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A non well formed numeric value encountered in Crayon Syntax Highlighter on line 118 119

Problem and Error

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in domains/ on line 118

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in domains/ on line 119


  1. Click plugin
  2. Select plugin file editor
  3. Select plugin to edit: Crayon Syntax Highlighter
  4. Open crayon_formatter.class.php
  5. Find line#118 and 119
$toolbar_height = $font_size * 1.5 . 'px !important;';
 $info_height = $font_size * 1.4 . 'px !important;';


6. Change this code with following code;

$toolbar_height = $_font_size * 1.5 . 'px !important;';
 $info_height = $_font_size * 1.4 . 'px !important;';


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