Political Science of Pakistan Past Papers

Paper# 1

Subject: Political Science-II

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Q#1. Briefly mention the amendments made into the Constitution of China?

Q#2. Explain the historical development of the Constitution of Turkey?

Q#3. Explain the concept of Separation of powers mentioned in the constitution of Turkey?

Q#4. What are the major features of the Constitution of Switzerland?

Q#5. How Swiss constitution was developed, discuss some important mile stones in its development?

Q#6. Explain the role of Cantons in the the Swiss political system?

Q#7. Define the concept of direct democracy in the Swiss political system?

Q#8. Explain Chinese structure of state and the role of Political Parties according to Chinese Constitution?

Q#9. What are the temporary provision in the Malaysian Constitution?

Q#10. Write short notes on any two of the following:

  1. i. Citizenship in Malaysian constitution
  2. ii. Turkish Grand National Assembly

iii. Malaysian Conference of Rulers

  1. iv. Concept of socialism in Chinese constitution.

Paper# 2

Subject: Political Science-II

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Q#1. Explain the general principles of the Constitution of China?

Q#2. Explain the historical evolution of the Constitution of Turkey?

Q#3. Explain foreign relations of Turkey with due reference to Pakistan?

Q#4. Discuss the temporary provision in the Malaysian Constitution?

Q#5. Explain the mode of elections according to the Turkish Constitution?

Q#6. What ts the historical development of the constitution of Switzerland?

Q#7. Explain the fundamental rights and duties in the Chinese Constitution?

Q#8. Explain the concept of citizenship according to Malaysian Constitution?

Q#9. Define the concept of direct democracy and its importance in the Swiss Constitution?

Q#10. Write short notes on any two of the following:

  1. i. Principles of Foreign relations of Turkey
  2. ii. Legislative powers in Swiss Constitution

iii. Executive powers in Malaysian Constitution

  1. iv. Public services in Malaysian constitution


Paper# 3

Subject: Political Science-II

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Q#1. Elaborate the powers and functions of the Malaysian executive given by Malaysian Constitution?

Q#2. Write a detailed note on the electoral process in Turkey?

Q#3. What are fundamental rights granted to citizens in Turkish constitution?

Q#4. Write in detail the legislative process in the Swiss federal legislature?

Q#5. What is Malaysian Conference of Rulers? How does it help in state functions?

Q#6. How does the Chinese constitution promote national unity and Communist ideology?

Q#7. What is the nature of relationship between cantons and federal government under Swiss Constitution?

Q#8. Discuss the salient features including major amendments in the Chinese Constitution?

Q#9. How does history of Turkey play a role in its constitutional development?

Q#10. What are the powers of public service in Malaysian constitution?

Paper# 4

Subject: Political Science-II

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Q#1. Elaborate fundamental rights mentioned in the constitution of Switzerland?

Q#2. What is the structure of judiciary in the constitution of Turkey?

Q#3. Discuss in detail the presidential powers in the constitution of Switzerland? :

Q#4. Discuss the procedure of amendment in the Chinese Constitution?

Q#5. Discuss the process of legislation in the Turkish constitution?

Q#6. Explain the Islamic Injunctions in Malaysian Constitution?

Q#7. What are the features of Switzerland’s Direct Democracy?

Q#8.How federating units and the state work under the Malaysian Constitution?

Q#9.How does the Chinese Constitution promote national unity and Communist ideology?

Q#10.Write a comprehensive note about the Judicial system in Malaysia?

Paper# 5

Subject: Political Science-I

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

NOTE: Attempt any FIVE Questions. All questions carry equal marks.


Q#1. Write a detailed note on political science and explain its relationship with other social sciences

Q#2. Discuss in detail the theories of statecraft and draw a comparative table for elitism and pluralism

Q#3. Write a detailed note on importance of states

Q#4. What is sovereignty? What are important features of necessity of state?

