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Which of the following is the first mobile phone operating system in Nokia?

Question: Which of the following is the first mobile phone operating system in Nokia?

A   Symbian OS

B   Windows Phone

C    Android

D    iOS

Answer:  Symbian OS


Aspect Description
Operating System Name Symbian Operating System
Initial Release 1997
Developed by Symbian Ltd. (originally) and later The Symbian Foundation
Programming Language Written in C++ programming language.
Key Features ·        Designed for mobile devices, particularly smartphones

·        Multitasking support

·        Extensible and customizable user interface (UI) through skins and themes.

·        Extensive support for hardware peripherals and communication protocols.

Popularity and Usage Symbian OS was widely used in Nokia mobile phones, including the popular Nokia N-Series and E-Series devices.
Historical Significance ·        Pioneered the concept of a smartphone operating system.

·        Played a significant role in the early smartphone market.

·        Contributed to the development of mobile applications and app stores.

·        Eventually faced competition and decline with the emergence of iOS and Android.

End of Development Development effectively ended with the shutdown of The Symbian Foundation in 2011.
Transition to Other OS Nokia transitioned to Windows Phone as its primary smartphone platform after discontinuing the use of Symbian OS.
Notable Devices Using Symbian ·        Nokia 6600

·        Nokia N95

·        Nokia E71

·        Nokia 808 PureView

·        Nokia N8

Notable Apps Various third-party applications were developed for Symbian, including web browsers, games and productivity tools.
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