Research Topics on Physical Limnology and oceanography

Research Area/ Research Interest: Physical Limnology and oceanography

Research Paper Topics for Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. physical Limnology and oceanography 2022
  2. Long-term change in metabolism phenology in north temperate lakes
  3. Seasonality and episodic variation in picoeukaryote diversity and structure reveal community resilience to disturbances in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
  4. Sedimentary DNA identifies modern and past macrophyte diversity and its environmental drivers in high-latitude and high-elevation lakes in Siberia and China
  5. Drivers of phytoplankton responses to summer wind events in a stratified lake: A modeling study
  6. Interpreting consequences of inadequate sampling of oceanic motions
  7. Physical Limnology and Sediment Dynamics of Lago Argentino, the World’s Largest Ice-Contact Lake
  8. Local winds and encroaching currents drive summertime subsurface blooms over a narrow shelf
  9. Peak chlorophyll a concentrations in the lower Mississippi River from 1997 to 2018
  10. Biological and photochemical reactivity of dissolved organic matter in a large temperate river
  11. Biotic and abiotic factors control the geomorphic characteristics of channel networks in salt marshes
  12. Barotropic seiches in a perennially ice-covered lake, East Antarctica
  13. Limited biogeochemical modification of surface waters by kelp forest canopies: Influence of kelp metabolism and site-specific hydrodynamics
  14. “Slow” and “fast” in blue carbon: Differential turnover of allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter in minerogenic salt marsh sediments
  15. Remote silicate supply regulates spring phytoplankton bloom magnitude in the Gulf of Maine
  16. Measurement of microplastic settling velocities and implications for residence times in thermally stratified lakes
  17. Reconciling models and measurements of marsh vulnerability to sea level rise
  18. Applying empirical dynamic modeling to distinguish abiotic and biotic drivers of population fluctuations in sympatric fishes
  19. Deeper by the Dozen: Diving into a Database of 17,675 Depths for US Lakes and Reservoirs
  20.  Physical characteristics of northern forested lakes predict sensitivity to climate change
  21. Seasonal particle responses to near-bed shear stress in a shallow, wave-and current-driven environment
  22. Environmental drivers of taxonomic and functional variation in zooplankton diversity and composition in freshwater lakes across Canadian continental watersheds
  23. Variation in the predictability of lake plankton metric types
  24. Body size-and season-dependent diel vertical migration of mesozooplankton resolved acoustically in the San Diego Trough
  25. The Ocean’s labile DOC supply chain
  26. Net ecosystem dissolution and respiration dominate metabolic rates at two western Atlantic reef sites
  27. Impact of shallow-water hydrothermal seepage on benthic biogeochemical cycling, nutrient availability, and meiobenthic communities in a tropical coral reef
  28. Warming combined with experimental eutrophication intensifies lake phytoplankton blooms
  29. Bringing seascape ecology to the deep seabed: A review and framework for its application
  30. Bifurcate responses of tidal range to sea-level rise in estuaries with marsh evolution
  31. Eutrophication and temperature drive large variability in carbon dioxide from China’s Lake Taihu
  32. Microbial iron reduction does not release microplastics from organo-metallic aggregates
  33. Assessing Restoration of Ecosystem Functioning in Brazilian Subtropical and Tropical Streams
  34. The influence of particle concentration and bulk characteristics on polarized oceanographic lidar measurements
  35. Predator cues target signaling pathways in toxic algal metabolome
  36. Recovery trends of reef carbonate budgets at remote coral atolls 6 years post-bleaching
  37. Flood disturbance mediates the strength of stream trophic cascades caused by trout
  38. Brownification reduces oxygen gross primary production and community respiration and changes the phytoplankton community composition: An in situ mesocosm …
  39. Geochemical focusing and burial of sedimentary iron, manganese, and phosphorus during lake eutrophication
  40. Organic carbon dynamics and microbial community response to oyster reef restoration
  41. Spatiotemporal dependency of resource use efficiency on phytoplankton diversity in Lake Taihu
  42. Estimating pelagic primary production in lakes: Comparison of 14C incubation and free-water O2 approaches
  43. Nitrogen fixation: A poorly understood process along the freshwater-marine continuum
  44. Constraining uncertainties of diazotroph biogeography from nifH gene abundance
  45. Scallop shells as geochemical archives of phytoplankton-related ecological processes in a temperate coastal ecosystem
  46. Estuarine retention of larvae: Contrasting effects of behavioral responses to turbulence and waves
  47. Reference state, structure, regime shifts, and regulatory drivers in a coastal sea over the last century: The Central Baltic Sea case
  48. Seasonal dynamics of anaerobic oxidation of ammonium and denitrification in a dimictic lake during the stratified spring–summer period
  49. Examining the influence of regional-scale variability in temperature and light availability on the depth distribution of subtidal kelp forests
  50. Low temperature sensitivity of picophytoplankton P: B ratios and growth rates across a natural 10° C temperature gradient in the oligotrophic Indian Ocean
