Write a C++ program to input all sides of a triangle and check whether the triangle is valid or not. Using the switch statement. Triangle Program

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 4, 2024

C++ Program Implementation


1. Pass-by-Value (checkTriangleByValue Function)

  • Definition:

    • Parameters: Takes the lengths of the triangle’s sides as inputs by value.
    • Operation:
      • The function checks the validity of the triangle using the triangle inequality theorem: the sum of the lengths of any two sides must be greater than the length of the remaining side.
      • The switch statement evaluates whether all conditions hold true.
      • Displays whether the triangle is valid or not.
    • Effect:
      • Since the function uses pass-by-value, the original values of the sides remain unchanged after the function call.]

Pass-by-Reference (checkTriangleByReference Function)

  • Definition:
    • Parameters:
      • side1, side2, side3: References to the lengths of the triangle’s sides.
      • isValid: A reference to a boolean variable that stores whether the triangle is valid.
    • Operation:
      • The function checks the validity of the triangle using the triangle inequality theorem, as in the pass-by-value function.
      • The result is stored in the isValid variable.
      • Displays whether the triangle is valid or not.
    • Effect:
      • Since the function uses pass-by-reference, the isValid variable is directly modified with the result after the function call.

Sample Output:

Key Points

  • Triangle Inequality Theorem:
    • A triangle is valid if the sum of the lengths of any two sides is greater than the length of the remaining side.
  • Pass-by-Value:
    • The function receives copies of the actual arguments.
    • Changes made inside the function do not affect the original variables.
  • Pass-by-Reference:
    • The function receives references (aliases) to the actual arguments.
    • The isValid variable is directly updated based on the validation inside the function.
  • Switch Statement:
    • The switch statement is used to handle the validation logic.
    • It checks if all three conditions of the triangle inequality theorem are satisfied.