Research Topics Mechanical properties of alloys

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Research Area/ Research Interest: Mechanical properties of alloys

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1. Machine learning for design, phase transformation and mechanical properties of alloys
  2.  A critical review on the effects of process-induced porosity on the mechanical properties of alloys fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
  3. High-entropy alloys with heterogeneous microstructure: processing and mechanical properties
  4. … of process parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welds of AA2014 and AA6063 aluminium alloys using response surface …
  5. Critical role of subgrain orientation on the stability of mechanical properties of selective laser melting manufactured alloys
  6. Effects of Si additions on microstructures and mechanical properties of VNbTiTaSix refractory high-entropy alloys
  7. Mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of novel Al-Mg-Zn-Cu-Si lightweight high entropy alloys
  8. Effect of Zr on the as-cast microstructure and mechanical properties of lightweight Ti2VNbMoZrx refractory high-entropy alloys
  9. Microstructures and mechanical properties of NiTi shape memory alloys fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing
  10. Transformation of Laves phases and its effect on the mechanical properties of TIG welded Mg-Al-Ca-Mn alloys
  11. Robust mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of new low-cost hot-forged and aged β-type Ti–14Mn–(x) Zr alloys
  12. Mechanical properties of as-cast and wrought Mg–5Ni-xAl magnesium alloys
  13. Non-conventional hot rolling for improvement of mechanical properties in binary Mg-alloys
  14. Effect of quench-controlled precipitation hardening on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloys contain of Sc micro-alloying
  15. Microstructure and mechanical properties of micro laser welding NiTiNb/Ti6Al4V dissimilar alloys lap joints with nickel interlayer
  16. Microstructure and mechanical properties of extrusion ZC61 alloys under different dynamic compression loading directions
  17. Microstructural, corrosion and mechanical properties of additively manufactured alloys: A review
  18. Effect of high pressure die casting on the castability, defects and mechanical properties of aluminium alloys in extra-large thin-wall castings
  19. Role of compositional changes on thermal, magnetic, and mechanical properties of Fe-PC-based amorphous alloys
  20. High-temperature mechanical properties of FeCoCrNi high-entropy alloys fabricated via selective laser melting
  21. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of ZrC-added Nb–16Si–20Ti alloys
  22. Phase composition and mechanical properties of Al-Si based alloys with Yb or Gd addition
  23. Effects of cryogenic deformation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of high-strength aluminum alloys
  24. Microstructures and mechanical properties of FeCoNi (MoW) x high-entropy alloys
  25. Microstructure and mechanical properties of CxHf0. 25NbTaW0. 5 refractory high-entropy alloys at room and high temperatures
  26. On cooling rates dependence of microstructure and mechanical properties of refractory high-entropy alloys HfTaTiZr and HfNbTiZr
  27. Enhancing mechanical properties of twin-roll cast Al–Mg–Si–Fe alloys by regulating Fe-bearing phases and macro-segregation
  28. Effects of Sm addition on microstructure evolutions and mechanical properties of high-strength Mg–Gd− Sm–Zr extruded alloys
  29. Assessment of the Influence of Additives on the Mechanical Properties and Machinability of Al-11% Si Cast Alloys: Application of DOE and ANOVA Methods
  30. Directional-dependent precipitate microstructure and mechanical properties of tensile and compressive stress-assisted aged Mg-Zn alloys
  31. Optimize the Mechanical Properties of Al0. 6CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloys by Thermo-Mechanical Processing
  32. Simulation on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Mg− Y alloys: Effect of trace Y
  33. Effect of Al addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg− Gd− Zn alloys
  34. Microstructure and mechanical properties of WMoTaNbTi refractory high-entropy alloys fabricated by selective electron beam melting
  35. Microstructure and mechanical properties of multi-phase reinforced Hf-Mo-Nb-Ti-Zr refractory high-entropy alloys
  36. Bulk nanocrystalline W-Ti alloys with exceptional mechanical properties and thermal stability
  37. Effects of aging treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Si-Zr alloys
  38. Effects of V content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb31Ti37-xZr26Al6Vx refractory medium-entropy alloys
  39. Microstructures and mechanical properties of Cu–Ti alloys with ultrahigh strength and high ductility by thermo-mechanical treatment