  51. Coastal wetland responses to a century of climate change in northern Sahara, Morocco
  52. How do fisher responses to macroalgal overgrowth influence the resilience of coral reefs?
  53. Nutrient limitation can explain a rapid transition to synchrony in an upwelling-driven diatom community
  54. Earlier ice breakup induces changepoint responses in duration and variability of spring mixing and summer stratification in dimictic lakes
  55. Interplay between microbial community composition and chemodiversity of dissolved organic matter throughout the Black Sea water column redox gradient
  56. Antecedent lake conditions shape resistance and resilience of a shallow lake ecosystem following extreme wind storms
  57. Changes in phytoplankton and biomineral content of particles during episodic fluxes to abyssal depth
  58. Dissolved organic carbon as a driver of seasonal and multiyear phytoplankton assembly oscillations in a subtropical monomictic lake
  59. Seasonal shifts in diurnal variations of pCO2 and O2 in the lower Ganges River
  60. Species-specific foraging behaviors define the functional roles of sympatric stingrays
  61. Elemental and macromolecular composition of the marine Chloropicophyceae, a major group of oceanic photosynthetic picoeukaryotes
  62. An intense precipitation event causes a temperate forested drainage network to shift from N2O source to sink
  63. Tolerance to a highly variable environment does not infer resilience to future ocean warming and acidification in a branching coral
  64. Pelagic N2 fixation dominated by sediment diazotrophic communities in a shallow temperate estuary
  65. Human impacts alter driver–response relationships in lakes of Southwest China
  66. A case for addressing the unresolved role of permeable shelf sediments in ocean denitrification
  67. An autonomous buoy system for observing spring freshet plumes under landfast sea ice
  68. Contrasting fishing effort reduction and habitat connectivity as management strategies to promote alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) recovery using an ecosystem …
  69. Tipping points and multiple drivers in changing aquatic ecosystems: A review of experimental studies
  70. Improvement of field fluorometry estimates of chlorophyll a concentration in a cyanobacteria-rich eutrophic lake
  71. Deciphering the origin of riverine phytoplankton using in situ chlorophyll sensors
  72. “Sinking dead”—How zooplankton carcasses contribute to particulate organic carbon flux in the subantarctic Southern Ocean
  73. The marine biodiversity observation network plankton workshops: plankton ecosystem function, biodiversity, and forecasting—research requirements and applications
  74. Sulfate-and iron-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation occurring side-by-side in freshwater lake sediment
  75. Microplastics alter feeding strategies of a coral reef organism
  76.  Bollinger, MS and WS Moore (1984). Radium fluxes from a salt marsh. Nature 309: 444-446. Boothroyd, JC, NE Friedrich and SR McGinn (1985). Geology of …
  77. Ecological resilience in tropical Andean lakes: A paleolimnological perspective
  78. Carbon sequestration is not inhibited by livestock grazing in Danish salt marshes
  79. A unified dataset of colocated sewage pollution, periphyton, and benthic macroinvertebrate community and food web structure from Lake Baikal (Siberia)
  80. Carbonate chemistry in the microenvironment within cyanobacterial aggregates under present-day and future pCO2 levels
  81. ADCP-based estimates of lateral turbulent Reynolds stresses in wavy coastal environments
  82. Pelagic tunicate grazing on marine microbes revealed by integrative approaches
  83. Resilience of phytoplankton dynamics to trophic cascades and nutrient enrichment
  84. Toward bio-optical phenotyping of reef-forming corals using Light-Induced Fluorescence Transient-Fast Repetition Rate fluorometry
  85. A novel device for trace metal-clean sampling of bottom water and suspended particles at the ocean’s lower boundary: The Benthic Trace Profiler
  86. The Underwater Vision Profiler 6: an imaging sensor of particle size spectra and plankton, for autonomous and cabled platforms
  87. Modeled approaches to estimating blue carbon accumulation with mangrove restoration to support a blue carbon accounting method for Australia
  88. Summer dynamics drive the microbial response to carbon and nutrient additions in a high-altitude lake
  89. Deep-sea wooden shipwrecks influence sediment microbiome diversity
  90. Wind exposure and sediment type determine the resilience and response of seagrass meadows to climate change
  91. Integrating ecosystem metabolism and consumer allochthony reveals nonlinear drivers in lake organic matter processing
  92. Seasonally variable relationships between surface water temperature and inflow in the upper San Francisco Estuary
