical nudge
  449. Deep autoencoder-based community detection in complex networks with particle swarm optimization and continuation algorithms
  450. Globally Emergent Behavioral Patterns, as a Result of Local Interactions in Strongly Interrelated Individuals
  451. Security aspects and UAVs in Socialized Regions
  452. Social Network Analysis in Education: A Study
  453. The mass, fake news, and cognition security
  454. Effect of individual and neighborhood social capital on gingival bleeding in children: A 7-year cohort study
  455. Stability, bifurcation and chaos of a discrete-time pair approximation epidemic model on adaptive networks
  456. Managing Human (Social) Capital in Medium to Large Companies Using Organizational Network Analysis: Monoplex Network Approach with the Application of Highly …
  457. What should I believe? Exploring information validity on social network platforms
  458. The coauthorship networks of the most productive European researchers
  459. Strategy for reducing environmental disaster based on social capital (A case study in Indonesia)
  460. Deep learning-based community detection in complex networks with network partitioning and reduction of trainable parameters
  461. The Perceived Impact of Social Networking Sites and Apps on the Social Capital of Saudi Postgraduate Students: A Case Study
  462. China’s Village Tourism Committees: A Social Network Analysis
  463. Accountability and Networks: Mind the Gap
  464. AWC Reporter Session 1: Gender, Technology, and Innovation in Healthcare
  465. Smart technologies challenges and issues in social inclusion–case of disabled youth in a developing country
  466. MLPR: Efficient influence maximization in linear threshold propagation model using linear programming
  467. CF-GNNExplainer: Counterfactual Explanations for Graph Neural Networks
  468. A Longitudinal Social Network Perspective on Adolescents’ Exposure to Violent Video Games and Aggression
  469. Spillover Effects in the Presence of Unobserved Networks
  470. Growth and social entrepreneurs: the challenge of conciliating economic and social values
  471. Who and where: context-aware advertisement recommendation on Twitter
  472. Transformer based Automatic COVID-19 Fake News Detection System
  473. FuSTM: ProM plugin for fuzzy similar tasks mining based on entropy measure
  474. What are higher-order networks?
  475. SoK: Managing Longitudinal Privacy of Publicly Shared Personal Online Data
  476. Blockchain Integrated Secured Scenarios in Advanced Wireless Networks
  477. An algorithm for ranking the nodes of multiplex networks with data based on the PageRank concept
  478. Disentangling homophily, community structure and triadic closure in networks
  479. Text classification on the Instagram caption using support vector machine
  480. Identity formation, Christian networks, and the peripheries of Kachin ethnonational identity
  481. Mean-field solution for critical behavior of signed networks in competitive balance theory
  482. Analysis of the evolution and collaboration networks of citizen science scientific publications
  483. Simulation-optimization methods for designing and assessing resilient supply chain networks under uncertainty scenarios: A review
  484. Network Analysis of the Interaction between Different Religious and Philosophical Movements in Early Judaism
  485. Probabilistic routing protocol with firefly particle swarm optimisation for delay tolerant networks enhanced with chaos theory
  486. Empirical determination of the optimal attack for fragmentation of modular networks
  487. Social Recommendations for Facebook Brand Pages
  488. Social Capital and Living Environment of Rural Villages
  489. Social-Chain: Decentralized Trust Evaluation Based on Blockchain in Pervasive Social Networking
  490. Social Support and Divorce among American Couples
  491. The dynamics of the university impact on YouTube: a comparative analysis
  492. Representation Learning of Reconstructed Graphs Using Random Walk Graph Convolutional Network
  493. Social Media-based Research of Interpersonal and Group Communication in Russia
  494. Identifying agents of change for sustainable land governance
  495. Master equation analysis of mesoscopic localization in contagion dynamics on higher-order networks
  496. CovidSens: a vision on reliable social sensing for COVID-19
  497. Embedding Graphs
  498. The Model to Determine the Location and the Date by the Length of Shadow of Objects for Communication Networks
  499. Industrial clusters, networks and resilience to the Covid-19 shock in China
  500. Social gamers’ everyday (in) visibility tactics: playing within programmed constraints
  501. Top-N personalized recommendation with graph neural networks in MOOCs
  502. The social multiplier of environmental policy: Application to carbon taxation
  503. Dezinformatsiia v sotsialnykh setiakh: sostoianie i perspektivy psikhologicheskikh issledovanii [Disinformation in Social Networks: State and Prospects of …
