Research Area/ Research Interest: Mechanical properties of alloys
Research Paper Topics for: Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Machine learning for design, phase transformation and mechanical properties of alloys
- A critical review on the effects of process-induced porosity on the mechanical properties of alloys fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
- High-entropy alloys with heterogeneous microstructure: processing and mechanical properties
- … of process parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welds of AA2014 and AA6063 aluminium alloys using response surface …
- Critical role of subgrain orientation on the stability of mechanical properties of selective laser melting manufactured alloys
- Effects of Si additions on microstructures and mechanical properties of VNbTiTaSix refractory high-entropy alloys
- Mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of novel Al-Mg-Zn-Cu-Si lightweight high entropy alloys
- Effect of Zr on the as-cast microstructure and mechanical properties of lightweight Ti2VNbMoZrx refractory high-entropy alloys
- Microstructures and mechanical properties of NiTi shape memory alloys fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing
- Transformation of Laves phases and its effect on the mechanical properties of TIG welded Mg-Al-Ca-Mn alloys
- Robust mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of new low-cost hot-forged and aged β-type Ti–14Mn–(x) Zr alloys
- Mechanical properties of as-cast and wrought Mg–5Ni-xAl magnesium alloys
- Non-conventional hot rolling for improvement of mechanical properties in binary Mg-alloys
- Effect of quench-controlled precipitation hardening on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloys contain of Sc micro-alloying
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of micro laser welding NiTiNb/Ti6Al4V dissimilar alloys lap joints with nickel interlayer
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of extrusion ZC61 alloys under different dynamic compression loading directions
- Microstructural, corrosion and mechanical properties of additively manufactured alloys: A review
- Effect of high pressure die casting on the castability, defects and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys in extra-large thin-wall castings
- Role of compositional changes on thermal, magnetic, and mechanical properties of Fe-PC-based amorphous alloys
- High-temperature mechanical properties of FeCoCrNi high-entropy alloys fabricated via selective laser melting
- Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of ZrC-added Nb–16Si–20Ti alloys
- Phase composition and mechanical properties of Al-Si based alloys with Yb or Gd addition
- Effects of cryogenic deformation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of high-strength aluminum alloys
- Microstructures and mechanical properties of FeCoNi (MoW) x high-entropy alloys
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of CxHf0. 25NbTaW0. 5 refractory high-entropy alloys at room and high temperatures
- On cooling rates dependence of microstructure and mechanical properties of refractory high-entropy alloys HfTaTiZr and HfNbTiZr
- Enhancing mechanical properties of twin-roll cast Al–Mg–Si–Fe alloys by regulating Fe-bearing phases and macro-segregation
- Effects of Sm addition on microstructure evolutions and mechanical properties of high-strength Mg–Gd− Sm–Zr extruded alloys
- Assessment of the Influence of Additives on the Mechanical Properties and Machinability of Al-11% Si Cast Alloys: Application of DOE and ANOVA Methods
- Directional-dependent precipitate microstructure and mechanical properties of tensile and compressive stress-assisted aged Mg-Zn alloys
- Optimize the Mechanical Properties of Al0. 6CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloys by Thermo-Mechanical Processing
- Simulation on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Mg− Y alloys: Effect of trace Y
- Effect of Al addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg− Gd− Zn alloys
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of WMoTaNbTi refractory high-entropy alloys fabricated by selective electron beam melting
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of multi-phase reinforced Hf-Mo-Nb-Ti-Zr refractory high-entropy alloys
- Bulk nanocrystalline W-Ti alloys with exceptional mechanical properties and thermal stability
- Effects of aging treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Si-Zr alloys
- Effects of V content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb31Ti37-xZr26Al6Vx refractory medium-entropy alloys
- Microstructures and mechanical properties of Cu–Ti alloys with ultrahigh strength and high ductility by thermo-mechanical treatment
