The screenshots/ screen layout requirements belong to ___?
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). User Interface Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: User Interface Requirements

Email mechanism-related requirements are _____?
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Software Interfaces Requirements
(C). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: Communications Interfaces Requirements

_________ logical and physical characteristics of each interface between our software and the hardware.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Software Interfaces Requirements
(C). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: Hardware Interfaces Requirements

Hardware Requirements are mentioned in ____.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Software Interfaces Requirements
(C). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Hardware Interfaces Requirements

External Interface Requirements Software Engineering


Supported device types requirements for software are called____.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Hardware Interfaces Requirements

32-bit or 64-bit development requirements are belongs to _____.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Software Interfaces Requirements
(C). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Hardware Interfaces Requirements

The end-to-end encryption requirements of the software are an example of _____.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Software Interfaces Requirements
(C). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: Communications Interfaces Requirements

Fingerprint identification on a device belongs to _____.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Non-functional Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Hardware Interfaces Requirements

connections of your software A with software B representing the ___.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Software Interfaces Requirements

The connection of the software of a private bank connection with the software of a state bank is an example of ___.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: Software Interfaces Requirements

A Software developed for only android is an example of __.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Software Interfaces Requirements

The requirement of a Website to work on HTTP or HTTPS is an example of ____?
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Communications Interfaces Requirements

Message formatting requirements are ___.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Communications Interfaces Requirements

Which of the following is a communication interface requirement?
The synchronization mechanism requirements of the software are ___.
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Communications Interfaces Requirements

Connections of your software with other libraries is an example of ____?
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Software Interfaces Requirements

A blog in WordPress that uses third-party plugins is an example of ____?
Which of the following is a communication interface requirement?
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Software Interfaces Requirements

we can save all the files from our chat box to Google Drive is an example of ______?
(A). Communications Interfaces Requirements
(B). Hardware Interfaces Requirements
(C). Software Interfaces Requirements
(D). All of these
MCQ Answer: Communications Interfaces Requirements