  504. A Community Interaction-Based Routing Protocol for Opportunistic Networks
  505. Influence of Internal and External Sources on Information Diffusion at Twitter
  506. Group density, disease, and season shape territory size and overlap of social carnivores
  507. Tie-decay networks in continuous time and eigenvector-based centralities
  508. … emotional attachment, resource sharing, communication and collaboration into UTAUT2 to examine students’ behavioural intention to adopt social media networks in …
  509. Social media marketing strategy: definition, conceptualization, taxonomy, validation, and future agenda
  510. The Effect of Individual’s Technological Belief and Usage on Their Absorptive Capacity towards Their Learning Behaviour in Learning Environment
  511. Multi-scale attributed node embedding
  512. Comparison of Simulations with a Mean-Field Approach vs. Synthetic Correlated Networks
  513. An exploratory study of covid-19 misinformation on twitter
  514. Measuring social connectedness using air travel data
  515. Managing everyday communication with strong, weak, and latent ties via WeChat: Availability, visibility, and reciprocal engagement
  516. Variation of social strategies within and between individual black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) during the reproductive season
  517. Co-authoring Patterns and Co-occurrence of Scopus Documents of Researchers in the Faculty of Entrepreneurship of University of Tehran
  518. Shortest paths and centrality in uncertain networks
  519. Determinants of M&A acquisition premium: a social capital perspective
  520. Rank-dependent preferences, social network and crop insurance uptake: field experimental evidence from rural China
  521. The role of Promotional and Buzz marketing strategies in enriching modern contemporary advertising campaigns in Egypt
  522. Electronic Educational Resources in the Process Training
  523. How does integration affect industrial innovation through networks in technology-sourcing overseas M&A? A comparison between China and the US
  524. Designing a relational model to identify relationships between suspicious customers in anti-money laundering (AML) using social network analysis (SNA)
  525. Optimal networks for dynamical spreading
  526. TUDublin team at Constraint@ AAAI2021–COVID19 Fake News Detection
  527. Control of average and deviation in large-scale linear networks
  528. On the principle of privacy by design and its limits: Technology, ethics and the rule of law
  529. Innovations in the Management of E-Commerce Entities Operating on the Slovak Market–Analysis of Customer Interactions during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  530. An Introduction to Computational Systems Biology: Systems-Level Modelling of Cellular Networks
  531. Changing Mobility Lifestyle: A Case Study on the Impact of COVID-19 Using Personal Google Locations Data
  532. Insufficient Advance Care Planning? Correlates of Planning Without Personal Conversations
  533. The Social and Psychological Changes of the First Months of COVID-19
  534. Individual Social Capital and Life Satisfaction among Mainland Chinese Adults: Based on the 2016 China Family Panel Studies
  535. Co-authors Networks in Adsorption Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning with Solar Energy
  536. Social support and recovery from mental health problems: a scoping review
  537. Selection strategy in graph-based spreading dynamics with limited capacity
  538. Re-examining intercultural research and relations in the COVID pandemic
  539. COVID-19 Misinformation on Twitter: Multilingual Analysis
  540. Majority-vote model with limited visibility: An investigation into filter bubbles
  541. Caching efficiency maximization for device-to-device communication networks: A recommend to cache approach
  542. In search for inclusiveness: vertical complexity in public-nonprofit networks
  543. Networks as Proxies: a relational approach towards economic complexity in the Roman period
  544. Outlanders?: Resource colonisation, raw material exploitation and networks in Middle Iron Age Sweden
  545. ‘A long way from earning’:(re) producing violence at the nexus of shame and blame
  546. “I have failed to separate my HIV from this pain”: the challenge of managing chronic pain among people with HIV
  547. Deep Learning for Latent Events Forecasting in Twitter Aided Caching Networks
  548. A game theory approach for UAV-based flying access networks
  549. Tailoring interventions for social isolation among older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and pathways to healthcare equity
  550. Recommender Systems Based on Tensor Decomposition
  551. Altering control modes of complex networks by reversing edges
  552. Analysis of Social Interaction and Behavior Patterns in the Process of Online to Offline Lesson Study: A Case Study of Chemistry Teaching Design based on …