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of medium-entropy alloys with a high-density η-D024 phase
- Effect mechanism of oxide doping on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mo–Y2O3 alloys
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of modified Mg–8Al–2Sn alloys using Zn addition combined with artificial aging treatment
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of novel tungsten heavy alloys prepared using FeNiCoCrCu HEA as binder
- Investigations of mechanical properties and deformation behaviors of the Cr modified Ti–Au shape memory alloys
- Effects of yttrium addition on microstructures and mechanical properties of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy
- Optimum atomic concentration in structurally disordered nanoporous Pt–Co alloys with the strongest mechanical properties
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of lightweight AlCrTiV0. 5Cux high-entropy alloys
- Microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and anti-bacterial behavior of novel Co-free high entropy alloys
- Controlling the mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of biomedical TiZrNb alloys by combining recrystallization and spinodal decomposition
- Revealing the influence of Fe on Fe-rich phases formation and mechanical properties of cast Al-Mg-Mn-Fe alloys
- A review on mechanical properties and microstructure of ultrafine grained metals and alloys processed by rotary swaging
- Influence of Er content on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Al-2Fe alloy
- Formation and kinds of boride on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in Ti47. 5Al2. 0Cr2. 0NbxB alloys
- A microcompression study on the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of Be–Al and Be–AlSi10Mg alloys fabricated by laser solid forming
- A Comparative Study on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al-10Si-0.5 Mg Alloys Prepared under Different Conditions
- Investigation of mechanical properties and microstructural evolution in Cu─ Al alloys with gradient structure
- Effect of Zn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast BCC Mg-11Li based alloys
- Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behaviors of Al–Li–Cu–Mg–Ag–Zn Alloys
- Improving mechanical properties of Al–Si–Cu–Mg alloys by microallying Sc using thermodynamic calculations
- Quantitative analysis of mechanical properties associated with aging treatment and microstructure in Mg-Al-Zn alloys through machine learning
- Multiscale Modelling and Characterization of Mechanical Properties in Heat-Resistant Alloys
- Effect of increasing Ti content on the phase, interface, dynamic mechanical properties and ballistic performance of W–Ti–Zr alloys
- Effect of Al content on the mechanical properties and toughening mechanism of Zr-Co-Al alloys prepared by rapid solidification
- Synergetic effect of Si addition on mechanical properties in face-centered-cubic high entropy alloys: a first-principles study
- Tuning Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloys by Electro-pulsing Method
- Quantifying the effects of Sc and Ag on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Cu alloys
- Sintering behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties of NbC-Ni alloys with different carbon contents
- Interdiffusion behaviors and mechanical properties of Zr-X (XNb, Ta, Hf) binary systems
- Solid solubility extension and nano-mechanical properties of rapidly solidified Fe-Zr eutectic alloys under free fall condition
- Investigation of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of fine-grained aluminum alloys Al-Zn with reduced zinc content
- Effects of Li content on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg− xLi− 3Al− 2Zn− 0.5 Y alloys
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Novel Lightweight TaNbVTi-Based Refractory High Entropy Alloys
- Effect of molybdenum addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of 90% tungsten heavy alloys
- Effect of sintering temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of ZK60 magnesium alloys
- Microstructural evolution, precipitation and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained and coarse-grained 2024 aluminum alloys fabricated by powder metallurgy
- Effect of Nb Content and water quenching on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Nb alloys fabricated by spark plasma sintering
- Effect of heat treatment on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Mg-11Gd-2Zn-0.4 Zr alloy
- Mechanical properties of stationary shoulder friction stir welded Aluminum alloys AA7075-T651
- Optimization of magnetization and mechanical properties of Fe-Ni-based alloys by Response Surface Methodology