  93. Recurrent large-scale sea urchin mass mortality and the establishment of a long-lasting alternative macroalgae-dominated community state
  94. Evaluating the precariousness of coral recovery when coral and macroalgae are alternative basins of attraction
  95.  Nonlinear dynamics, resilience, and regime shifts in aquatic communities and ecosystems: an overview
  96. Shifting baselines and cross-scale drivers of lake water clarity: Applications for lake assessment
  97. Understanding the effects of climate change via disturbance on pristine arctic lakes—multitrophic level response and recovery to a 12-yr, low-level fertilization …
  98. Eutrophication and predation mediate zooplankton diversity and network structure
  99. Physical, resource supply, and biological controls on nutrient processing along the river continuum
  100. Application of artificial neural network to estimate the quality of little auks’ potential foraging grounds on Spitsbergen
  101. Mechanisms underlying lack of functional compensation by insect grazers after tadpole declines in a Neotropical stream
  102. Stratification variability in a lagoon system in response to a passing storm
  103. Historical contingency via priority effects counteracts environmental change on metacommunity dynamics across decades
  104. Disturbance is complicated: Headward-eroding saltmarsh creeks produce multiple responses and recovery trajectories
  105. Integrating siphonophores into marine food-web ecology
  106. Gender Equity in Oceanography
  107. Oceanic turbulence from a planktonic perspective
  108. Flocculation with heterogeneous composition in water environments: A review
  109. The effect of marine snow particle distribution on the foraging behavior of Calanus pacificus
  110. Metabolic regime shifts and ecosystem state changes are decoupled in a large river
  111. Climate oscillations drive millennial-scale changes in seabird colony size
  112. Physical Circulation in the Coastal Zone of a Large Lake Controls the Benthic Biological Distribution
  113. Observations of coherent transverse wakes in shoaling nonlinear internal waves
  114. Validation and error analysis of wave-modified ocean surface currents in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
  115. Flow, form, and force: methods and frameworks for field studies of macroalgal biomechanics
  116.  Distribution of phytoplankton in the East China Sea and the southern Yellow Sea in spring in relation to environmental variables and dimethylsulfide …
  117. Diagnosing discrepancies between observations and models of surface energy fluxes in a mid-latitude lake
  118. Ecological biomechanics of marine macrophytes
  119. A genetic programming-based model for predicting phosphorus concentration in shallow lakes
  120. Characteristics of subsurface chlorophyll maxima during the boreal summer in the South China Sea with respect to environmental properties
  121. Environmental drivers of phytoplankton crops and taxonomic composition in northeastern Antarctic Peninsula adjacent sea area
  122. Research Status and Trends of Underwater Photosynthesis
  123. Towards Controllable and Physical Interpretable Underwater Scene Simulation
  124.  Analysis of Biological, Chemical, and Physical Parameters to Evaluate the Effect of Floating Solar PV in Mahoni Lake, Depok, Indonesia: Mesocosm Experiment …
  125. Environmental change in Yellowknife Bay, Northwest Territories, over the last two centuries inferred through diatom paleolimnological analysis
  126. An integrated solution of software and hardware for environmental monitoring
  127. Correlation of planktonic biomass with other physico-chemical parameters of water quality in fertilized fish ponds
  128. A hybrid model for the forecasting of sea surface water temperature using the information of air temperature: a case study of the Baltic Sea
  129. Minimum warming in the South Indian Ocean thermocline in a warming climate linked to freshening processes
  130. Lipid Accumulation in Three Species of Neocalanus Copepod in the Northern Gulf of Alaska
  131. Measuring flow speeds in natural waters by training an artificial neural network to analyze high-frequency flow-induced vibrations of tethered floats
  132. Environmental effects on Calanus finmarchicus abundance and depth distribution in the Barents Sea
  133. Going with the flow: Experimental simulation of sediment transport from a foraminifera perspective
  135. The Northern Caspian Levels and Its Ice Regime Changing During Current Climate Warming
  136. Whither winter: The altered role of winter for freshwaters as the climate changes
  137. Decline in the Nutrient Inventories of the Upper Subtropical Northwest Pacific Ocean
  138. Differential response of Bay of Bengal during deficit and normal monsoons
  139. Why do coccolithophores calcify? Does the calcium carbonate shell serve as protection against viral infection and predation?