  40. Microstructure and mechanical properties of medium-entropy alloys with a high-density η-D024 phase
  41. Effect mechanism of oxide doping on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mo–Y2O3 alloys
  42. Microstructure and mechanical properties of modified Mg–8Al–2Sn alloys using Zn addition combined with artificial aging treatment
  43. Microstructure and mechanical properties of novel tungsten heavy alloys prepared using FeNiCoCrCu HEA as binder
  44. Investigations of mechanical properties and deformation behaviors of the Cr modified Ti–Au shape memory alloys
  45. Effects of yttrium addition on microstructures and mechanical properties of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy
  46. Optimum atomic concentration in structurally disordered nanoporous Pt–Co alloys with the strongest mechanical properties
  47. Microstructure and mechanical properties of lightweight AlCrTiV0. 5Cux high-entropy alloys
  48. Microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and anti-bacterial behavior of novel Co-free high entropy alloys
  49. Controlling the mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of biomedical TiZrNb alloys by combining recrystallization and spinodal decomposition
  50. Revealing the influence of Fe on Fe-rich phases formation and mechanical properties of cast Al-Mg-Mn-Fe alloys
  51. A review on mechanical properties and microstructure of ultrafine grained metals and alloys processed by rotary swaging
  52. Influence of Er content on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Al-2Fe alloy
  53. Formation and kinds of boride on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in Ti47. 5Al2. 0Cr2. 0NbxB alloys
  54. A microcompression study on the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of Be–Al and Be–AlSi10Mg alloys fabricated by laser solid forming
  55. A Comparative Study on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al-10Si-0.5 Mg Alloys Prepared under Different Conditions
  56. Investigation of mechanical properties and microstructural evolution in Cu─ Al alloys with gradient structure
  57. Effect of Zn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast BCC Mg-11Li based alloys
  58. Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Behaviors of Al–Li–Cu–Mg–Ag–Zn Alloys
  59. Improving mechanical properties of Al–Si–Cu–Mg alloys by microallying Sc using thermodynamic calculations
  60. Quantitative analysis of mechanical properties associated with aging treatment and microstructure in Mg-Al-Zn alloys through machine learning
  61. Multiscale Modelling and Characterization of Mechanical Properties in Heat-Resistant Alloys
  62. Effect of increasing Ti content on the phase, interface, dynamic mechanical properties and ballistic performance of W–Ti–Zr alloys
  63. Effect of Al content on the mechanical properties and toughening mechanism of Zr-Co-Al alloys prepared by rapid solidification
  64. Synergetic effect of Si addition on mechanical properties in face-centered-cubic high entropy alloys: a first-principles study
  65. Tuning Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloys by Electro-pulsing Method
  66. Quantifying the effects of Sc and Ag on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Cu alloys
  67. Sintering behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties of NbC-Ni alloys with different carbon contents
  68. Interdiffusion behaviors and mechanical properties of Zr-X (XNb, Ta, Hf) binary systems
  69. Solid solubility extension and nano-mechanical properties of rapidly solidified Fe-Zr eutectic alloys under free fall condition
  70. Investigation of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of fine-grained aluminum alloys Al-Zn with reduced zinc content
  71. Effects of Li content on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg− xLi− 3Al− 2Zn− 0.5 Y alloys
  72. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Novel Lightweight TaNbVTi-Based Refractory High Entropy Alloys
  73. Effect of molybdenum addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of 90% tungsten heavy alloys
  74. Effect of sintering temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of ZK60 magnesium alloys
  75. Microstructural evolution, precipitation and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained and coarse-grained 2024 aluminum alloys fabricated by powder metallurgy
  76. Effect of Nb Content and water quenching on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Nb alloys fabricated by spark plasma sintering
  77. Effect of heat treatment on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Mg-11Gd-2Zn-0.4 Zr alloy
  78. Mechanical properties of stationary shoulder friction stir welded Aluminum alloys AA7075-T651
  79. Optimization of magnetization and mechanical properties of Fe-Ni-based alloys by Response Surface Methodology