- Synthesis of Ti-Al-xNb Ternary Alloys via Laser-Engineered Net Shaping for Biomedical Application: Densification, Electrochemical and Mechanical Properties …
- Enhancing high temperature mechanical properties via modulating B2 phase with Al contents in FeCrNiAlx (x= 0.63, 0.71, 0.77) high entropy alloys
- Development of biomedical Ti-Nb-Zr-Mn alloys with enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance
- Sn Content Effects on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behavior of Biomedical Ti-Nb-Sn Alloys Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy
- Effects of Different Rare Earth Elements on the Degradation and Mechanical Properties of the ECAP Extruded Mg Alloys
- Mechanical properties of Bʹ precipitates and fracture behavior of Bʹ/Al interface in Al-Mg-Si alloys: A first-principle calculation study
- Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Cu-3Ag-xZr alloys processed by equal channel angular pressing
- Advanced mechanical properties obtained via accurately tailoring stacking fault energy in Co-rich and Ni-depleted CoxCr33Ni67-x medium-entropy alloys
- Enhancement of the magneto-mechanical properties in directional solidified Fe80Al20 alloys by doping Tb
- Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of A356/Ni Alloys Produced by the Mechanochemical Method
- Microstructure refinement and improvement of mechanical properties of Ti46Al8Nb0. 9B alloys by electromagnetic cold crucible continuous solidification
- The effects of Ti content and quenching on phase transformations, microstructures, and mechanical properties in uranium-titanium alloys
- … of Gd content on the microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion behavior and corrosion film deposition mechanisms of as-extruded Mg–Zn–Mn–Sr–Gd alloys for …
- Study of mechanical properties of indium-based solder alloys for cryogenic applications
- Microstructures, mechanical properties and in vitro corrosion behavior of biodegradable Zn alloys microalloyed with Al, Mn, Cu, Ag and Li elements
- Influence of Al2Y particles on mechanical properties of Mg-11Y-1Al alloy with different grain sizes
- … TaTiNbZrX (X= Mo, W) high entropy alloys by combined use of high energy ball milling and spark plasma sintering: Structural characterization, mechanical properties …
- Nanostructuring of Nb-Si-Cr Alloys by Electron Beam Melting to Improve the Mechanical Properties and the Oxidation Behavior
- Image Deep Learning Assisted Prediction of Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior for Al-Zn-Mg Alloys
- Effect of Al content on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast AlxFeMnNiCrCu0. 5 high-entropy alloys
- Mechancial properties of amorphous alloys: In the framework of the microstructure heterogeneity
- Seynergistic effect of Mo and Zr additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb‐Ti‐Si‐based alloys additively manufactured by laser directed energy …
- Effect of Mo on the microstructure and mechanical properties of (Hf0. 73Ta0. 27) 100-XMoX (X= 0, 5, 16, 21 and 30 at.%) alloys
- Effects of rolling reduction on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of W-0.5 wt% ZrC alloys
- Optimizing the mechanical properties of Al-4.5 Cu-xSi alloys through multi-pass friction stir processing and post-process aging
- Understanding the effect of Ni content on microstructure and mechanical properties of A384 HPDC alloy
- Effects of Fe addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of as-extruded Zn-0.2 Mg alloys
- … on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Ti20Ta20Nb20 (ZrHf) 20− xMox (Where: x= 0, 5, 10, 15, 20) High Entropy Alloys
- Improvement of mechanical properties of magnetostrictive Tb-Dy-Fe alloys via preparing sintered material with low-melting Dy-Cu alloy binder
- Effect of holding time on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-40 wt.% Si alloys fabricated by combination of gas atomization and spark plasma sintering
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V alloys fabricated by additive friction stir deposition
- Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Aging and Cryogenic Treatments on the Mechanical Properties of Superelastic Nickel-Titanium Shape-Memory Alloys
- Microstructure characterization and evaluation of mechanical properties in 2A97 aluminum-lithium alloys welded by stationary shoulder friction stir welding
- Effect of oxygen addition and annealing time on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti–34Nb alloy
- Phase selection and mechanical properties of directionally solidified AlCoCrFeNi2. 1 eutectic high-entropy alloy
- Newly synthesized NiCoFeCrW High-Entropy Alloys (HEAs): Multiple impacts of B4C additive on structural, mechanical, and nuclear shielding properties