Q#5. Write a detailed note on origins of state and its related theories

Q#6. Write a detailed note on Socrates

Q#7. What is public opinion? Discuss in detail

Q#8. Write a detailed note on democracy and democratic style of government.

Q#9. Write a detailed note on philosophy of political science

Q#10. Write the difference between political science and philosophy


Subject: Political Science

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Max Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I  Answer the following Questions, cutting and overwriting are not allowed. (10)

1. Who is head of state in Presidential form of government
a) President b) Prime Minister c) None of these
2. Unitary form of government focuses on powers.
a) Divided b) Focused c) None of these
3. Pakistan under 1973 constitution believes in:
a) Strong center b) Provincial autonomy c) Balanced between the two
4. System approach is the brain child of
a) Almond and Verba b) Laswell c) Easton
5. Politics describes
a) Human behavior b) Struggle for power c) Science of Society
6. Main function of legislature is
a) Enact law b) Implement law c) Execute law
7. Relation of Political Science with Psychology is
a) Minor b) Deep c) None of these
8. Idea of ‘General Will’ was given by
a) Hobbes b) Rousseau c) John Locke
9. Theory of the Separation of Powers was presented by
a) Plato b) Montesquieu c) Locke
10. In which form of government the supreme powers are distributed by the Constitution
a) Unitary b) Presidential c) Federal



Subject: Political Science

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Max Marks: 50



Part-II  Give Short Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: Write down two definitions of “Elections”.

Q#2: What do you understand by Politics?

Q#3: Write down two definitions of “Politics”

Q#4: What is meant by “Judicial Review”?


Part-III  Give Long Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#3: What is Political System? Explain its features in detail.

Q#4: Highlight the difference between rigid and flexible constitution.

Q#5: What is Sovereignty? Explain its kinds in detail.


Subject: Political Science-II

Time Allowed: 15 Minutes

Max Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I  Answer the following Questions, cutting and overwriting are not allowed. (10)


1. The extreme form of nationalism with elements of racism, socialism and militarism is known as
a) Fascism b) Maoism c) Communism
2. An ordinary law passed by the legislature, not the part of the Constitution is called
a) Basic Law b) Statute c) Constitutional Law
3. The citizens reactions to current, specific issues and events is known as
a) Political Culture b) Public Opinion c) Social mobility
4. The ability of one person’s to get another to do something is called
a) Political power b) Legitimacy c) Socialization
5. An association that pressures for government for policies it favors
a) Interest Group b) Political Party c) NGO
6. The adoption of System Theory in Political Science was introduced in 1953 by
a) David Easton b) Gabriel Almond c) Bingham Powell
7. According to Aristotle, rule by many in interests of all is categorized as
a) Aristocracy b) Polity c) Democracy
8. Working with the world as it is and not as we wish it to be; usually focused on power is known as
a) Realism b) Idealism c) Marxism
9. Who claimed that certain functions exist in all political system?
a) David Easton b) Gabriel Almond c) Max Weber
10. The party that attempts to gain committed adherents; usually has formal membership called
a) Devotee party b) Cadre Party c) Mass party

Subject: Political Science-II

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Max Marks: 50



Part-II  Give Short Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: Differentiate between Classical Liberalism and Modem Liberalism.

Q#2: What is meant by ‘Gerrymandering’?

Q#3: How close are modem liberalism and social democracy?

Q#4: What is regional nationalism?

Q#5: In what ways, an interest group is different from a political party?

Q#6: What is meant by Proportional Representation?

Q#7: Describe Laissez-faire.

Q#8: Explain Representative Democracy.

Q#9: What is the difference between associational and non-associational Interests groups?

Q#10: What are the main elements of Fascism?


Part-III  Give Long Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)

Q#3: Explain that how Socialism spilt into a number of varieties. Also elaborate that how Socialism is relevant to the Social Democracy?

Q#4: Explain the functions of political parties as inputting devices in a political system.

Q#5: Write a brief note on ‘Structural-Functionalism’ approach of Political System.