  80. Synthesis of Ti-Al-xNb Ternary Alloys via Laser-Engineered Net Shaping for Biomedical Application: Densification, Electrochemical and Mechanical Properties …
  81. Enhancing high temperature mechanical properties via modulating B2 phase with Al contents in FeCrNiAlx (x= 0.63, 0.71, 0.77) high entropy alloys
  82. Development of biomedical Ti-Nb-Zr-Mn alloys with enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance
  83. Sn Content Effects on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behavior of Biomedical Ti-Nb-Sn Alloys Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy
  84. Effects of Different Rare Earth Elements on the Degradation and Mechanical Properties of the ECAP Extruded Mg Alloys
  85. Mechanical properties of Bʹ precipitates and fracture behavior of Bʹ/Al interface in Al-Mg-Si alloys: A first-principle calculation study
  86. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Cu-3Ag-xZr alloys processed by equal channel angular pressing
  87. Advanced mechanical properties obtained via accurately tailoring stacking fault energy in Co-rich and Ni-depleted CoxCr33Ni67-x medium-entropy alloys
  88. Enhancement of the magneto-mechanical properties in directional solidified Fe80Al20 alloys by doping Tb
  89. Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of A356/Ni Alloys Produced by the Mechanochemical Method
  90. Microstructure refinement and improvement of mechanical properties of Ti46Al8Nb0. 9B alloys by electromagnetic cold crucible continuous solidification
  91. The effects of Ti content and quenching on phase transformations, microstructures, and mechanical properties in uranium-titanium alloys
  92. … of Gd content on the microstructure, mechanical properties, corrosion behavior and corrosion film deposition mechanisms of as-extruded Mg–Zn–Mn–Sr–Gd alloys for …
  93. Study of mechanical properties of indium-based solder alloys for cryogenic applications
  94. Microstructures, mechanical properties and in vitro corrosion behavior of biodegradable Zn alloys microalloyed with Al, Mn, Cu, Ag and Li elements
  95. Influence of Al2Y particles on mechanical properties of Mg-11Y-1Al alloy with different grain sizes
  96. … TaTiNbZrX (X= Mo, W) high entropy alloys by combined use of high energy ball milling and spark plasma sintering: Structural characterization, mechanical properties …
  97.  Nanostructuring of Nb-Si-Cr Alloys by Electron Beam Melting to Improve the Mechanical Properties and the Oxidation Behavior
  98. Image Deep Learning Assisted Prediction of Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior for Al-Zn-Mg Alloys
  99. Effect of Al content on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast AlxFeMnNiCrCu0. 5 high-entropy alloys
  100.  Mechancial properties of amorphous alloys: In the framework of the microstructure heterogeneity
  101. Seynergistic effect of Mo and Zr additions on microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb‐Ti‐Si‐based alloys additively manufactured by laser directed energy …
  102. Effect of Mo on the microstructure and mechanical properties of (Hf0. 73Ta0. 27) 100-XMoX (X= 0, 5, 16, 21 and 30 at.%) alloys
  103. Effects of rolling reduction on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of W-0.5 wt% ZrC alloys
  104. Optimizing the mechanical properties of Al-4.5 Cu-xSi alloys through multi-pass friction stir processing and post-process aging
  105.  Understanding the effect of Ni content on microstructure and mechanical properties of A384 HPDC alloy
  106. Effects of Fe addition on the microstructures and mechanical properties of as-extruded Zn-0.2 Mg alloys
  107. … on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Ti20Ta20Nb20 (ZrHf) 20− xMox (Where: x= 0, 5, 10, 15, 20) High Entropy Alloys
  108. Improvement of mechanical properties of magnetostrictive Tb-Dy-Fe alloys via preparing sintered material with low-melting Dy-Cu alloy binder
  109. Effect of holding time on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-40 wt.% Si alloys fabricated by combination of gas atomization and spark plasma sintering
  110.  Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V alloys fabricated by additive friction stir deposition
  111. Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Aging and Cryogenic Treatments on the Mechanical Properties of Superelastic Nickel-Titanium Shape-Memory Alloys
  112.  Microstructure characterization and evaluation of mechanical properties in 2A97 aluminum-lithium alloys welded by stationary shoulder friction stir welding
  113. Effect of oxygen addition and annealing time on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti–34Nb alloy
  114. Phase selection and mechanical properties of directionally solidified AlCoCrFeNi2. 1 eutectic high-entropy alloy
  115. Newly synthesized NiCoFeCrW High-Entropy Alloys (HEAs): Multiple impacts of B4C additive on structural, mechanical, and nuclear shielding properties
  116. Characterization of NbSi2: Correlation between Crystal Structure and Mechanical Properties
