Short i is represented by light dot – Shorthand

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 8, 2025

short i vowel shorthand
short i vowel shorthand

Lip shorthand

  1. L is represented by curved stroke, going from bottom to top, curving from right to left.
  2.  A is represented by light dot placed below the “p” stroke, representing the short “I”  sound.
  3. P is represented by A slanting stroke, drawn from  left to right.

Bit shorthand

learn shorthand
learn shorthand
  1. B is represented by slanting heavy downward stroke, drawn from left to right.
  2. I is represented by a light dot placed to the right side of  the “T” stroke, representing the short “I” sound.
  3. T is represented by a light straight vertical stroke drawn from top to bottom.

Pin shorthand

accounting shorthand
accounting shorthand
  1. P is represented by a slanting stroke, drawn from left to right, .
  2. I is represented by a light dot placed to the right side of the “P” stroke, indicating the short “I” vowel sound.
  3. N is represented by a light upward curved stroke

Bill shorthand

  1. B is represented by a heavy slanting downward stroke, drawn from left to right.
  2. I is represented by a light dot placed above the “L” stroke, indicating the short “I” vowel sound.
  3. L is represented by a curved stroke, going from bottom to top, curving from right to left.