Program to Convert even number into its upper nearest odd number Switch Statement

Program to update even number into its upper nearest odd number and similarly convert the odd number into its lower even number using switch statement
Hint1: 4 is even and its nearest upper number is 5
Hint2: 9 is odd and its nearest lower number is 8and similarly convert the odd number into its lower even number using a switch statement
Hint1: 4 is even and its nearest upper number is 5
Hint2: 9 is odd and its nearest lower number is 8

Flowchart of the Program to Convert an even number into an odd number

Flowchart of the Program to Convert an even number into an odd number

C++ Source Code of switch statement program to Convert odd number into its upper nearest even number


Enter a number to be roundoff, to nearest odd or even


Rounded off to nearest upper odd


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