- Characterization of NbSi2: Correlation between Crystal Structure and Mechanical Properties
- A critical review on the microstructure and mechanical properties correlation of additively manufactured nickel-based superalloys
- On the table-like magnetocaloric effect, microstructure and mechanical properties of LaxFe11. 6 Si1. 4 system
- Achieving dual-phase structure and improved mechanical properties in AlCoCrFeTi0. 5 high-entropy alloys by addition of Ni
- Development of Ti-Al-Ta-Nb-(Re) near-α high temperature titanium alloy: Microstructure, thermal stability and mechanical properties
- A novel Co-free Al0. 75CrFeNi eutectic high entropy alloy with superior mechanical properties
- Experimental studies and regression analysis on mechanical properties of MMCs based zinc-aluminium alloys with graphite particles reinforcement
- In situ Passive Infrared Thermography Application for the Assessment of Localized Mechanical Properties of Tungsten Inert Gas-Welded Inconel 625 Alloys
- Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of NbHfTiVCx novel refractory high entropy alloys with variable carbon content
- Superior mechanical properties of a selective-laser-melted AlZnMgCuScZr alloy enabled by a tunable hierarchical microstructure and dual-nanoprecipitation
- Degradation of tensile mechanical properties of two AlxCoCrFeNi (x= 0.3 and 0.4) high-entropy alloys exposed to liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 350 and 500° C
- Surface Modification of 6xxx Series Aluminum Alloys
- … induced phase transitions and mechanical properties for multicomponent Zr50M50, Zr50 (M, Ag) 50 and Zr50 (M, Pd) 50 (M= Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) amorphous alloys
- First principles study on electronic properties and mechanical stability of HfRhZ (Z= As and Sb) half Heusler alloys
- Effect of Ball-Milling Time on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneity-Improved Heterostructured 2024al Alloys Fabricated Through Powder …
- Deformation temperature impact on microstructure and mechanical properties uniformity of GWZ932K alloy under reciprocating upsetting-extrusion
- First-principles study of the effect of aluminum content on the elastic properties of Cu-Al alloys
- Microstructure control and mechanical properties of directionally solidified large size TiAl alloy by electromagnetic confinement
- Endless recrystallization of high-entropy alloys at high temperature
- Hydrogen embrittlement and failure mechanisms of multi-principal element alloys: A review
- Improvement of mechanical properties of in situ Mg-Si composites via Cu addition and hot working
- Atomistic simulations of the local slip resistances in four refractory multi-principal element alloys
- Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of a Solid-State Additive Manufactured Magnesium Alloy
- Effect of High-Temperature Pulsed Deuterium Plasma on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Surface of Cu–Ga and Cu–Ga–Ni Alloys
- Effect of Thermomechanical Treatment of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu with Minor Amount of Sc and Zr on the Mechanical Properties
- Microstructure and Superplastic Behavior of Ni-Modified Ti-Al-Mo-V Alloys
- First-principles prediction of structure and mechanical properties of TM5SiC2 ternary silicides
- Mechanical Analysis and Corrosion Analysis of Zinc Alloys for Bioabsorbable Implants for Osteosynthesis
- Microstructure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Mg-0.5 Ca-xZr Alloys
- Effect of FSW process parameters on mechanical properties and microstructure of dissimilar welded joints of AA2024 and AA6082
- Breakdown Trade-Off Relation of Mechanical Properties via Micro-alloying in Mg–Mn Alloys
- Evolution of Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress of a Cold Rolled Invar Sheet Due to Heat Treatment
- Effect of extrusion plus rolling on damping capacity and mechanical properties of Mg–Y–Er–Zn-Zr alloy
- Preface to the special issue on aluminum alloys for transportation
- Recent Progress in Our Understanding of Phase Stability, Atomic Structures and Mechanical and Functional Properties of High-Entropy Alloys
- Effect of Nd on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot Extruded Mg-2.0 Sm-0.4 Zn-0.4 Zr Alloy
- Influences of Directions and Magnitudes of Static Electrical Field on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties for Al–Si Eutectic Alloy
- Scale-Dependent Structure–Property Correlations of Precipitation-Hardened Aluminum Alloys: A Review
- Improvement of the resistance spot welding of Al-Mg-Si alloys by using cladding technology: An optical and mechanical characterization study