  140. Climate Projections over the Great Lakes Region: Using Two-way Coupling of a Regional Climate Model with a 3-D Lake Model
  141. Effect of environmental factors, fish size, and baseline on carbon and nitrogen stable isotope variability in Thunnus alalunga, T. albacares, and T. obesus in the Pacific …
  142. Detection of Physical and Biological Fronts in the Northern California Current System and the Drivers Behind Their Seasonal to Interannual Variability
  143. Significant organic carbon acquisition by Prochlorococcus in the oceans
  144.  Water-Air Exchanges In The Lower Estuary Of The Patos Lagoon: Seasonal Variability, Drivers, And Sources Of CO2
  145. Surprising Abundant Mussel Beds in the Center of Boston Harbor in the Midst of a Regional Die-Back
  146. The ecology of coastal wetland ponds created by diamond mining in southern Namibia. 1. Physical conditions
  147. Climatic controls on the spring phytoplankton growing season in a temperate shelf sea
  148.  Unveiling controls of the latitudinal gradient of surface pCO2 in the Kuroshio Extension and its recirculation regions (northwestern North Pacific) in late …
  149. Seaweed ecosystems may not mitigate CO2 emissions
  150. Drivers of variation in crustacean zooplankton production rates differ across regions off the west coast of Vancouver Island and in the subarctic NE pacific
  151. A High-Resolution 3-D Circulation Model in a Complex Archipelago on the Coastal Scotian Shelf
  152. Forecast of Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a Using ARIMA, South-Eastern Arabian Sea, Karnataka, India
  153.  Chlorophyll Distribution and Variability at the Surface of the Indian Ocean
  154. Modeling biogeochemical processes in a freshwater lake during the spring thermal bar
  155.  Microbial Prospects in Sediment Denitrification of Eutrophic Wetland Ecosystems
  156. Surface aggregations of Calanus finmarchicus during the polar night
  157. Influence of heavily doped connecting layers on the sensitivity of pressure sensors
  158. The role of tides and sea ice on the carbonate chemistry in a coastal polynya in the south-eastern Weddell Sea
  159. Dynamics of Sediment Resuspension and Transport by Fission of Nonlinear Internal Waves Over a Mild Slope
  160. Anthropogenic changes in waterways produce “drought-like” layers in shelf sediments
  162.  Wastewater effluents affect ecosystem metabolism: an evaluation of activation energy case study from the River Wandle, UK
  163. Late Quaternary paleoclimate and paleoenvironment changes in Lake Urmia, NW Iran
  164. Whiting events in a large peri-alpine lake: Evidence of a catchment-scale process
  165. Habitat Utilization and Behavior of Phocid Seals in Relation to Oceanography
  166.  Distribution of physical and chemical variables in the water column and characterization of the bottom sediment in a macrotidal estuary on the Amazon coast …
  167.  GEOTRACES-CHINA GPpr15-winter Process Study Cruise Report
  168.  Nitrous oxide and methane in a changing Arctic Ocean
  169. Unraveling the Contribution of Turbulence and Bubbles to Air-Water Gas Exchange in Running Waters
  170. Biogeography of Southern Ocean prokaryotes: a comparison of the Indian and Pacific sectors
  171. Interannual variabilities, long-term trends, and regulating factors of low-oxygen conditions in the eastern Pearl River Estuary
  172. Assessment of Aged Woodchip Bioreactor Physical and Hydraulic Properties
  173. Transport and behavior of marine oil spill containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mesocosm experiments
  174. State of art of bathymetric surveys
  175. Oceanographic and human impacts on the compositions of sedimentary organic matter along the southern coast of Zhoushan
  176. Basin-scale distribution of salps and doliolids in the transition region of the North Pacific Ocean in summer: Drivers of bloom occurrence and effect on the pelagic …
  177. Ephemeral surface chlorophyll enhancement at the New England shelf break driven by Ekman restratification
  178.  Papers published from 2014-2021 on ARGO Floats. Bibliometric data
  179. Pelagic calcifiers face increased mortality and habitat loss with warming and ocean acidification
  180.  Oceanographic and biogeochemical drivers cause divergent trends in the nitrogen isoscape in a changing Arctic Ocean
  181. Copepods of the off-shore waters of Caribbean Colombian Sea and their response to oceanographic regulators
  182. The relationship between lake surface area and maximum depth
