Static and Dynamic Branch Prediction MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 20, 2024

In static branch prediction, decisions are made based on:
A) Branch history
B) Fixed rules or heuristics
C) Compiler hints
D) Dynamic execution
Answer: B

Static branch prediction is often used in:
A) Superscalar processors
B) VLIW architectures
C) Out-of-order execution
D) Modern dynamic processors
Answer: B

Dynamic branch prediction uses:
A) Branch history and runtime information
B) Compiler-generated hints
C) Fixed outcomes for each branch
D) Manual programmer input
Answer: A

A common static branch prediction heuristic is to:
A) Always predict “not taken”
B) Always predict “taken”
C) Use branch history
D) Use global prediction
Answer: B

Which technique is more adaptive to runtime behavior?
A) Static prediction
B) Dynamic prediction
C) Hybrid prediction
D) Compiler-based prediction
Answer: B

Which type of branch predictor requires no additional hardware for tracking branch history?
A) Static predictor
B) Dynamic predictor
C) Local predictor
D) Hybrid predictor
Answer: A

The simplest static branch prediction technique is to:
A) Always predict “taken”
B) Always predict “not taken”
C) Use the program counter
D) Use a saturating counter
Answer: A

Dynamic branch prediction improves performance by:
A) Reducing the branch prediction buffer size
B) Adapting to branch behavior at runtime
C) Using fixed branch outcomes
D) Using compiler-generated predictions
Answer: B

Static prediction is less effective in:
A) Simple control flow
B) Complex and data-dependent branches
C) Loop structures
D) Function calls
Answer: B

The accuracy of dynamic branch prediction improves with:
A) Larger branch history buffers
B) Fixed prediction schemes
C) Reduced pipeline depth
D) Fewer conditional branches
Answer: A

Which predictor uses both local and global history to improve prediction accuracy?
A) Static predictor
B) Gshare predictor
C) Two-bit predictor
D) Hybrid predictor
Answer: D

A dynamic branch predictor typically involves:
A) Pipeline stalling
B) Pipeline flushing
C) Table-based prediction
D) Instruction prefetching
Answer: C

Static branch prediction can lead to performance degradation in cases of:
A) Constant branching patterns
B) Loops with few iterations
C) Highly dynamic branching behavior
D) Short pipeline depth
Answer: C

Which of the following is true for dynamic branch prediction?
A) It is less accurate than static prediction
B) It adapts to the branch behavior at runtime
C) It requires no hardware support
D) It uses a fixed prediction model
Answer: B

A two-bit branch predictor is a form of:
A) Static prediction
B) Dynamic prediction
C) Compiler-based prediction
D) Hybrid prediction
Answer: B

Static branch prediction performs better when:
A) Branch behavior is unpredictable
B) Branch outcomes are data-dependent
C) Branch patterns are predictable
D) Pipelines are very deep
Answer: C

Dynamic branch prediction is often used in:
A) VLIW architectures
B) RISC processors
C) SIMD processors
D) Superscalar architectures
Answer: D

Which of the following does not involve dynamic branch prediction?
A) History-based prediction
B) Two-bit predictor
C) Compiler-generated prediction
D) Gshare predictor
Answer: C

The primary advantage of dynamic branch prediction over static branch prediction is:
A) Simplicity
B) Reduced hardware complexity
C) Higher accuracy
D) Lower cost
Answer: C

A branch history table (BHT) is used in:
A) Static prediction
B) Dynamic prediction
C) Compiler-based prediction
D) Instruction reordering
Answer: B

Static branch prediction works well for:
A) Data-dependent branches
B) Simple loops and function calls
C) Complex and unpredictable branches
D) Global branch history
Answer: B

Dynamic branch prediction is more useful in:
A) Control-intensive applications
B) Data-parallel applications
C) Single-cycle execution
D) Simple pipelined processors
Answer: A

Which of the following is true for a dynamic branch predictor?
A) It always predicts the branch outcome as “taken”
B) It relies on past branch behavior to make predictions
C) It requires manual configuration by the programmer
D) It performs poorly in complex pipelines
Answer: B