  117. A critical review on the microstructure and mechanical properties correlation of additively manufactured nickel-based superalloys
  118. On the table-like magnetocaloric effect, microstructure and mechanical properties of LaxFe11. 6 Si1. 4 system
  119. Achieving dual-phase structure and improved mechanical properties in AlCoCrFeTi0. 5 high-entropy alloys by addition of Ni
  120. Development of Ti-Al-Ta-Nb-(Re) near-α high temperature titanium alloy: Microstructure, thermal stability and mechanical properties
  121. A novel Co-free Al0. 75CrFeNi eutectic high entropy alloy with superior mechanical properties
  122. Experimental studies and regression analysis on mechanical properties of MMCs based zinc-aluminium alloys with graphite particles reinforcement
  123. In situ Passive Infrared Thermography Application for the Assessment of Localized Mechanical Properties of Tungsten Inert Gas-Welded Inconel 625 Alloys
  124. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of NbHfTiVCx novel refractory high entropy alloys with variable carbon content
  125. Superior mechanical properties of a selective-laser-melted AlZnMgCuScZr alloy enabled by a tunable hierarchical microstructure and dual-nanoprecipitation
  126. Degradation of tensile mechanical properties of two AlxCoCrFeNi (x= 0.3 and 0.4) high-entropy alloys exposed to liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 350 and 500° C
  127. Surface Modification of 6xxx Series Aluminum Alloys
  128.  … induced phase transitions and mechanical properties for multicomponent Zr50M50, Zr50 (M, Ag) 50 and Zr50 (M, Pd) 50 (M= Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) amorphous alloys
  129. First principles study on electronic properties and mechanical stability of HfRhZ (Z= As and Sb) half Heusler alloys
  130. Effect of Ball-Milling Time on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Heterogeneity-Improved Heterostructured 2024al Alloys Fabricated Through Powder …
  131.  Deformation temperature impact on microstructure and mechanical properties uniformity of GWZ932K alloy under reciprocating upsetting-extrusion
  132. First-principles study of the effect of aluminum content on the elastic properties of Cu-Al alloys
  133. Microstructure control and mechanical properties of directionally solidified large size TiAl alloy by electromagnetic confinement
  134. Endless recrystallization of high-entropy alloys at high temperature
  135. Hydrogen embrittlement and failure mechanisms of multi-principal element alloys: A review
  136. Improvement of mechanical properties of in situ Mg-Si composites via Cu addition and hot working
  137. Atomistic simulations of the local slip resistances in four refractory multi-principal element alloys
  138. Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of a Solid-State Additive Manufactured Magnesium Alloy
  139. Effect of High-Temperature Pulsed Deuterium Plasma on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Surface of Cu–Ga and Cu–Ga–Ni Alloys
  140. Effect of Thermomechanical Treatment of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu with Minor Amount of Sc and Zr on the Mechanical Properties
  141. Microstructure and Superplastic Behavior of Ni-Modified Ti-Al-Mo-V Alloys
  142. First-principles prediction of structure and mechanical properties of TM5SiC2 ternary silicides
  143. Mechanical Analysis and Corrosion Analysis of Zinc Alloys for Bioabsorbable Implants for Osteosynthesis
  144. Microstructure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Mg-0.5 Ca-xZr Alloys
  145. Effect of FSW process parameters on mechanical properties and microstructure of dissimilar welded joints of AA2024 and AA6082
  146. Breakdown Trade-Off Relation of Mechanical Properties via Micro-alloying in Mg–Mn Alloys
  147. Evolution of Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress of a Cold Rolled Invar Sheet Due to Heat Treatment
  148. Effect of extrusion plus rolling on damping capacity and mechanical properties of Mg–Y–Er–Zn-Zr alloy
  149. Preface to the special issue on aluminum alloys for transportation
  150. Recent Progress in Our Understanding of Phase Stability, Atomic Structures and Mechanical and Functional Properties of High-Entropy Alloys
  151. Effect of Nd on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot Extruded Mg-2.0 Sm-0.4 Zn-0.4 Zr Alloy
  152. Influences of Directions and Magnitudes of Static Electrical Field on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties for Al–Si Eutectic Alloy
  153. Scale-Dependent Structure–Property Correlations of Precipitation-Hardened Aluminum Alloys: A Review
  154.  Improvement of the resistance spot welding of Al-Mg-Si alloys by using cladding technology: An optical and mechanical characterization study
  155. Microstructural characteristics, deformation behavior and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 treated by Te infiltration