- Microstructural characteristics, deformation behavior and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 treated by Te infiltration
- Perspectives on Additive Manufacturing Enabled Beta-Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications
- … on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Ti20Ta20Nb20 (ZrHf) 20− xMox (Where: x= 0, 5, 10, 15, 20) High Entropy Alloys …
- First experimental evidence of oxygen ordering in dilute titanium–oxygen alloys
- Optimization of process parameters of friction stir welded joints of dissimilar aluminum alloys AA3003 and AA6061 by RSM
- Deformation induced nanoscale twinning improves strength and ductility in additively manufactured titanium alloys
- Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Behavior of Hot‐Rolled Ti‐25Zr‐xY Alloys
- Effect of the aging process and pre-deformation on the precipitated phase and mechanical properties of 2195 Al–Li alloy
- Enhanced electrical, mechanical and tribological properties of Cu-Cr-Zr alloys by continuous extrusion forming and subsequent aging treatment
- First-principles study on the structures and elastic properties of W-Ta-V ternary alloys
- The Effect of Co-Encapsulated GO-Cu Nanofillers on Mechanical Properties, Cell Response, and Antibacterial Activities of Mg-Zn Composite
- The studies on the tribological performance, characterization and mechanical properties of W-2Ni-1Fe (wt%) alloy
- Plastic deformation and heat treatment of Mg-Li alloys: a review
- Welding of titanium base alloys by tungsten-gas pulse arc process (PCGTAW) and investigation of frequency effect on microstructure and mechanical properties
- Influence of Zn and/or Ag additions on microstructure and properties of Al-Mg based alloys
- On the low-cycle fatigue behavior of thermo-mechanically processed high-strength aluminum alloys
- Machinability of additively manufactured titanium alloys: A comprehensive review
- Correction to: Effects of I-and W-Phases Under Identical Conditions on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-Cast Mg–Zn–Y Alloys at Room and Elevated …
- Strengthening mechanism and effect of Al2O3 particle on high-temperature tensile properties and microstructure evolution of W–Al2O3 alloys
- Microstructural development and mechanical properties of drop tube atomized Al-2.85 wt% Fe
- Effects of Sn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg–Bi binary alloy
- Development of Ti–Zr alloys by powder metallurgy for biomedical applications
- Laser additive manufacturing of biodegradable Mg-based alloys for biomedical applications: A review
- Metalloid substitution elevates simultaneously the strength and ductility of face-centered-cubic high-entropy alloys
- Bayesian inverse design of high-strength aluminum alloys at high temperatures
- Effect of fabrication parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of wire arc additive manufactured AZ61 alloy
- Influence of minor La addition on the solidification, aging behaviors and the tensile properties of Al-Mg-Si alloys
- Mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of high-pressure torsion-processed Al7075 alloy at elevated temperatures
- Grain Refinement of As-Cast Mg-RE Alloys: Research Progress and Future Prospect
- Laser deposition of high-entropy alloys: A comprehensive review
- Designing structures with combined gradients of grain size and precipitation in high entropy alloys for simultaneous improvement of strength and ductility
- Optimising the Al and Ti compositional window for the design of γ'(L12)-strengthened Al–Co–Cr–Fe–Ni–Ti high entropy alloys
- Experimental studies on mechanical properties of laser powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V alloy under post-heat treatment
- Designing TiVNbTaSi refractory high-entropy alloys with ambient tensile ductility
- Enhancing mechanical properties of the boron doped Al0. 2Co1. 5CrFeNi1. 5Ti0. 5 high entropy alloy via tuning composition and microstructure
- Combining gradient structure and supersaturated solid solution to achieve superior mechanical properties in WE43 magnesium alloy
- Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of AA7075 Al Alloys Produced via Mechanical Alloying Process
- On calculations of basic structural parameters in multi-principal element alloys using small atomistic models
- Excellent tensile properties induced by heterogeneous grain structure and dual nanoprecipitates in high entropy alloys
- Influence of Cr/Mo ratio on microstructure and mechanical properties of the Ni-based superalloys fabricated by laser additive manufacturing
- Surface modification and antibacterial properties of superelastic Ti-Zr-based alloys for medical application
- Preparation of medical Mg–Zn alloys and the effect of different zinc contents on the alloy