Static branch prediction is based on:
A) Fixed branch outcomes
B) Runtime branch history
C) Hybrid prediction models
D) Cache coherence
Answer: A

Dynamic prediction adjusts predictions based on:
A) Pipeline stages
B) Branch history at runtime
C) Loop unrolling
D) Function inlining
Answer: B

One common type of dynamic branch predictor is the:
A) Static predictor
B) Gshare predictor
C) Manual predictor
D) Compiler-assisted predictor
Answer: B

In dynamic branch prediction, a mispredicted branch typically leads to:
A) Immediate execution of the next instruction
B) Pipeline flushing
C) Memory cache reloading
D) Arithmetic errors
Answer: B

Which type of prediction is more hardware-intensive?
A) Static prediction
B) Dynamic prediction
C) Compiler prediction
D) Static hinting
Answer: B

Static branch prediction is often used in:
A) Performance-critical applications
B) Embedded systems and simpler architectures
C) Highly parallel architectures
D) Large-scale cloud systems
Answer: B

Which of the following is more complex to implement?
A) Static branch prediction
B) Dynamic branch prediction
C) Loop unrolling
D) Function inlining
Answer: B

A saturating counter is used in:
A) Static prediction
B) Dynamic branch prediction
C) Compiler-generated hints
D) Hardware caches
Answer: B

Dynamic branch predictors often rely on:
A) Instruction-level parallelism
B) Local and global branch history
C) Arithmetic computation
D) Simple heuristics
Answer: B

Static branch prediction is less effective when:
A) Branches are highly predictable
B) The control flow is simple
C) Branch behavior is irregular and data-dependent
D) The pipeline is shallow
Answer: C

The Gshare predictor combines:
A) Static and dynamic prediction
B) Local history and branch history
C) Global history and branch addresses
D) Compiler hints and fixed outcomes
Answer: C

A mispredicted branch in dynamic prediction usually requires:
A) Stalling the entire pipeline
B) Flushing and refetching instructions
C) Re-executing all previous instructions
D) Instruction prefetching
Answer: B

Dynamic prediction uses a branch history table (BHT) to:
A) Store the target addresses of branches
B) Store previous outcomes of branches
C) Store compiler-generated branch hints
D) Store predicted outcomes of future branches
Answer: B

Which branch prediction scheme is more power-efficient?
A) Static branch prediction
B) Dynamic branch prediction
C) Hybrid prediction
D) Local branch prediction
Answer: A

Dynamic branch prediction uses a:
A) History table that stores fixed outcomes
B) Table that stores outcomes of previous branch instructions
C) Static rule to predict branch behavior
D) Predetermined address for each branch
Answer: B

Which of the following does not rely on runtime behavior?
A) Static prediction
B) Dynamic prediction
C) Gshare predictor
D) Hybrid predictor
Answer: A

Branch misprediction penalties are generally higher in:
A) Static branch prediction
B) Dynamic branch prediction
C) Deep pipelined processors
D) Non-pipelined processors
Answer: C

A two-level dynamic branch predictor improves prediction accuracy by:
A) Using two bits for each branch
B) Using both local and global branch history
C) Storing the target address of each branch
D) Reducing the depth of the pipeline
Answer: B

A Gshare branch predictor is a type of:
A) Static branch predictor
B) Dynamic branch predictor
C) Compiler-based branch predictor
D) Cache-based predictor
Answer: B

Static branch prediction is often sufficient in:
A) Deeply pipelined systems
B) Complex control flows
C) Simple loops and branches
D) Dynamic workloads
Answer: C

Dynamic branch prediction performs better than static prediction in:
A) Data-independent branches
B) Loops with fixed iteration counts
C) Complex control-intensive applications
D) Applications with no branches
Answer: C

The key challenge in dynamic branch prediction is:
A) Managing the pipeline depth
B) Handling branch mispredictions
C) Reducing clock speed
D) Increasing the number of instructions per cycle
Answer: B

A hybrid predictor combines:
A) Static and dynamic techniques
B) Local and global branch histories
C) Two types of dynamic predictors
D) Compiler-generated hints with dynamic prediction
Answer: A

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