  553. Symposium: Social connections and relationships in Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland: learning from devolved nations
  554. Networking agrobiodiversity management to foster biodiversity-based agriculture. A review
  555. Acceptance of social network sites by university librarians
  556. A Study on the Relative Importance of Convolutional Neural Networks in Visually-Aware Recommender Systems
  557. Factors inhibiting the use of sharing economy services in Japan
  558. Investigating the occurrence of selfie-based emotional contagion over social network
  559. Cultural reproduction theory and schooling: The relationship between student capital and opportunity to learn
  560. Social media, sentiment and public opinions: Evidence from# Brexit and# USElection
  561. Cooperation Promotion from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics: An Incentive Mechanism Based on Loss Aversion in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
  562. Precision estimates of parallel distributed association networks: evidence for domain specialization and implications for evolution and development
  563. Semantic Analysis of Cultural Heritage News Propagation in Social Media: Assessing the Role of Media and Journalists in the Era of Big Data
  564. Social Processes Informing Toileting Behavior Among Adolescent and Adult Women: Social Cognitive Theory as an Interpretative Lens
  565. Africa-Western Collaborations (AWC) Day Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change Panel Alaa Elmardi, Emily Sullo, Lindsay Brazeau, Malcolm Leaman, Srijain …
  566. In pursuit of happiness: Teaching parents to play with their children
  567. Evaluation of User Dynamics Created by Weak Ties among Divided Communities
  568. Optimizing respiratory virus surveillance networks using uncertainty propagation
  569. Institutions, the social capital structure, and multilevel marketing companies
  570. Modern Malay Women and the Message of the’Veil’
  571. Frameworks of Recovery: Health Caught at the Intersection of Housing, Education, and Employment Opportunities After Hurricane Katrina
  572. Topological graph neural networks
  573. Performance Analysis of the ML Prediction Models for the Detection of Sybil Accounts in an OSN
  574. CoVerifi: A COVID-19 news verification system
  575. Early Detection of Pathogenic Social Media Accounts
  576. An intelligent healthcare monitoring framework using wearable sensors and social networking data
  577. Social support from family and friends for physical activity in adolescence: analysis with structural equation modeling
  578. Gender inequality in academia: Problems and solutions for women faculty in STEM
  579. Academic publishing in disaster risk reduction: past, present, and future
  580. Language, culture and curriculum: lived intercultural experience of international students
  581. Vaccine Hesitancy on Social Media: Sentiment Analysis from June 2011 to April 2019
  582. Protein interaction networks: centrality, modularity, dynamics, and applications
  583. Perspectives of Esophageal Cancer Survivors on Diagnosis, Treatment, and Recovery
  584. Burnout and Depression in Portuguese Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic—The Mediating Role of Psychological Resilience
  585. Spatiotemporal dynamics analysis and optimal control method for an SI reaction-diffusion propagation model
  586. Toward More Effective Public Health Interventions during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Suggesting Audience Segmentation Based on Social and Media Resources
  587. Node Representations
  588. Active ageing–perspectives on health, participation, and security among older adults in northeastern Thailand–a qualitative study
  589. Identifying influencers on social media
  590. Potentials of Digital Business Models in Tourism—Qualitative Study with German Experts
  591. Covid notions: Towards formal definitions–and documented understanding–of privacy goals and claimed protection in proximity-tracing services
  592. COVID-19 Lockdown Restrictions and Online Media Consumption in Germany
  593. Dynamics of convergence behaviour in social media crisis communication–a complexity perspective
  594. Detecting misogyny in Spanish tweets. An approach based on linguistics features and word embeddings
  595. Predicting Question Deletion and Assessing Question Quality in Social Q&A Sites using Weakly Supervised Deep Neural Networks
  596. “Think globally, act locally”: A glocal approach to the development of social media literacy
  597. Beyond Babel. Translations of Blackness in Colonial Peru and New Granada. By Larissa Brewer-García
  598. Node classification using kernel propagation in graph neural networks
  599. More than just a ‘Pro’: a relational analysis of transition in professional football
  600. Mobile Radio Communications and 5G Networks

Research Topics Computer Science


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