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Words Ending with ‘b’ – [Suffix List with Meaning & Examples]

I am sharing with you a list of important Words Ending with ‘b’ with its Meaning & Examples.

  1. “Pub” – a place where alcoholic drinks are sold and consumed “Example”: The “pub” was crowded on Friday night.
  2. “Dub” – to add sound effects or music to a recording “Example”: The film was “dubbed” into Spanish for a Spanish-speaking audience.
  3. “Crib” – a small bed for a baby or young child “Example”: The “crib” was too small for the growing baby.
  4. “Bubble” – a round mass of air or gas surrounded by a liquid “Example”: The soap “bubble” floated through the air.
  5. “Scrub” – to clean something thoroughly by rubbing it hard “Example”: She “scrubbed” the kitchen floor with a brush and soap.
  6. “Club” – a heavy stick used for hitting “Example”: The golfer used a “club” to hit the ball.
  7. “Disturb” – to interfere with or interrupt the peace or quiet of “Example”: The loud music “disturbed” the neighbors.
  8. “Club” – a group of people who meet regularly for a common interest “Example”: The chess “club” meets every Wednesday after school.
  9. “Web” – a network of threads or fibers “Example”: The spider spun a “web” to catch its prey.
  10. “Rub” – to move your hand or an object over a surface while applying pressure “Example”: She “rubbed” the oil into her skin.
  11. “Double” – to increase by two or make two of something “Example”: She “doubled” the recipe to make enough for everyone.
  12. “Cub” – a young animal, especially a lion or bear “Example”: The “cub” was playful and chased its tail.
  13. “Tub” – a large container used for holding water “Example”: She filled the “tub” with hot water for a bath.
  14. “Hub” – the central part of a wheel where the spokes connect “Example”: The “hub” of the wheel was damaged and needed to be replaced.
  15. “Herb” – a plant that is used for flavoring, medicine, or perfume “Example”: Rosemary is a common “herb” used in cooking.
  16. “Grub” – food, especially simple or basic food “Example”: He cooked a quick “grub” of eggs and toast for breakfast.
  17. “Succumb” – to surrender or yield to a superior force or to an overpowering inclination “Example”: She finally “succumbed” to her exhaustion and fell asleep.
  18. “Proverb” – a brief statement expressing a general truth or piece of advice “Example”: A stitch in time saves nine is a well-known “proverb”.
  19. “Bathtub” – a container for holding water in which a person can bathe “Example”: She filled the “bathtub” with warm water to soak.
  20. “Rhubarb” – a sour tasting plant that is often used in pies, jams and sauces “Example”: She made a “rhubarb” pie for dessert.
  21. “Taxicab” – a car that is hired with a driver, especially to take passengers to a destination “Example”: They hailed a “taxicab” to the airport.
  22. “Perturb” – to disturb, to cause mental or emotional agitation “Example”: The news “perturbed” her greatly.
  23. “Brewpub” – a pub or bar that brews its own beer for sale on the premises “Example”: They visited a “brewpub” for a taste of local beer.
  24. “Potherb” – a herb used for food “Example”: She added a variety of “potherbs” to the soup for flavor.
  25. “Cowherb” – a herb that grows in fields and pastures and is eaten by cows “Example”: The cows grazed on the “cowherb” in the meadow.
  26. “Preverb” – a word or particle that is placed before the verb in a sentence “Example”: She always starts her sentences with a “preverb”.
  27. “Flubdub” – nonsense or meaningless speech “Example”: His speech was filled with “flubdub” and made no sense.
  28. “Replumb” – to install or repair the plumbing in a building “Example”: The building was “replumbed” after the leak was discovered.
  29. “Upclimb” – to climb upward “Example”: She “upclimbed” the tall ladder to reach the roof.
  30. “Sanddab” – a type of flatfish “Example”: The chef served a delicious “sanddab” for dinner.
  31. “Minilab” – a small laboratory “Example”: The students worked in a “minilab” to conduct their experiments.
  32. “Coulomb” – a unit of electric charge “Example”: The charge on the particle was measured in “coulombs”.
  33. “Minicab” – a small taxi car “Example”: She called for a “minicab” to take her home.
  34. “Washtub” – a large container for washing clothes “Example”: She used a “washtub” to wash the clothes.
  35. “Corncob” – the central stem of an ear of corn, often used as fuel or kindling “Example”: He used a “corncob” to start a fire.
  36. “Pedicab” – a bicycle with a passenger compartment attached for transporting people “Example”: They took a ride in a “pedicab” through the park.
  37. “Overdub” – to record new sound or music over an existing recording “Example”: The singer “overdubbed” the backing vocals.
  38. “Coxcomb” – a foolish or conceited person “Example”: He was a “coxcomb” and thought highly of himself.

More Examples

  1. Words Ending with ‘a’ 
  2. Words Ending with ‘b’
  3. Words Ending with ‘c’
  4. Words Ending with ‘ly’
  5. Words Ending with ‘age’
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