  156.  Perspectives on Additive Manufacturing Enabled Beta-Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications
  157.  … on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Ti20Ta20Nb20 (ZrHf) 20− xMox (Where: x= 0, 5, 10, 15, 20) High Entropy Alloys …
  158. First experimental evidence of oxygen ordering in dilute titanium–oxygen alloys
  159. Optimization of process parameters of friction stir welded joints of dissimilar aluminum alloys AA3003 and AA6061 by RSM
  160. Deformation induced nanoscale twinning improves strength and ductility in additively manufactured titanium alloys
  161. Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Behavior of Hot‐Rolled Ti‐25Zr‐xY Alloys
  162. Effect of the aging process and pre-deformation on the precipitated phase and mechanical properties of 2195 Al–Li alloy
  163. Enhanced electrical, mechanical and tribological properties of Cu-Cr-Zr alloys by continuous extrusion forming and subsequent aging treatment
  164. First-principles study on the structures and elastic properties of W-Ta-V ternary alloys
  165. The Effect of Co-Encapsulated GO-Cu Nanofillers on Mechanical Properties, Cell Response, and Antibacterial Activities of Mg-Zn Composite
  166. The studies on the tribological performance, characterization and mechanical properties of W-2Ni-1Fe (wt%) alloy
  167. Plastic deformation and heat treatment of Mg-Li alloys: a review
  168. Welding of titanium base alloys by tungsten-gas pulse arc process (PCGTAW) and investigation of frequency effect on microstructure and mechanical properties
  169. Influence of Zn and/or Ag additions on microstructure and properties of Al-Mg based alloys
  170. On the low-cycle fatigue behavior of thermo-mechanically processed high-strength aluminum alloys
  171. Machinability of additively manufactured titanium alloys: A comprehensive review
  172. Correction to: Effects of I-and W-Phases Under Identical Conditions on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-Cast Mg–Zn–Y Alloys at Room and Elevated …
  173. Strengthening mechanism and effect of Al2O3 particle on high-temperature tensile properties and microstructure evolution of W–Al2O3 alloys
  174. Microstructural development and mechanical properties of drop tube atomized Al-2.85 wt% Fe
  175.  Effects of Sn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg–Bi binary alloy
  176. Development of Ti–Zr alloys by powder metallurgy for biomedical applications
  177.  Laser additive manufacturing of biodegradable Mg-based alloys for biomedical applications: A review
  178.  Metalloid substitution elevates simultaneously the strength and ductility of face-centered-cubic high-entropy alloys
  179. Bayesian inverse design of high-strength aluminum alloys at high temperatures
  180. Effect of fabrication parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of wire arc additive manufactured AZ61 alloy
  181. Influence of minor La addition on the solidification, aging behaviors and the tensile properties of Al-Mg-Si alloys
  182. Mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of high-pressure torsion-processed Al7075 alloy at elevated temperatures
  183. Grain Refinement of As-Cast Mg-RE Alloys: Research Progress and Future Prospect
  184. Laser deposition of high-entropy alloys: A comprehensive review
  185. Designing structures with combined gradients of grain size and precipitation in high entropy alloys for simultaneous improvement of strength and ductility
  186. Optimising the Al and Ti compositional window for the design of γ'(L12)-strengthened Al–Co–Cr–Fe–Ni–Ti high entropy alloys
  187. Experimental studies on mechanical properties of laser powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V alloy under post-heat treatment
  188. Designing TiVNbTaSi refractory high-entropy alloys with ambient tensile ductility
  189. Enhancing mechanical properties of the boron doped Al0. 2Co1. 5CrFeNi1. 5Ti0. 5 high entropy alloy via tuning composition and microstructure
  190. Combining gradient structure and supersaturated solid solution to achieve superior mechanical properties in WE43 magnesium alloy
  191. Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of AA7075 Al Alloys Produced via Mechanical Alloying Process
  192. On calculations of basic structural parameters in multi-principal element alloys using small atomistic models
  193. Excellent tensile properties induced by heterogeneous grain structure and dual nanoprecipitates in high entropy alloys
  194. Influence of Cr/Mo ratio on microstructure and mechanical properties of the Ni-based superalloys fabricated by laser additive manufacturing
  195. Surface modification and antibacterial properties of superelastic Ti-Zr-based alloys for medical application
  196.  Preparation of medical Mg–Zn alloys and the effect of different zinc contents on the alloy
