Which of the following is not available in MySQL?

Which of the following is NOT supported in MySQL?
MCQ Answer:(A). FETCH

Example of LIKE Query in MySQL

It will show all teacher’s names starting with t

Example of REVOKE Query in MySQL

To revoke all privileges from a user, we can write the following REVOKE ALL query:

Example of JOIN Query in MySQL

joins PHP MySQLi

Applying join on two tables

left Join PHP MySQLi

Example of Inner Join Query

select * from t4tutorials_finance inner join user_details on user_details.userid=T4Tutorials_finance.t4tutorials_id

Example of Left join Query in MySQL

select * from t4tutorials_finance left join user_details on user_details.userid=T4Tutorials_finance.t4tutorials_id

Example of Right join Query in MySQL

select * from t4tutorials_finance right join user_details on user_details.userid=T4Tutorials_finance.t4tutorials_id

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