  183. Application of a fish habitat model considering mesoscale oceanographic features in evaluating climatic impact on distribution and abundance of Pacific saury …
  184. Frontal Dynamics in the Alboran Sea: 1. Coherent 3D Pathways at the Almeria-Oran Front Using Underwater Glider Observations
  185. Accelerated biogenic silica dissolution by marine invertebrate digestion: in comparison with phosphorus and iron
  186. Using Timescales of Deficit and Residence to Evaluate Near-Bottom Dissolved Oxygen Variation in Coastal Seas
  187.  Aquatic nitrous oxide dynamics from rivers to reefs
  188. Thermohaline Temporal Variability of the SE Mediterranean Coastal Waters (Israel)–Long-Term Trends, Seasonality, and Connectivity
  189. Community patch dynamics governs direct and indirect nutrient recycling by aggregated animals across spatial scales
  190. Notes from the Past Show How Local Variability can Stymie Urchins and the Rise of the Reds in the Gulf of Maine
  191. Convective instability in the bottom of Northern South China Sea
  192.  Shine a light: Under-ice light and its ecological implications in a changing Arctic Ocean
  193. Features of Salinity Variations in an Estuary with Freshwater Discharges from Multiple River Outlets in Rainy Season: A Case Study of the Pearl River Estuary in China
  194. The Analysis of Organic Matter Content in the Sea Bottom Sediments of Sevastopol Region (Black Sea)
  195. Modulation of the Intraseasonal Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Tropical Indian Ocean by the Central Indian Ocean Mode
  196. Assessing variability in snowmelt bypass among thermokarst lakes using water isotope tracers, Northwest Territories, Canada
  197. Observing Seasonal Cycles, Drivers, and Potential Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
  198. Middle-late Holocene climate and hydrologic changes in the Gulf of Saros (NE Aegean Sea)
  199. Assessing the Effect of Salinization (NaCl) on the Survival and Reproduction of Two Ubiquitous Cladocera Species (Bosmina longirostris and Chydorus brevilabris)
  200. Critical factors for the use of machine learning to predict lake surface water temperature
  201. Long-term Automated Visual Monitoring of Antarctic Benthic Fauna
  202. Robust Dual Optical Sensor for pH and Dissolved Oxygen
  203. Effect of hydro-climate variation on biofilm dynamic and impact in intertidal environment
  204. Vertical distribution patterns of ichthyoplankton in temperate waters of New Zealand
  205.  Characterizing the secret diets of siphonophores (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) using DNA metabarcoding
  206. Oceanic frontal divergence alters phytoplankton competition and distribution
  207. Variability of fish larvae assemblages relative to mesoscale features in the deep water region of the southern Gulf of Mexico
  208. Reply to ‘Challenging the hypothesis of an arctic ocean lake during recent glacial episodes’ by Hillaire-Marcel, et al
  209. Methane in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea: dynamics, distribution, and production
  210. Calanus finmarchicus basin scale life history traits and role in community carbon turnover during spring
  211. The limnological trace of contemporaneous anthropogenic activities in the Pampa Region
  212. Impact of ash precipitation on marine environments and diatoms: A case of 1991 from the Pinatubo volcano in the South China Sea
  213. Biogeochemistry of selenium compounds in the water column of warm monomictic Lake Kinneret
  214. Linking zooplankton time series to the fossil record
  215.  Causal networks of phytoplankton diversity and biomass are modulated by environmental context
  216. The ecological response of natural phytoplankton population and related metabolic rates to future ocean acidification
  217. The influence of season and landscape on the water quality of ponds at multiple spatial scales
  218. In situ size and motility measurement of aquatic invertebrates with an underwater stereoscopic camera system using tilted lenses
  219. Spectral classification, mapping and physical habitat implications of a riparian invasion by Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. in the Touws River, Klein Karoo, South Africa
  220. 40-years of Lake Urmia restoration research: Review, synthesis and next steps
  221. Anaerobic methane oxidation in a coastal oxygen minimum zone: spatial and temporal dynamics

Research Topics Physics