- Decreasing Zr content to improve tensile properties of non-equiatomic TiZrHfNb medium entropy alloys with transformation-induced plasticity
- Weldability Study of AlMg5ScZr Alloys Versus Common 5083 Alloy
- Mechanical properties and deformation behaviours of submicron-sized Cu–Al single crystals
- Mechanical property enhancement of NbTiZr refractory medium-entropy alloys due to Si-induced crystalline-to-amorphous transitions
- Effect of ultrasonic peening treatment on microstructure and properties of CMT additive-manufactured Ti6Al4V/Al6. 21Cu dissimilar alloys with Nb interlayer
- Effects of cooling regimes on the microstructural and mechanical properties of the transient liquid phase joints of UNS S32750 super duplex stainless steel/BNi-2/AISI …
- Effects of cryogenic treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy rolled at different paths
- Microstructure and properties of CoCrNiFeMnAl0. 5 high-entropy alloys prepared by gas atomization combined with oscillatory pressure sintering
- The effect of the heat generated during friction stir welding process on different aluminum alloys
- Microstructure and electrochemical behavior of contemporary Ti6Al4V implant alloys
- Phase transformations and mechanical properties of a Ti36Nb5Zr alloy subjected to thermomechanical treatments
- Achieving high strength and low elastic modulus in interstitial biomedical Ti–Nb–Zr–O alloys through compositional optimization
- Application of atom probe tomography in understanding high entropy alloys: 3D local chemical compositions in atomic scale analysis
- Isotropy of precipitate distribution in pre-stretched Al-Cu-(Sc)-(Zr) alloys
- Mechanical Analysis and Corrosion Analysis of Zinc Alloys for Bioabsorbable Implants for Osteosynthesis. Materials 2022, 15, 421
- Tensile mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiTiAl high entropy alloy via molecular dynamics simulations
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of directionally solidified Al-rich Ni3Al-based alloy under static magnetic field
- Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloys in Construction: Research, Applications and Opportunities
- Heterogeneous precipitation strengthened non-equiatomic NiCoFeAlTi medium entropy alloy with excellent mechanical properties
- Microstructural and mechanical properties of Al-Zn alloy 7075 during RRA and triple aging
- Effect of Nb Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of K4169-Type Superalloy
- Effect of Mg/Si ratio on Hardening Behavior, Microstructure and Properties of Al-Mg-Si Alloys
- Machine learning interatomic potential for high throughput screening and optimization of high-entropy alloys
- Titanium Alloys Production by Powder Metallurgy for Automotive Applications
- Additive manufacturing of gamma titanium aluminide alloys: a review
- Computational study of mechanical properties in β Cu− Al− Zn
- Investigation and performance of high niobium contain Ti-Al Alloys: Deformation behaviour and microstructural evolution
- Towards high-temperature applications of aluminium alloys enabled by additive manufacturing
- Effect of microalloyed Ca on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Zn-1Mn-4Sn (wt.%) alloy
- Compositional effects on the mechanical and thermal properties of MoNbTaTi refractory complex concentrated alloys
- Effect of Cerium and Aluminium on the phase stability and properties of polycrystalline Cu-Al-Be shape memory alloys
- Exploration of Rare-Earth Element Sc to Enhance Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Zr–8.8 Si Biomedical Alloy
- Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of the rolled high modulus Mg-Y-Zn-Al-Li alloy
- Effect of cyclic heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser aided additive manufacturing Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo alloy
- Fabrication of titanium-based alloys with bioactive surface oxide layer as biomedical implants: Opportunity and challenges
- Simulation-aided analysis on mechanical properties of dilute Mg-Zn-Ca alloy sheets
- State and effect of oxygen on high entropy alloys prepared by powder metallurgy
- High-entropy alloys: balancing strength and ductility at room temperature
- Effect of heat treatments on microstructural and mechanical characteristics of dissimilar friction stir welded 2198/2024 aluminum alloys
- Two optimized post-heat treatments to achieve high-performance 90W–7Ni–3Fe alloys fabricated by laser-directed energy deposition
- Design of high strength and electrically conductive aluminium alloys by machine learning
- Designing lightweight dual-phase refractory VNbTiSi-based eutectic high-entropy alloys for use at elevated temperatures
- Properties evaluation of A356 and A319 Aluminum alloys under different casting conditions