  197. Decreasing Zr content to improve tensile properties of non-equiatomic TiZrHfNb medium entropy alloys with transformation-induced plasticity
  198. Weldability Study of AlMg5ScZr Alloys Versus Common 5083 Alloy
  199. Mechanical properties and deformation behaviours of submicron-sized Cu–Al single crystals
  200. Mechanical property enhancement of NbTiZr refractory medium-entropy alloys due to Si-induced crystalline-to-amorphous transitions
  201. Effect of ultrasonic peening treatment on microstructure and properties of CMT additive-manufactured Ti6Al4V/Al6. 21Cu dissimilar alloys with Nb interlayer
  202. Effects of cooling regimes on the microstructural and mechanical properties of the transient liquid phase joints of UNS S32750 super duplex stainless steel/BNi-2/AISI …
  203. Effects of cryogenic treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy rolled at different paths
  204. Microstructure and properties of CoCrNiFeMnAl0. 5 high-entropy alloys prepared by gas atomization combined with oscillatory pressure sintering
  206. The effect of the heat generated during friction stir welding process on different aluminum alloys
  207. Microstructure and electrochemical behavior of contemporary Ti6Al4V implant alloys
  208. Phase transformations and mechanical properties of a Ti36Nb5Zr alloy subjected to thermomechanical treatments
  209. Achieving high strength and low elastic modulus in interstitial biomedical Ti–Nb–Zr–O alloys through compositional optimization
  210. Application of atom probe tomography in understanding high entropy alloys: 3D local chemical compositions in atomic scale analysis
  211. Isotropy of precipitate distribution in pre-stretched Al-Cu-(Sc)-(Zr) alloys
  212.  Mechanical Analysis and Corrosion Analysis of Zinc Alloys for Bioabsorbable Implants for Osteosynthesis. Materials 2022, 15, 421
  213. Tensile mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiTiAl high entropy alloy via molecular dynamics simulations
  214. Microstructure and mechanical properties of directionally solidified Al-rich Ni3Al-based alloy under static magnetic field
  215. Iron-Based Shape Memory Alloys in Construction: Research, Applications and Opportunities
  216. Heterogeneous precipitation strengthened non-equiatomic NiCoFeAlTi medium entropy alloy with excellent mechanical properties
  217.  Microstructural and mechanical properties of Al-Zn alloy 7075 during RRA and triple aging
  218. Effect of Nb Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of K4169-Type Superalloy
  219. Effect of Mg/Si ratio on Hardening Behavior, Microstructure and Properties of Al-Mg-Si Alloys
  220. Machine learning interatomic potential for high throughput screening and optimization of high-entropy alloys
  221. Titanium Alloys Production by Powder Metallurgy for Automotive Applications
  222. Additive manufacturing of gamma titanium aluminide alloys: a review
  223. Computational study of mechanical properties in β Cu− Al− Zn
  224. Investigation and performance of high niobium contain Ti-Al Alloys: Deformation behaviour and microstructural evolution
  225. Towards high-temperature applications of aluminium alloys enabled by additive manufacturing
  226.  Effect of microalloyed Ca on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Zn-1Mn-4Sn (wt.%) alloy
  227.  Compositional effects on the mechanical and thermal properties of MoNbTaTi refractory complex concentrated alloys
  228. Effect of Cerium and Aluminium on the phase stability and properties of polycrystalline Cu-Al-Be shape memory alloys
  229. Exploration of Rare-Earth Element Sc to Enhance Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Zr–8.8 Si Biomedical Alloy
  230. Microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of the rolled high modulus Mg-Y-Zn-Al-Li alloy
  231.  Effect of cyclic heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser aided additive manufacturing Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo alloy
  232.  Fabrication of titanium-based alloys with bioactive surface oxide layer as biomedical implants: Opportunity and challenges
  233. Simulation-aided analysis on mechanical properties of dilute Mg-Zn-Ca alloy sheets
  234. State and effect of oxygen on high entropy alloys prepared by powder metallurgy
  235. High-entropy alloys: balancing strength and ductility at room temperature
  236. Effect of heat treatments on microstructural and mechanical characteristics of dissimilar friction stir welded 2198/2024 aluminum alloys
  237. Two optimized post-heat treatments to achieve high-performance 90W–7Ni–3Fe alloys fabricated by laser-directed energy deposition
  238. Design of high strength and electrically conductive aluminium alloys by machine learning
  239. Designing lightweight dual-phase refractory VNbTiSi-based eutectic high-entropy alloys for use at elevated temperatures
  240. Properties evaluation of A356 and A319 Aluminum alloys under different casting conditions